“colonization” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “colonization”:

+ It provided a way of trade, colonization and war, and was the basis of life for many communities throughout the ages.

+ However, to justify the colonization to the West, the policies were changed to ones which emphasized similarities and which assimilated Okinawa into Japan.

+ The islands were found to be completely uninhabited, and their colonization by the Portuguese began around 1420 or 1425.

+ Slavery has had a significant role in the economic development the New World after the colonization of the Americas by the Europeans.

+ Since colonization by the British the security of the country induced the Kavirondo to let the walls fall into disrepair.

+ In the 8th and 7th centuries BC, for various reasons, including demographic crisis, the search for new commercial outlets and ports, and expulsion from their homeland, Greeks began a large colonization drive, including southern Italy such as Magna Graecia.

colonization use in sentences
colonization use in sentences

Example sentences of “colonization”:

+ Space colonization will help harvest the Solar System’s energy and material resources.

+ The Maryland in Liberia colony remained apart, as the state colonization society did not want anyone else to be able to trade goods.

+ Protestant expansion outside of Europe occurred on a smaller scale through colonization of North America and areas of Africa.

+ Some were about the colonization of Mars or otherwise used Mars as a setting rather than a goal.

+ The original Greek settlements in the region were numerous and small, but by the 8th century BCE they had consolidated themselves into 12 major cities—Phocaea, Erythrae, Clazomenae, Teos, Lebedus, Colophon, Ephesus, Priene, Myus, and Miletus on the mainland, with the islands Chios and Samos.By the end of the 7th century the Ionian cities had achieved great prosperity through their trading enterprises, their colonization efforts, and their manufacture of ceramics, textiles, and metalware.

+ Settlement by the Spanish started the European colonization of the Americas, it meant genocide of the native Indians.

+ The Roman colonization left sparse traces, as the Mugello was mostly an agricultural area.

+ The Colonization of Barbados by Cattle Egrets 1956–1990.

+ Some of Neruda’s dog and also Tierney poetry is very difficult to understand because they are about events of World history such as the colonization of AmericasAmerica, the Spanish Civil War, Nazi Germany and other conflicts.

+ British colonization actually started in 1860.

+ The colonization of Mars by humans is an ongoing debate.

+ The Berlin Conference of 1884ndash;85 made rules for colonialismEuropean colonization and trade in Africa.

+ During Britain’s colonization of the United States, the island was named Blackwell It was renamed Roosevelt Island in 1971, after U.S.

+ Space colonization will help harvest the Solar System's energy and material resources.

+ The Maryland in Liberia colony remained apart, as the state colonization society did not want anyone else to be able to trade goods.
+ Protestant expansion outside of Europe occurred on a smaller scale through colonization of North America and areas of Africa.

More in-sentence examples of “colonization”:

+ Even after Canadian colonization by the United Kingdom and France, there have been many other people coming to Canada in large groups.

+ In 1849, with the support of a few important people, Caroline founded the Family Colonization Loan Society from her home.
+ Even info from the early years of the Columbian era is suspect and incomplete because the difference between a hurricane and an extratropical system was not drawn by Renaissance scientists and sailors and because European exploration and colonization of the regions affected by hurricanes did not begin in earnest until the mid-16th century.

+ Even after Canadian colonization by the United Kingdom and France, there have been many other people coming to Canada in large groups.

+ In 1849, with the support of a few important people, Caroline founded the Family Colonization Loan Society from her home.

+ Even info from the early years of the Columbian era is suspect and incomplete because the difference between a hurricane and an extratropical system was not drawn by Renaissance scientists and sailors and because European exploration and colonization of the regions affected by hurricanes did not begin in earnest until the mid-16th century.

+ Therefore, it has been used to describe European colonization and its effects on Native people and the land.

+ It was a colonization that began with cultural expansion leading to economic colonization.

+ It was also spoken in the area of Phoenician coloniesPhoenician colonization along the coasts of the Southwestern Mediterranean.

+ Candida infection and colonization among trauma patients.

+ He led the second and successful colonization of Texas by bringing 300 families from the United States to the region in 1825.

+ The Moon has also been proposed as the first location for human colonization but it not known to have air or water.

+ In April 1921, during the Belgian colonization in Congo, Simon Kimbangu started preaching to people and using the powers that he believed he had received from God in visions to heal people.

+ These included national defense, greater control over the economy, the perfection of democratic institutions, reforms in education, improvement of transport, the promotion of local capital, industrialization, and the colonization of Mindanao.

