“equipment” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “equipment”:

+ The National Electric Code requires GFCI protection in dwelling on kitchen counter tops, bathrooms, unfinished basements not intended as habitable rooms, crawl spaces, garages, sinks where the receptacles are installed within 6 feet from the top edge of the bowl of the sink, boathouses, bathtubs or shower stalls where receptacles are installed within 6 feet from the edge of the bathtub or shower, laundry areas, outdoors except for receptacles that are not readily accessible and are supplied by a branch circuit dedicated to electric snow-melting, deicing, or pipeline and vessel heating equipment shall be installed in accordance with NEC 426.28 or 427.22 as applicable.

+ The equipment has the ability of starting rides very slowly and can be advanced to faster speeds if a rider is able to handle them.

+ He was prosecuted in 2011 after being accused of crimes against the Cuban state for bringing satellite phones and computer equipment without the permit required under Cuban law.

+ They wore Scuba divingdiving helmets with oxygen tanks, as no special equipment yet existed for mine rescues.

+ To install an air conditioner, you need to take into account all the requirements thanks to which the equipment can be further operated in different modes.

+ Over many years, heavy equipment has been installed in fenced-off sections at the ends of platforms owing to the lack of anywhere else to install them.

equipment some ways to use
equipment some ways to use

Example sentences of “equipment”:

+ Peripheral equipment is necessary for people to interact with a computer system.

+ Unfortunately, IPv6 is mostly incompatible with IPv4, and implementing it often requires replacing equipment such as routers.

+ Police uniforms, equipment and methods vary depending on the country.

+ While the building could hold four Saturn V rockets, there were not enough people or equipment to work on more than one at a time.

+ Miele is a German manufacturer of domestic appliances, commercial equipment and fitted kitchens.

+ This wire which is at the ground potential completes all the circuits by carrying the current from any electric equipment back to the systems entry point into the buildings and then to the transformer usually at the street.

+ This edition was released to Original Equipment Manufacturers, mainly CD-ROM drive and sound card manufacturers, and some PCs came preloaded with it.

+ If there are pictures, people who read or speak a different language can still understand what to do with the equipment or software.

+ The Jade Rabbit carries a range of scientific equipment including a radar system which will be able to examine the ground beneath the surface.

+ With some effort, the necessary movie equipment was crammed into the structure.

+ There have been improvements to scuba equipment since Cousteau to make it safer and easier to use.

+ Peripheral equipment is necessary for people to interact with a computer system.

+ Unfortunately, IPv6 is mostly incompatible with IPv4, and implementing it often requires replacing equipment such as routers.

+ When he was there, he was mainly working on high-voltage equipment and electronics for electron microscopes.

+ In 2012, new police equipment was given by the nation government; as well as receiving an increase in security budget.

+ Most of the barracks were closed and much of the NVA’s equipment was sold or donated to other nations.

+ Harry Hammond Hess used echo-sounding equipment to map the floor of the ocean.

+ For collecting and transferring the remaining heat energy to the external atmosphere, accurate air conditioning and heat removal equipment is needed.

+ What sets BWEs apart from other large-scale mining equipment is their large wheel with a continuous pattern of buckets to scoop material as the wheel turns.

+ Whitney also gave money to buy new theatertheatrical equipment for the high school.

+ Hospitals only have equipment to detect gamma rays.

+ Gold contacts are sometimes found in precision equipment for their ability to remain corrosion-free.

More in-sentence examples of “equipment”:

+ The Dutch had ordered some equipment from Germany, which delayed deliveries.

+ Bombardier Transportation is the world’s largest company in the rail equipment manufacturing and servicing industry.
+ Peripheral equipment connects a computer to other things.

+ The Dutch had ordered some equipment from Germany, which delayed deliveries.

+ Bombardier Transportation is the world’s largest company in the rail equipment manufacturing and servicing industry.

+ Peripheral equipment connects a computer to other things.

+ The picture shows a group of workers not wearing safety equipment and eating on a beam at off the ground.

+ The authority owns the Suez Canal and all areas, buildings and equipment is maintained.

+ On April 15, the followers entered the production control struggle, occupied the Tokyo Hibiki studio, placed materials and equipment under control, and made a barricade at the front entrance to prevent the police from enter the building.

