In sentence examples of “funding”

How to use in-sentence of “funding”:

– In addition, he provided the funding for the construction of the Palestine Archaeological Museum in East Jerusalem – the Rockefeller Museum.

– Leakey arranged funding and in 1962 sent Goodall, who had no degree, to Cambridge University where she obtained a Doctor of PhilosophyPhD degree in BA or BSc.

– This, combined with new funding businesses, allowed the city to start expanding again.

– Though the Scuderia and Ferrari Corse Clienti continue to manage the racing activities of numerous Ferrari customers and private teams, Ferrari’s racing division has completely devoted its attention and funding to its Formula One team, Scuderia Ferrari.

– Two-thirds of its funding comes from money left in people’s wills.

– The Capital Research Center, a conservative group that ranks non-profits and documents their funding gives Hudson a 7 on its ideological spectrum.

– On March 6, 2017, after a bad meeting with Governor of IllinoisGovernor Bruce Rauner only days before, in order to help offset the lack of government funding provided.

In sentence examples of funding
In sentence examples of funding

Example sentences of “funding”:

- The funding it distributes comes from both H.M.

- The IRZ is commissioned by the German Federal Government and is therefore primarily financed by the budget of the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection and by project funding from the German Federal Foreign Office.
- Donations from foundations which are funded by political parties or receive most of their funding from governments are also rejected.

– The funding it distributes comes from both H.M.

– The IRZ is commissioned by the German Federal Government and is therefore primarily financed by the budget of the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection and by project funding from the German Federal Foreign Office.

– Donations from foundations which are funded by political parties or receive most of their funding from governments are also rejected.

– They have written many articles and books describing the effects of the NPIC by studying patterns of funding or discussing how the goals of some activists changed once their movements began to receive more money.

– Buddhists are given limited funding by the government to promote the religion, because Buddhism played an integral role in traditional Korean culture.

– TrumanPresident Truman signed the law that would provide long-term funding to the National School Lunch Program.

– The show is cancelled because the government stopped funding the show, so Marge tries teaching Maggie sign language herself.

– The charity was started to provide funding for the education and shelter of Thai children.

– PBS is different than the other public broadcasters such as BBC, NHK and CBC, because the PBS gets a lot of its funding from donations by viewers and listeners.

– These installations are mostly built by the science funding agencies of governments of developed countries, or by collaborations between several countries in a region, and operated as infrastructure facilities available to scientists from universities and research organisations throughout the country, region, or world.

– The funding of BR was reduced so they created the cheaper Pacer trains.

– However, the market for Lisp machines collapsed in 1987 and funding was pulled again, starting an even longer AI winter.

– During the 2007 election campaign Blair received more funding promises from the Howard Government than any other electorate in the country.

– Because Hispanic and black individuals are over-represented in poorer demographics, the withdrawal of Medicaid funding for elective circumcision in 18 states is of concern to public health, as was also expressed by the authors of the CDC’s recent report.

– The funding for reading quadrupled from $286 million in 2001 to $1.2 billion.

More in-sentence examples of “funding”:

–, creator of Swell Radio, raised $5.4 million in Series A Funding led by venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson.

– In March 2007, it was confirmed that Heron had signed a funding deal with the State General Reserve Fund of Oman to provide the equity for the development.

– It is the only school among the nine specialized high schools in New York City that receives moneyspecial funding from the New York State legislature.

– Zoellick, the president of the World Bank, said when the gifts were announced on December 15, 2007, that World Bank money “is the core funding that the poorest developing countries rely on”.

– Medicaid is the largest source of funding for medical and health-related services for people with low income in the United States, providing free health insurance to 74 million low-income and disabled people as of 2017.

– As a gift to the Muslim community of Southern California from Saudi Arabia, Prince Abdulaziz Bin Fahad Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, Minister of State and Cabinet Member, provided funding for the land in 1993.

– Most of the ICRC’s funding comes from Switzerland and the United States, with the other European states and the E.U.

– The Justice Department called the “New York Times” report that Comey asked for more funding “totally false”.

– On July 18, 2002, a Blender funding campaign was started by Roosendaal in order to collect donations and on September 7, 2002 it was announced that enough funds had been collected and that the Blender source code would be released.

– As an alternative, the federal states and the federal ministries concerned with the aspects of youth, school and university as well as music funding founded the organization Musik der Jugend, which organizes the Prima la musica competition.

– Then the people of San Francisco managed to get funding for the orchestra so that they could carry on.

