Make sentence of “veto”

How to use in-sentence of “veto”:

– The women held real power, particularly the power to veto treaties or declarations of war.

– If one house votes to pass a bill, the bill then gets sent to the other house; if both houses vote for it, it is then sent to the president, who may sign the bill into law or veto it.

– The “Crystal” Power of Veto was introduced in the final veto competition of “Big Brother 4”.

– However, when the Legislative branch passes a law, the President can decide whether or not to veto the law.

– Some other countries also have nuclear weapons now, and can also start a nuclear war just as well, but they are not permanent members with veto power.

– The governor has a duty to enforce state laws, the power to either approve or veto bills passed by the Montana State Legislature, Montana Constitution, Article VI, Section 10.

– President Bill Clinton was given the line-item veto by the United States Congress for a few years until the Supreme Court of the United StatesSupreme Court said that it was unconstitutional.

– The governor also can approve or veto bills passed by the Connecticut General Assembly.

Make sentence of veto
Make sentence of veto

Example sentences of “veto”:

– The President cannot veto it again.

– The right of the Tribune of the plebs to veto his actions was extremely limited.

– They voted against many of Clinton’s ideas and proposed ideas of their own such as a line item veto and a balanced budget amendment.

– The result was a shattering defeat for the PQ, especially after the Quebec government’s loss in its Quebec Veto Reference case.

– Each consul was given veto power over his colleague and the officials would alternate each month.

– The veto was invented in ancient times for the Roman tribunes so they could protect the people from bad laws made by the Roman Senate.

– He was accused of threatening a Democratic District Attorney who had been convicted of drunk driving to resign by threatening to veto funding for state public corruption prosecutors.

– The governor can also veto laws passed by the Tennessee General Assembly.

– Once the tribune was no longer present, the action could be completed as if the veto had not occurred.

- The President cannot veto it again.

- The right of the Tribune of the plebs to veto his actions was extremely limited.

– Although a tribune could veto any action of the magistrates, Senate, or other assemblies, he had to be physically present in order to do so.

– The Jury members are not allowed to watch the show except for small parts such as the nominations and the Power of Veto ceremonies.

– Congress may override a president’s veto of a bill by having more than two thirds of its members passing the bill.

– The Golden Power of Veto is now the standard veto since season four.

– Similarly, the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council each has veto power.

– An attempt to override the veto in the Legislature failed by two votes.

– The mayor, executive branch, can veto laws.

More in-sentence examples of “veto”:

– However, Congress can override the veto and make the bill into a law anyway.

– Truman’s veto on June 23, 1947.

– For example, the President of the United States has veto power over the USA’s Congress.

– The president may veto a bill that the Congress has passed, so it does not become a law.

– Bush said that he would veto the legislation if it had reached his desk.

– Some constitutional monarchies give the power to veto laws to the monarch, but in most countries where this is the case it is a power that is very rarely used.

– The Report was the last important explication of the Constitution produced before the 1817 Bonus Bill Veto Message.

– A veto may be overridden by the Legislature if there is a two-thirds majority in favor of overriding in each House.

– He used the presidential veto power over 500 times, far more than most other presidents, to reject bills he disagreed with.

– This gave him the power to veto any new law in Australia.

– Their powers are somewhat limited, though they are able to veto legislation.

– Ohio Constitution article III, § 10 The governor has a duty to enforce state laws; the power to either approve or veto bill bills passed by the Ohio Legislature; Ohio Constitution article II, § 16 the power to convene the legislature; Ohio Constitution article III, § 8 and the power to grant pardons, except in cases of treason and impeachment.

– Ordinances must generally be approved by a local assembly and promulgationpromulgated by the mayor or governor of the local government in question, who may demand a second vote but may not veto the ordinance.

– Josip Broz TitoBroz allowed use of the Croatian language in Croatia and confederalized Yugoslav Constitution in 1974, giving a veto rights to the Yugoslav republics when eventually attempting to change the Constitution.

– It was subservient to England partially because of a law passed by the Irish Parliament during Henry VII’s reign called Poynings’s law which was sponsored by Sir Edward Poynings the Lord Deputy and gave the English Parliament power to veto Irish legislation.