+ In different countries, police officers are given different equipment to deal with the crime that is in their country.

+ They sometimes have equipment embedded in them that measures data about how hard things are hitting it and how fast the ATD is moving around.

+ Instructors may have to alter some of the techniques and some equipment may also need changing to meet the individual’s need.

+ The Lunar ascent stage, the part that helped it take off from the surface, was deliberately crashed back onto the Moon so that shock waves could be measured by seismic equipment left behind.

+ Before a person can scuba dive, they have to get training how to use the breathing equipment and dive to deep waters.

+ Companies that make electronic equipment use polycarbonate to make the cover of mobile mobile phonephones, laptops and other products.

+ It is armed with a M61 Vulcan cannon and has eleven places where weapons or other equipment can be attached.

+ This equipment is always separated from the central processing unit by a device controller.

+ It remained within the family’s ownership and continued to operate, more or less unchanged in both equipment and processes, until 1969.

+ An example is the giving of a video projector to the Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council, taking the Docents of the Little Landers Historical Society to the Pasadena POPs concerts, donating video and computer equipment to local schools, and providing temporary camps for the unemployed for only $50 per month.

+ The clubs are another piece of equipment that rhythmic gymnasts use.

+ As well, they wear safety equipment such as helmets and use ropes, compasses, and first aid kits.

+ It wasn’t going to go to the Moon – it was going to orbit the Earth while the astronauts tested and checked the equipment and machines that would be used to go to the Moon on another flight.

+ It was also during these years that he acquired his passion for ever better police equipment and his personal love of new gadgets.

+ Police officers are sometimes killed or hurt by criminals when they are sent to incidents, so that is why the police have to carry the equipment needed to defend themselves.

+ In addition these companies sell equipment to culture the flies.

+ Part of their equipment was brought by ship.

+ The 1987 National Appliance Energy Conservation Act authorized the Department of Energy to set minimum efficiency standards for space conditioning equipment and other appliances each year, based on what is “technologically feasible and economically justified”.

+ A Bailey bridge did not need special tools or heavy equipment to put into place.

+ All equipment is localized, and a train itself is 20% lighter than line 1 subway.

+ The equipment of “kyūdō” has evolved from ancient times.

+ In 1991, the American-based equipment manufacturer, AGCO Corporation, bought Hesston Corporation.

+ Soon the government became concerned that labor strikes might stop the production of military equipment and supplies.

+ During the mid-1970s Joseph Ossanna, working at Bell Laboratories, wrote the troff typesetting program to drive a Wang C/A/T phototypesetter owned by the Labs; it was later enhanced by Brian Kernighan to support output to different equipment such as laser printers and the like.

+ Auto-Tune has become standard equipment in professional recording studios.

+ In chemistry, a crucible is a kind of laboratory equipment that is usually a small cup, about the size of a shot glass, made of porcelain or non-reactive metal.

+ This solar equipment is used in an active manner and converts the solar energy into a useable form which can be used for powering all sort of appliances.

+ This also applies to rooms with radiation sources or x-ray equipment in them.

+ Her mast and equipment were removed.

+ A pencil is a kind of writing equipment that is also used to draw, usually on paper.

+ He remained in full equipment during the procedure; hospital staff did not even have time to remove his skates.

+ The armorer maintains receipts for equipment issued locally and also while on deployment.

+ A marina contains boating equipment and also rents boats.

+ The DSL modem and the normal telephone equipment can be used on the line at the same time without interference from each other.

+ This is an obvious duck, especially with the edits on :Category:Playground equipment with both removing Playground from the category, and PlyrStar93 putting it back.

+ Gamemasters with the right equipment can find players online and a group can meet using chat rooms, forums, or other electronic means.

+ It allows people to see underwater life in a natural setting, without the complicated equipment and training required for scuba diving.

+ In association football, kit means the standard equipment and attire worn by players.

+ Some people get other kinds of exercise equipment for their hamsters, like a “hamster ball” in which the hamster can roll around the floor, or a long network of tubes with air holes for hamsters to crawl through.

+ Parts that might be harmful to any equipment which will use the coal later on, such as the screening for metallic parts inside the mined coal.

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