In-sentence examples of “supergiant”

How to use in-sentence of “supergiant”:

– It is one of the extreme luminous supergiant stars.

– Fundamental properties and atmospheric structure of the red supergiant VY CMa based on VLTI/AMBER spectro-interferometry.

– Most red supergiant stars explode as supernovae, but some of the brightest become Wolf-Rayet stars before exploding.

– The star Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star.

– T Cephei is a red supergiant star 329 times larger than the Sun.

– LBV 1806-20 is a blue supergiant star.

– A red supergiant star is a larger and brighter type of red giant star.

– Messier 87 is a supergiant elliptical galaxy.

In-sentence examples of supergiant
In-sentence examples of supergiant

Example sentences of “supergiant”:

– The most luminous member is the ~2nd magnitude white-yellow supergiant Mirfak, also known as Alpha Persei.

– Betelgeuse is one of the red supergiant stars to have a bow shock: others are Mu Cephei and IRC-10414.

– Rigel is a hot supergiant star in the Milky Way Galaxy.

– Antares is a red supergiant the sixteenth brightest star in the nighttime sky.

– RS Persei is a red supergiant variable star located in the Double Cluster in Perseus.

– These are also red supergiant stars.

– S Persei is a red supergiant located near the Double Cluster in Perseus constellationPerseus, north of the cluster NGC 869.

- The most luminous member is the ~2nd magnitude white-yellow supergiant Mirfak, also known as Alpha Persei.

- Betelgeuse is one of the red supergiant stars to have a bow shock: others are Mu Cephei and IRC-10414.
- Rigel is a hot supergiant star in the Milky Way Galaxy.

– It is a ‘yellow-white’ supergiant shining at 2.02 apparent magnitude.

– When Rigel loses its fuel inside the very hot core, it will blow up into the red supergiant stage of its life and explode in a supernova.

– WOH G64 is a red supergiant star.

– It is a Red supergiant starred supergiant in the Westerlund 1 super star cluster.

– The pulsating red supergiant UY Scuti is probably larger still.

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