– The governor general, acting on behalf of the monarch, has the right to veto a law but this right has not been used for some time.

– Many Virginia legislators saw the king’s veto as a breach of their legislative authority.

– The council can remove his veto with at least six members voting against the veto.

– The president may also veto legislation or send legislation to the Constitutional Court for review.

– Second, the procedure violated the terms of Section Seven, which state, “if he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it.” Thus, the President may sign the bill, veto it, or do nothing, but he may not amend the bill and then sign it.

– The governor has the power to either approve or veto bills passed by the Colorado General Assembly and to grant pardons, except in cases of treason or impeachment.

– The President may sign the bill, ignore it, or veto it.

– They were also all given equal veto power over decisions in the Security Council.

– The winner of the Power of Veto can remove one of the nominees from the block.

– If the president does not agree, then he or she can veto the bill and send it back to Congress.

– People who like the line-item veto say that it is good because it allows the President to remove unimportant waste from important legislation.

– But at a secret session of the Dáil during the Treaty Debates and publicised in January 1922, his ideas for a treaty included dominion status, the ‘Treaty Ports’, ports in Ireland that the Royal Navy had a right to use a veto by the parliament in Belfast, and the king as head of the Commonwealth.

– The Legislature has the power to enact laws by a majority vote of both houses, subject to the Governor of New Jersey’s ability to veto a bill.

– The ROC was a founding member of the UN and enjoyed membership from 1945 to 1971, with veto power in the UN Security Council.

– The Soviet veto stopped Reuter from becoming mayor in June 1947.

– With regards to Trudeau’s plans to unilaterally patriate and change the constitution, the newly re-elected Lévesque, who had initially argued for the incorporation of a Quebec veto into the new constitution, agreed with eight other premiers to a proposal that would not allow Quebec a veto, but would permit “opting out” of certain federal endeavours with compensation.

– City of New York”, the Supreme Court found the Line Item Veto Act unconstitutional because it violated the Presentment clause.

– The New Jersey Constitution of 1844 provided for a direct popular election of the governor, and gave him the power to veto bills passed by the Legislature.

– For example, it would be too dangerous to completely veto big pieces of legislation, but with the line-item veto, the President could choose to keep what he or she thinks are the good parts of the bill and reject the bad parts of the bill.

– The mayor has the duty to enforce district laws, and the power to either approve or veto bills passed by the Council of the District of Columbia, in the United States.

– In the “Pocket Veto Case the Supreme Court held that “the determinative question in reference to an ‘adjournment’ is not whether it is a final adjournment of Congress or an interim adjournment, such as an adjournment of the first session, but whether it is one that ‘prevents’ the President from returning the bill to the House in which it originated within the time allowed.” Since neither House of Congress was in session, the President could not return the bill to one of them, thereby permitting the use of the pocket veto.

– As Germany now had a veto on League resolutions, she could gain concessions from other countries on modifications on the Polish border or Anschluss with Austria, as other countries needed her vote.

– The President can also veto bills.

– When President Ronald Reagan vetoed Dellums’ Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986, a 99th United States CongressDemocratic-controlled House and a Republican-controlled Senate overrode Reagan’s veto, the first override of a presidential foreign policy veto in the 20th century.

– Also, like the House, the Senate can override the president’s veto with a ⅔ vote.

– The Power of Veto winner can choose to veto one of the Head of Household’s nominations.

– What exactly constitutes an adjournment for the purposes of the pocket veto has been unclear.

– Johnson set state and national records for his use of veto and line-item veto powers, estimated to have been more than the other 49 contemporary governors combined, which gained him the nicknames “Veto Johnson” and “Governor Veto“.

– People who do not like the line-item veto say that it is bad because it gives the President too much power over Congress and believe that it goes against the checks and balances created by the U.S.

– The governor has the power to either approve or veto bills passed by the Idaho Legislature.

– The winner of the Power of Veto has the ability to change the nominations.

– The President could veto the disapproval, but the Congress, by a two-thirds vote in each House, could override the veto.

- However, Congress can override the veto and make the bill into a law anyway.

- Truman's veto on June 23, 1947.
- For example, the President of the United States has veto power over the USA's Congress.

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