“dust” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “dust”:

– Many songs, books, and works of art were created to tell stories of the people affected by the dust storms.

– The dust comes from surface winds and dust storms in the desert.

– Clouds of sand or dust are often so dense that they obscure the sun.

– At this distance, the apparent magnitude of the star is reduced by 0.23 as a result of gas and dust along the line of sight.

– It is used to separate dust particles from paddy, rice, dal, beans, and other grains.

– Air is a mixture of many gases and tiny dust particles.

– The dust bowl was the worst man made disaster in U.S history.

dust - sentence examples
dust – sentence examples

Example sentences of “dust”:

– Space is full of dust clouds and magnetic fields which would disturb or eliminate even a coherent beam of electromagnetic radiation.

– Chromates and dichromates are harmful when powdered because the dust is carcinogenic.

– Soil erosion was a big problem in the Midwestern United States in the 1930s dust bowl.

– The probe would collect the dust kicked into space as it made a slow flyby.

– It has been proposed that a disk of dust and other debris exists in the plane, which affects the Earth’s climate.

– More recently, telescopes and space probes have led to discoveries of mountains and Impact cratercraters, and meteorological phenomena such as clouds, dust storms and ice caps on the other planets.

– During the 1930s, northwestern Oklahoma went through a period of time called the Dust Bowl.

– Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a lung disease caused by the breathebreathing-in of very small particles of sand or quartz dust found in volcanoes.

– They also need a run or yard where they can exercise, take dust baths, eat and drink.

- Space is full of dust clouds and magnetic fields which would disturb or eliminate even a coherent beam of electromagnetic radiation.

- Chromates and dichromates are harmful when powdered because the dust is carcinogenic.

– In addition to these well-known rings, there may be numerous optically thin dust bands and faint rings between them.

– It has a spectacular dark band of absorbing dust in front of its bright nucleus.

– It is located in the Sagittarius constellation but due to dust is not visible to the naked eye.

– They are put inside the ear canal and can also be used to protect the ear from water, dust or anything that doesn’t belong in the ear.

– Cleaning the house removes germs, dust and other things that can harm health.

– The new bank bought gold dust and sold it on to make money.

– Some of their outer layers will blow away, leaving interstellar gas and dust circling the star.

More in-sentence examples of “dust”:

– This story was printed on the back of the dust jacket.

– It absorbs dust and dirt and converts the earth.

– While it was first thought to be an exoplanet, the opinion in 2021 is that it might be a dust cloud.

– In the last ten years, these dust storms have become a serious problem because they have picked up industrial pollutants.

– However, it can burn at high temperatures, and like many metal powders, titanium dust is extremely flammable.

– The first room, which is a dark room with faint red lighting shows turntablist Sid Wilson who is seen barefoot, climbing all over the walls and is covered in dust and cobwebs.

– Besides the dangers of inhaling it in dust form, it is harmless.

– In effect, this principle asserts that the gravitational effects of the various galaxies making up the Universe are equivalent to those of a fine dust distributed uniformly throughout the Universe with the same average density.

– It is then washed and dried and all solid particles such as soot or ore dust are collected.

– Roman flour contained a lot of dust and bits and this made bread so coarse that it wore down people’s teeth.

– Another example of an unconditioned response is when wind is blown in a person’s eyes and they blink automatically to prevent dust or something from getting into them.

– These additional, undiscovered globular clusters are believed to be hidden behind the gas and dust of the Milky Way.

– Interstellar cosmic dust makes nebulae.

– An example of this is that the MG 34 broke down easily if it got dust on it.

– Many people felt that Steinbeck’s liberal opinions misrepresented the truth of Dust Bowl migrations.

– Ebsen had a Anaphylaxisvery bad allergic reaction to the aluminum dust in the Tin Man’s makeup.

– Moisture, grease or dust can also affect its operation.

– But some rings are made of very small dust particles.

– Her best known movies were “Dis ek, Anna” and “Red Dust Red Dust“.HAT Taal-en-feitegids, Pearson, Desember 2013, She was born in Bloemfontein, then Union of South Africa.

– Actually it is made of several dust and gas clouds, which orbit and fall onto Sagittarius A* at velocities as high as 1,000 kilometers per second.

– It is in the Sagittarius Sagittarius constellation, but hidden from view by large clouds of cosmic dust in the spiral arms of the Milky Way.

– The “Hayabusa” mission was the first time that an attempt was made to bring an asteroid dust sample to earth for analysis.

– Over time, dust can collect on it.

– Danny gets blinded in a fight with a boxer who put rosin dust on his gloves.

– Probably, algae get access to the minute amounts of minerals, which the fungus gets from the substrate or from dust settling on the thallus.

- This story was printed on the back of the dust jacket.

- It absorbs dust and dirt and converts the earth.

– Globular star clusters, on the other hand, are not currently forming stars because this activity happened billions of years ago and then stopped once all of the gas and dust clouds were used up.

– This mechanism explains why quasars were more common in the early universe, as this energy production ends when the supermassive black hole consumes all of the gas and dust near it.

– In astronomy, a reflection nebula is a cloud of dust which reflects the light of a star or many stars.

– The second chapter of Genesis says that God made Adam from the dust of the ground.

– Furthermore, planetary dust orbits the gas giants.

– The dust comes from deserts in Mongolia, northern China, and Kazakhstan.

– During the Great Depression, the Great Plains were also hit hard with a drought and dust storms.

– She had inhaled a great deal of sand, dust and charcoal.

– Thus, a dust devil is formed.

– A dust ring surrounds the galaxy, and can be observed in silhouette.

– These help filter things like dust out of the air a person breathes.

– The crash was caused by the visibility of the road being almost zero because of dust that was blowing from a nearby field.

– Red junglefowl regularly bathe in dust to keep just the right balance of oil in their plumage.

– The dust storms destroyed crops, leaving farmers without food or something to sell.

– Furthermore, a ring made of boulders would be expected to generate dust that would likely have been seen in the images.

– Much of the gas and dust in space comes from supernovae.

– While Jan Ingenhousz described the strange motion of coal dust particles on the top of alcohol in 1785, the discovery of this is often given to the botanist Robert Brown in 1827.

– The dust forms a cover over the ocean and causes it to cool down.

– Hardbacks may be covered with a dust jacket designed to attract readers.

– Circumplanetary dust is found around planets and in planetary rings and is seen as gegenschein and zodiacal light.

– It is also known to have dust storms during which the dust can be so thick that visibility is under.

– On March 1–2, 2008, a heavy dust storm hit northeast China and parts of Mongolia.

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