“extensive” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “extensive”:

– They have all needed extensive cleanup.

– The whole area at the time was an extensive wetland known as The Fens, which was later drained.

– In the 1960s and 1970s, the Amu Darya and Syr Darya were first used by the Soviets to irrigate extensive cotton fields in the Central Asian plain.

– The 1943 development was built by the Hochtief company as part of an extensive program of subterranean construction in Berlin that began in 1940.

– Despite the extensive damage, the name Dolly was not retired.

– In 1971, Hart was given extensive computer time by the operators of the Xerox Sigma V mainframe at the University of Illinois.

– In addition to these extensive heath areas, the vegetation type is also found in scattered locations across all continents except Antarctica.

– The Atlantic Wall was an extensive system of western coast of Europe as a defense against an anticipated Allied invasion of the mainland continent from Great Britain.

extensive how to use?
extensive how to use?

Example sentences of “extensive”:

– There was extensive censorship in England and many war novels had been banned or burned as a result.

– In 1672, when the essay was published, he settled in London, and soon acquired an extensive practice as a physician.

– Unlike extensive growth, intensive growth is mainly driven by productivity growth and technological progress.

– Typically, streams are said to have a particular profile, beginning with steep gradients, no flood plain, and little shifting of channels, eventually evolving into streams with low gradients, wide flood plains, and extensive meanders.

– Not until Alfred the Great was a more extensive law code created.

– King Frederick Augustus II of Saxony visited her shop in 1844 and purchased an ichthyosaur skeleton for his extensive natural history collection.

– I’ve done some extensive work on adding stuff while keeping it simple.

– A helpbox is limited, in size, to act as a concise reference card, rather than as a full tutorial with extensive explanations of each feature.

– During his tenure extensive remodelling to the interior was carried out.

– Once the portal of entry, may be seen extensive gardens in the French style in the middle of fountains, waterfalls and lakes, and the main greenhouse of 458 square meters, which holds in its interior, copies plants characteristic of tropical regions.

– He turned the former provincial city of Ghazni into the rich capital of an extensive empire which included modern-day Afghanistan, most of Iran, and parts of north-west Indian subcontinentIndia including modern-day Pakistan.

– For more extensive testing see the testcases page.

– Steve Vai was an icon of jazz fusion in the 1980s and played extensive guitar based jazz fusion instrumentals.

– The song received extensive critical recognition.

– The “discovery” requires extensive knowledge of and experience with chemical reactivities of appropriate reagents.

– Hurricane Florence was a major tropical cyclone, powerful and Cape Verde hurricane in the Atlantic that caused severe and extensive damage in the Carolinas in September 2018.

– Some of the world’s most extensive and ancient Aboriginal rock painting galleries surround the town of Laura, some of which are available for public viewing.

– Algis Budrys praised the collection as “a fine book of entertainment” but faulted Asimov’s extensive annotations, saying they ” the juice out of some very vivacious writing indeed, and one of science fiction’s most ebullient personalities.” “Galaxy Bookshelf” “Galaxy”, June 1965, pp.166-67.

– Wagner made extensive revisions for Paris.

– They were anchored by an extensive network of branching underground roots.

- There was extensive censorship in England and many war novels had been banned or burned as a result.

- In 1672, when the essay was published, he settled in London, and soon acquired an extensive practice as a physician.

More in-sentence examples of “extensive”:

- In some areas, particularly in Sussex, there are extensive processions, large bonfires and firework displays organised by local Sussex Bonfire Societiesbonfire societies; the most extensive of which takes place in Lewes.

- There were extensive wetlands nearby.

– In some areas, particularly in Sussex, there are extensive processions, large bonfires and firework displays organised by local Sussex Bonfire Societiesbonfire societies; the most extensive of which takes place in Lewes.

– There were extensive wetlands nearby.

– In 1947, Gerard Kuiper showed that the thin Martian atmosphere contained extensive carbon dioxide; roughly double the quantity found in Earth’s atmosphere.

– She used her father’s extensive library and was often found reading by her mother’s grave.

– They also made extensive use of new materials and manufacturing methods developed at the time.

– MacEvoy’s extensive site about color science and paint mixing is one of the best resources on the web.

– Agassiz made extensive contributions to ichthyology.

– Later that year, he detailed his work by publishing an extensive whitepaper on the effect of the pancreatic extract injected into a diabetic animal, which he called: “Research on the Role of the Pancreas in Food Assimilation”, with the paper received the 22 June 1921 by the “Archives Internationales de Physiologie”, with the photocopy of the article available in the Gerstein Science Information Centre.

– The process included extensive political and media controls, along with a Soviet approach to restricting emigration.

