“cavity” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “cavity”:

– The remains of a lizard in the German specimen’s thoracic cavity show that “Compsognathus” preyed on small vertebrates.

– At the anterior end, the tube opens into a small cavity close to the brain, and then to the outside through a pore at the anterior tip of the animal.

– This last pair of legs is usually held inside the carapace, in the cavity containing the breathing organs.

– The nasal cavity is lined with mucous and little hairs called cilia.

– Diseases of the nasal cavity include viral infections and nasal cavity cancer.

cavity some example sentences
cavity some example sentences

Example sentences of “cavity”:

– This puts the sparrows in competition with bluebirds and other North American cavity nesters so the native bird population declines.

– Once they have found a fish nearby they rush with a burst of speed to the gill cavity and attaches itself with its spines.

– Oligochaetes are segmented worms and most have a spacious body cavity which is used as a hydroskeleton.

– The digestive juices rapidly turn the prey into a broth of nutrients which the arachnid sucks into a pre-buccal cavity located immediately in front of the mouth.

– The tissue that covers the wall of your nasal cavity contains many blood vessels.

– It is a relative cavity in the interstellar medium of the Orion Arm in the Milky Way.

– The nasal cavity is divided in two by a vertical fin called the nasal septum.

– A tampon is a mass made of absorbent material, usually cotton, that are put into a body cavity to absorb body fluid.

– These muscles help expand and shrink the size of the thoraxchest cavity to help breathing.

– The cavity magnetron is a high-powered vacuum tube that makes microwaves using the interaction of a stream of electrons with a magnetic field.

- This puts the sparrows in competition with bluebirds and other North American cavity nesters so the native bird population declines.

- Once they have found a fish nearby they rush with a burst of speed to the gill cavity and attaches itself with its spines.
- Oligochaetes are segmented worms and most have a spacious body cavity which is used as a hydroskeleton.

– After Tooth enamelenamel and dentin are destroyed and cavity reaches the dental pulp and nerves of the tooth, the tooth becomes sensitive since the nerves are exposed.

– On the sides of the nasal cavity are three horizontal outgrowths called turbinates.

– The animal had lungs, but its ribs were too short to give support to its chest cavity out of water.

– Oxygenated water is taken into the Mantle mantle cavity to the gills.

– Cilia and mucus along the inside wall of the nasal cavity trap and remove dust and germs from the air as it flows through the nasal cavity.

– The buccal cavity of the parrotfish secretes the ‘sleeping sack’ that the fish sleeps in overnight.

Cavity Wall A cavity wall or hollow wall consists of two separate walls, called leaves or skins, with a cavity or gap in-between.

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