– ZSL receives no state funding and relies on ‘Fellows’, ‘Friends’, ‘Members’, entrance fees and sponsorship to get income.

– This survey is intended to tell us what funding priorities contributors agree and disagree on.

– As funding increased before privatisation the successful British Rail Class 158 “Express Sprinter” was made.

– Only the VHSs and DVDs contain the funding credits.

– Taylor devoted consistent and generous humanitarian time, advocacy efforts, and funding to HIV and AIDS-related projects and charities.

– Paramount Pictures and 20th Century Fox helped with half of the funding for the movie.

– Version 5.5 was the last to have “Compatibility Mode”, which allowed Internet Explorer 4 The IE team consisted of over 1,000 people by 1999, with funding on the order of 100 million USD per year.

– In January 1972, Carter wanted the state legislature to give funding for an Early Childhood Development Program along with prison reform programs and 48 million in pay taxes for nearly all state employees.

– Xiaomi is the world’s 4th most valuable technology start-up after receiving US$1.1 billion funding from investors, making Xiaomi’s valuation more than US$46 billion.

– President Richard Nixon had wanted to cut the proposed funding to $10 million due to the demands of the Vietnam War.

– While this phrase can be confusing, it’s now used in many government documents and in funding programmes.

– As of 2017, the company has raised €904K in Seed funding from Caixa Capital Risc.

– The treasury department will also assign funding credit to business units who bring in deposits to the bank.

-, creator of Swell Radio, raised $5.4 million in Series A Funding led by venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson.

- In March 2007, it was confirmed that Heron had signed a funding deal with the State General Reserve Fund of Oman to provide the equity for the development.
- It is the only school among the nine specialized high schools in New York City that receives moneyspecial funding from the New York State legislature.

– In 2020, Illuminated Films has been awarded funding from the BFI Young Audience Content Fund for a half hour special called A Bear Named Wojtek based on a true story about a orphaned bear in World War 2 that is enlisted into the Polish army and travels to Scotland before ending up at Edinburgh Zoo.

– It had no public funding or taxpayers’ money.

– It accepts charitable donations, and rather than directly funding organizations, it produces face-to-face events and offers online resources to help grassroots organizations get off the ground and contribute real value to the community.

– Epstein also is interested in funding science research and education.

– Greetings! The Individual Engagement Grants program is accepting proposals for funding new experiments from September 1st to 30th.

– Greenpeace receives its funding exclusively from individual supporters and foundations.

– For this reason, a synchrotron facility is often built in stages, with the first few beamlines at the start of operation, and other beamlines being added later as the funding permits.

– This came less than a week after the committee proposed a budget for the UNC-system of schools that would have reduced funding by $483 million, or 17.4 percent.

– The IPCC receives funding from UNEP, WMO, and its own Trust Fund which gets money from governments.

– By the mid-1950s the rich business woman Dorothy Buffum Chandler was funding the orchestra.

– He proposed funding a $1 billion capital improvement program for public schools, which the Council subsequently passed in an altered form.

– In 1996, the planned stadium competed with Wembley Stadium to gain funding to become the national stadium.

– You can get funding to try out your idea for online community organizing, outreach, tool-building, or research to help make better.

– Developers have also been known to have trouble getting permits to drill on public land and get funding from both the federal government and outside interests.

– This was also a response from President Donald Trump’s refusal to sign a bill to keep the government open due to lack of funding for his border wall.

– Another distinction between Christian radio and Missionary Radio is that with Missionary Radio, the funding almost never comes from the people being served, whereas in Christian radio is often is from them.

– It also gets federal funding each year to pay for the maintenance and operation of the building.

– But, to achieve the primary aim of the project, there is a need for adequate funding and support from development Partners like UNICEF, UN Women, UNDP, CEDAW, USAID, DFID and women organization NCWS, FOMWAN, CWO, JMA, WIN, NAWOJ, FIDA, WOFAN AND WRAPA should support the project morally and financially for the benefit of larger audience in order to safe guard societal values and socio cultural, economic, and political values for women for a better society.

– When Lucent-Alcatel acquired Bell, in the 1990s, however, funding for the system was slashed, and in 2000, it was released into the world under a FOSSy licence.

– Failure to secure funding for a new stadium caused the team to move.

– It was made part of the state system in 1923, when it first received state funding and was renamed as Durham State Normal School.

– The two movements coexisted for roughly a decade, but by the mid-1960s, the proponents of symbolic AI gained control of national funding conduits and ruthlessly defunded cybernetics research.

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