“ambition” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “ambition”:

+ An ambition of the Conwy Economic Growth Strategy 2017-2027 is to create winter tourism offer across the county making Conwy a year-round visitor destination Conwy Council.

+ Today, in Western countries, many people see ambition as more important.

+ Her storylines have seen her suffer feeling alone because of her ambition to win.

+ Growing up in Thousand Oaks, California, Scarbury was continually encouraged in his ambition to sing by his mother.

+ Jews were also forbidden to become university professors, which was a particular ambition for Heine.

+ As a teen 50 Cent’s role model was Tupac Shakur so, from the start his ambition was to be a gangster rapper.

+ It says all ambition originates from the same source.

+ His distant relationship with his mother was always strained and has been blamed on her ambition to keep power to herself.

ambition use in-sentences
ambition use in-sentences

Example sentences of “ambition”:

+ The project's ambition was to digitalize the volumes DI 66/45/56/58/61 and make them available online.

+ Joy,a worthless chap whose ambition in life is to buy a bike so that he can impress Nandini.

+ The project’s ambition was to digitalize the volumes DI 66/45/56/58/61 and make them available online.

+ Joy,a worthless chap whose ambition in life is to buy a bike so that he can impress Nandini.

+ He succeeded to form a new coalition between developed countries and developing countries called “High Ambition Coalition”.

+ Hitler also wanted to forestall any move by leaders of the Reichswehr, the German military, who both feared and despised the SA, to curtail his rule, especially since Röhm made no secret of his ambition to absorb the Reichswehr with himself at its head.

+ The house especially values ambition and determination.

+ The ambition was increase the number of people able to swim.

+ This ambition will lay out a future for higher education institutions in the area and Wales as a whole.

+ Her ambition has no limits: she wants to become the best witch of all time.

+ According to Gibbon, “his daring ambition was never diverted from its steady course by the allurements of pleasure, the apprehension of danger, or the feelings of humanity”.

+ As a young man, Siegfried could afford to keep a horse and became a very inspiring and a very good professional rider, but his greatest ambition was to be a millionaire poet person.

+ Because the Heungseon Daewongun who was the father of King Gojong and the most powerful politician in that period, wanted the queen who had no political ambition or close relatives who would influence the queen, she was chosen as the queen of the Gojong by the recommendation of Yeoheung Budaebuin who was the mother of the King.

+ They fought about both Politicspolitical and religious differences, and for ambition as well.

+ Christian Gillet put the project in its international ambition and potential development for the territory: « The idea of Philippe Méaille, connoisseur and lover of the site, is to install a center of contemporary art featuring his collection, already world famous and renowned, we have considered an interesting challenge ».

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