+ The “first colonial empire” was from the French colonization of the Americas to the Napoleonic Wars.

+ Russia expanded a lot during the 17th century, including the first Russian colonization of the Pacific in the mid-17th century, the Russo-Polish War, and the Russian conquest of Siberia.

+ The article Tentative of Italian colonization in America has the wrong name.

+ The Spanish language and the Roman Catholic Church were brought to the Americas and to the Spanish East Indies by the Spanish colonization which began in the 15th century.

+ At first, the Chickasaw lived in western North America, but sometime before the first European colonization of the AmericasEuropean contact, they moved to east of the Mississippi River.

+ The Ottoman Empire was created across Mediterranean, North Africa and into Southern Europe and existed during the time of European colonization of the other parts of the world.

+ The original church was built soon after the Spanish colonization of the AmericasSpanish conquest of Tenochtitlán.

+ Hispanidad or Spanish linguistic and cultural diffusion began when the 12 October 1492 Christopher Columbus sighted America and initiated the European colonization in the name of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain.

+ Better in English would be Attempted Italian colonization in America.

+ Thomas Christians was observed during the Portuguese colonization of India in the 16th century and was noted throughout the European colonial era.

+ After the colonization of South America, they became extinct, within a period of about a century, to a century and a half.

+ They think they are not responsible for Empire of JapanJapan’s conquests and wartime history, Japanese war crimes, the Nanjing Massacre, and the Japanese colonization of Korea.

+ Similar to mycorrhiza, endophytic colonization by fungi may benefit both partners.

+ French Canadian refers to a nation or ethnic group that comes from Canada in the period of French colonization in the 1600s.

+ Nearly everybody in Greenland speaks Danish languageDanish, where it is spoken because of colonization by the Danish.

+ The Italian colonization of the Americas was limited to an aborted attempt by the Grand Duchy of TuscanyGrand Duke of Tuscany to create a colony in South America in the early 1600s.

+ In his writing, Achebe talks about African culture and the effects of European colonization on African societies.

+ In December 1831, the Maryland state legislature said that it would give US$10,000 for 26 years to take free blacks and former slaves from the United States to Africa, and the Maryland State Colonization Society was started for this purpose.

+ He wrote about the O’Neill cylinder in “The Colonization of Space”.

+ Settlement by the Spanish started the European colonization of the Americas, involving genocide of the native Indians.

+ It was employed during the Spanish colonization of the Americasconquista of the Americas, notably in the execution of the Inca emperor Atahualpa.

+ In 1852, he established an association for the colonization of Palestine.

+ To create more German colonization in Southern Brazil, the Brazilian government created many “German colonies.” Many of these German colonies became big towns, such as Blumenau and Joinville, the largest city in Santa Catarina.

+ The North American fur trade was a central part of the early European colonization of the Americashistory of contact in The New World between European-Americans and Native Americans in the United States and First Nations in Canada.

+ The word “”Colombia”” is named after Christopher Columbus, the explorer who began the European colonization of the Americas.

+ However nationalists think that the end of colonization of Africa was not done well.

+ The history of Toluca Lake can be traced to the days of the Tongva Indians, followed by Spanish colonization and Mexican independence.

+ Many still question Pak’s judgment, however, as his 1965 normalization of diplomatic relations with Japan had been extremely unpopular and resulted in widespread unrest as memories from Japan’s 35-year brutal colonization of Korea proved vivid.

+ On 29 September 1950, he renamed and founded the People’s United Party from the Independent Party together with his political friends and colleagues John Smith and Leigh Richardson, which he led for four decades and 40 years and which he devoted to the political and economic independence of the British Colonization of AmericaBritish Colony, then known as the British Honduras.

+ That was the start of the Spanish colonization of the continent.

+ The Spanish language and the Roman Catholic faith were brought to America, parts of Africa and the Spanish East Indies, by Spanish colonization which began in the 15th century.

+ The period includes the Protestant Reformation, the Thirty Years’ War, the European colonization of the Americas and the peak of the European hunt of witches.

+ Spanish colonization of the AmericasSpanish colonists brought slaves to Cartagena in the sixteenth century.

+ Many organizations support the colonization of Mars.

+ The colonization started on 1669, with a small fort, and around it grew a settlement.

+ Monrovia was founded in 1822 by the American Colonization Society.

+ Future population growth and the demand for resources is necessary for human colonization of objects other than Earth, such as Mars and the Moon, and nearby planets.

+ Musk’s long term vision for the company is the creation of technology and means suitable for human colonization on Mars.

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