Make sentence of “stereotype”

How to use in-sentence of “stereotype”:

– A simple way to stop these negative consequences is to tell people about stereotype threat.

– The Watermelon stereotype is the stereotypesteretypical view that black people can be made happy easily; they only need a watermelon and a little rest for their happiness.

– Automaticity of social behavior: direct effects of trait construct and stereotype activation on action.

– The character of Beckmesser is also a caricature of a stereotype Jew.

Stereotype lift can increase a person’s performance on a task when he/she is exposed to a negative stereotype of a group to which he/she does not belong.

– Mouse and Mrs Jumbo, they are free spirits who serve nobody, and intelligent characters aware of the power of self-confidence and of what means being ostracized and marginalized, unlike the Stepin Fetchit stereotype common at that time and in the previous decade.

– What Jones did to affect future generations was prove that women can do anything, to prove that women don’t have to fall under a stereotype because of the gender someone is assigned in birth.

– Throughout most of the movie, his only true friend aside from his mother is the mouse Timothy, making fun of the stereotype between mice and elephants.

Make sentence of stereotype
Make sentence of stereotype

Example sentences of “stereotype”:

– The stereotype of lynching is hanging.

– In this process, called Stereotype stereotyping, the entire forme is pressed into a fine matrix such as plaster of Paris or papier mâché called Flong to create a positive, from which the stereotype forme was cast of type metal.

– Certain people who would have most likely not been described as such under the traditional stereotype have argued this.

– Boys and men might sometimes make their voices sound deeper or speak in short sentences to reflect an old stereotype that males are unfeeling and unconcerned with self-expression.

– This stereotype is common in the United States, and probably goes back to the times of slavery: The people who were in favour of slavery wanted to show that black people were simple-minded and only needed few things for their happiness.

– They told the women in the stereotype threat group that they were investigating why men were better drivers than women.

– Merskin, the squaw is the second most common stereotype of Native American women.

– One stereotype was that many people in the early punk rock scene were young people using big words and trying to be artistic, but failing.Robb, John.

– He is hated by many fans, and critics have accused him of being a racist stereotype of black people.

Stereotype boost can increase an individual’s performance on a task when he/she is exposed to a positive stereotype about his/her group.

– A study on chess players shows that if females are made aware of the stereotype that females are worse at chess than males, they perform worse than the controls.

– A stereotype is a mistaken idea or belief many people have about a thing or group that is based upon how they look on the outside, which may be untrue or only partly true.

Stereotype threat is the risk of confirming a negative stereotype about a group to which one belongs.

– A biphobic stereotype is that bisexual people have more sex than monosexual people.

– It can also cause individuals to distance themselves from the stereotyped group to which they belonged, or lead them to dis-identify with the group that they experience stereotype threat.

- The stereotype of lynching is hanging.

- In this process, called Stereotype stereotyping, the entire forme is pressed into a fine matrix such as plaster of Paris or papier mâché called Flong to create a positive, from which the stereotype forme was cast of type metal.

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