– The earliest extensive written evidence for the division of the Christian community of India dates to the 16th century.

– That summer saw the band headline the Glastonbury Festival for the first time, and a year of extensive gigs and festivals was crowned by Tim Pope’s live concert film The Cure In Orange.

– Their control had been established in the wake of the 15th-century breakup of the Mayapan polity, which “had” previously exerted extensive control over much of the region.

– Invasive cause extensive damage to turfgrass.

– Arab writers of the time continued to describe Ethiopia as an extensive and powerful state, though they had lost control of most of the coast and their tributaries.

– The mountains eroded throughout the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic, leaving extensive deposits of sedimentary rock.

– Later, she made an extensive study of the cytogenetics of maize races from South America.

– In the U.S., Makoshika State Park in Montana, Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota and Badlands National Park in South Dakota together form a series of extensive badland formations.

– There is extensive archeological evidence that there was a pharaoh named Narmer, but little evidence for Menes.

– However, in contrast with the constitutions of other Commonwealth Realms such as Canada, which formally grant extensive reserve powers to the Monarch, even the formal powers of the Queen of Australia are extremely limited, and most powers can be used only by the Governor-General.

– The last extensive oak woodlands were cut down to build ships for the Royal Navy in the 18th century.

– In 2017 it began an extensive repurposing of the lower part of the building.

– Internationally, he is known from his extensive body of choral music, which passes 500 individual choral songs, most of it a cappella.

– Generally, after extensive damage, hair will show signs of dryness and display an unhealthy appearance.

– The area has some extensive tracts of woodland.

– In the early 1920s, extensive open lands were purchased at Rowheath and laid to Association footballfootball and hockey pitches together with a grassed running track.

– Openings have names, and extensive theory has been worked out by masters.

– An extensive review of research based on Maslow’s theory found little evidence for the ranking of needs that Maslow described, or for the existence of a definite hierarchy at all.

– The 2 main modern theories about the Pelasgian language suggest that it was a Greek dialect that saw extensive changes or that it was a Western Anatolian language.

– This kind of interest indicates that the interest is not only extensive but extends far beyond his own city.

– For all these classics he wrote extensive commentaries that were not widely recognized in his time; however, they later became accepted as their standard commentaries.

– Some drugs undergo extensive first pass metabolism such that only about 10% of the administered dose enters the circulation: “10% bioavailability”.

– It caused extensive damage to the city.

– Despite extensive vaccination in many regions, it remains a major disease of dogs.

– So savage and extensive was the death and destruction wrought by the English that the entire region was left in a state of terror.

– YTL is based primarily in Malaysia but has extensive operations in Asia, Australia and the United Kingdom, where it owns the utility Wessex Water.

– They form extensive clonal colonies.Trees for Life species profile: Large numbers of new shoots can be produced in this way, especially after a major disturbance such as fire.

– In addition to an extensive coverage of the city centre, the network covers most of the municipalities of the Canton, with a few lines extending into France.

– It reflects the extensive Christian influence and provides good views of Palin and the surrounding countryside.

– The area of Bukit Timah has an extensive flora flora and forest compared to the parts of Singapore, and contains Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, which is partially responsible for its high land value.

– Adi Shankara learned the sacred texts of Hinduism, like Vedas and Upanishads under his teacher Govinda Bhagavadpada and later wrote extensive commentaries of Hindu sacred texts called Upanishads.

– There is an extensive literature on the subject.

– It also explains Tina’s extensive history of heart irregularity and the medication she was taking, on the morning of her death, including anti-sea-sickness pills.

– The Romans made extensive use of nails.

– The scholar Felix Chami found archaeological evidence for extensive Roman trade on Mafija island near the Kenyan coast and, not far away, on the African mainland, near the mouth of the Rufiji River and the northern Mozambique coast, which he dated to the first few centuries AD.

– The first recorded epidemic was in the Byzantine EmpireEastern Roman Empire, It was called the Plague of Justinian after emperor Justinian I, who was infected but survived through extensive treatment.

– The army arrested pro-Sukarno and pro-communist members of the MPRS, and Suharto replaced chiefs of the navy, air force, and the police force with his supporters, who then began an extensive purge within each service.

– The search for physical evidence was extensive and, on occasion, subject to false leads; for example, a possible blood sample taken from Deepak Kalpoe’s car was tested but determined not to be blood.

– Just south of The Pentagon are Pentagon City and Crystal City, extensive shopping and high-density residential districts in Arlington.

– Thus the order exhibits both genetic polymorphism and extensive polyphenism.

– Xiaomi say that they listen closely to customer feedback, having them test out upcoming features themselves, and building an extensive online community.

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