“radiometric” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “radiometric”:

+ For example, a study of the Amitsoq gneisses from western Greenland used five different radiometric dating methods to examine twelve samples and got agreement to within 30 million years on an age of 3,640my.

+ The oldest material of terrestrial origin that has been radiometric datingdated is a zircon mineral 4.404 ±0.008 billion years old.

+ According to radiometric dating, the Morrison Formation dates from 156.3±2million years old at its base, so it lasted just under 10 million years.

+ They used radiometric dating techniques to figure out how old an artifact is, as well as other techniques to prove how the artifact was used.

+ The ash layers contain zircon, which makes it possible for geologists to accurately date the fossil layers by radiometric dating.

radiometric - sentence examples
radiometric – sentence examples

Example sentences of “radiometric”:

+ Clair Cameron Patterson, an American geochemist who pioneered studies of uranium-lead radiometric dating methods, is famous for having used it to obtain one of the earliest accurate estimates of the age of the Earth.

+ This age is based on radiometric dating of zircon crystals at 4.031×10 years.

+ African “Homo erectus”: old radiometric ages and young Oldowan assemblages in the middle Awash Valley, Ethiopia.

+ The radiometric ages show the Earth existed already for at least 10 million years before the impact, enough time to allow for differentiation of the Earth’s primitive mantle and core.

+ Using radiometric dating, scientists found that a bear bone with knife marks was 12,500 years old.

+ By using radiometric dating, the layers date between 154,000 and 160,000 years old.

+ According to radiometric dating, the Morrison Formation dates from 156.3±2million years old at its base, which places it in the later Jurassic.

+ These figures were got by a number of radiometric dating techniques.

+ Analog multipliers and dividers are used to offer brief gain control, radiometric function, or continuous energy measurement, with surprising accuracy.

+ It is a type of radiometric dating.

+ Abel was dated using beryllium-based radiometric dating as living about 3.6 million years ago.

+ Holmes was a pioneer of geochronology, and performed the first accurate uranium-lead radiometric dating while an undergraduate in London.

+ Then the discovery of radioactivity and the invention of radiometric dating techniques gave a way to get the ages of the layers.

+ Clair Cameron Patterson, an American geochemist who pioneered studies of uranium-lead radiometric dating methods, is famous for having used it to obtain one of the earliest accurate estimates of the age of the Earth.

+ This age is based on radiometric dating of zircon crystals at 4.031x10 years.
+ African "Homo erectus": old radiometric ages and young Oldowan assemblages in the middle Awash Valley, Ethiopia.

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