Some in-sentence examples of “conviction”

How to use in-sentence of “conviction”:

+ It is with this conviction that I have lived my Life.

+ He has a conviction for transporting stolen goods and served time in Leavenworth.

+ The essence of the Counter-Reformation was a renewed conviction in traditional practices and the upholding of Catholic doctrine as the source of ecclesiastic and moral reform, and the answer to halting the spread of Protestantism.

+ However, his conviction led eventually led him to go against his party in 1846 by repealing the Corn Laws, following this the party split and were not able to win a majority for 28 years.

+ His conviction has been criticized, with concerns centering on how the children’s testimony was obtained and presented to the jury.

+ I think we should only categorize people as terrorists when they deliberately harm other people, when a person because of his of hers political or religious conviction tries to kill people, or a person orders to do so.

+ However, he and his lawyers appealed his conviction all the way to the Supreme Court.

Some in-sentence examples of conviction
Some in-sentence examples of conviction

Example sentences of “conviction”:

+ Among other facets shared by the various fields of inquiry is the conviction that the process be objective to reduce a biased interpretation of the results.

+ In comparison, the Plame affair resulted in the arrest and conviction of Lewis Libby, the vice president’s chief of staff.

+ Her trial and conviction were a major focus of attention for the Australian media.

+ The conviction rate for rape is very low so they might think reporting to police is a waste of time.

+ An ETA spokesperson accused the Spanish government of interfering in Basque local elections as well as continuing with the prosecution and conviction of ETA members during the ceasefire.

+ His career was ended with his conviction for child sexual abuse in 2006.

+ They argued that Gerald’s conviction was not legal because he was not given the due process rights in the Constitution.

+ In fact, they usually maintain a certain political distance from the party leadership, because under the rules of collegiality, they will often have to publicly promote a Council decision which does not match the political conviction of their party.

+ In 2015, the conviction was reversed.

+ In July 2011, Núñez was sentenced to six years in jail following conviction on a series of fraud charges.

+ Her felony conviction led to her being automatically disbarred.

+ The Court threw out Gerald’s conviction and ordered him to be set free.

+ Queensberry could avoid conviction for libel only by demonstrating that his accusation was, in fact, true.

+ Mockus and his conviction was upheld.

+ The struggle required physical courage, unshakable conviction and a willingness to forgive those who would beat and even murder them out of ignorance and fear… they were going to love segregation to death”.

+ Among other facets shared by the various fields of inquiry is the conviction that the process be objective to reduce a biased interpretation of the results.

+ In comparison, the Plame affair resulted in the arrest and conviction of Lewis Libby, the vice president's chief of staff.

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