“already in” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “already in”:

+ The term ‘clone’ was already in use since the beginning of the 20th century in reference to plants.

+ Russo-Persian War: At the start of the war Persia was already in chaos and was about to collapse.

+ The book is an autobiographical form of the life of a boy, Lázaro of Tormes, in the century XVI, from his birth and childhood problemsy until his wedding, already in the adulthood.

+ This made it an important settlement already in Roman times.

+ After Gies had to resign already in 1991 Münch was elected as 2nd Minister-President of Saxony Anhalt from 4 July 1991 to 28 November 1993.

+ By the time the Emancipation Proclamation was made in 1863 Tennessee was already in Union control.

already in example in sentences
already in example in sentences

Example sentences of “already in”:

+ Using the word “kilogram” creates a problem because it is a base unit that has the prefix “kilo” already in its name.

+ The system will reject a username that is already in use.

+ Trump is opposed to illegal immigration and has promised to build a wall on the US-Mexico border, and believes that illegal immigrants already in this country should be deported.

+ Although this was three years before Wilhelm Johannsen used the word “gene” to describe the units of hereditary information, De Vries had introduced the word “pangene” for the same concept already in 1889 and etymologically the word genetics finds its origin in Darwin’s concept of pangenesis.

+ To solve the puzzle, a person must fill in all the empty squares without using the same numeral twice in each column, row, or box, and without changing the numerals that are already in the grid.

+ They also found out that Randy had a brother who was already in jail for killing a woman, and that Randy had been to jail for stealing.

+ Modern gas stoves were developed already in the 1820s, but these were isolated experiments.

+ But the eastern mosquitofish did not eat more mosquitoes than the fish that were already in Australia did.

+ The word “zionist” is found already in the year 1877 in an in Roumanian written pamphlet.

+ It appeared already in Heinlein’s “Red Planet Red Planet” and is a major plot element in Greg Bear’s “Moving Mars” and Kim Stanley Robinson’s “Mars” trilogy.

+ The Islets of Langerhans change which chemical they make depending on how much of other chemicals are already in the blood.

+ The inhabitants of the village declared themselves Hungarians already in the 19th century but their Slovakian roots are still noticeable in their conventions.

+ This applied only to new recruits, but older sepoys suspected that it might bied apply to those already in service.

+ However, significant operational efficiency and quickness advantages can be achieved even by small organizations, and server consolidation and virtualization rollouts are already in progress.

+ At the European Championships 2003, Timo Boll lost already in the 2nd round against Vladimir Samsonov- of course this also meant that he lost the 1st place in the world ranking again.

+ Hello, I wanted to give a heads up about an upcoming feature for this wiki which you may seen already in the Tech News.

+ After divorce Siri took drama lessons and already in 1877 she had her first performance.

+ Despite this, the museum was already in bad condition when it burned in September 2018.

+ Using the word "kilogram" creates a problem because it is a base unit that has the prefix "kilo" already in its name.

+ The system will reject a username that is already in use.
+ Trump is opposed to illegal immigration and has promised to build a wall on the US-Mexico border, and believes that illegal immigrants already in this country should be deported.

More in-sentence examples of “already in”:

+ In places such as the James Range, the Finke flows through deeply incised meanders Some parts of the river’s course must have been already in existence around this time.

+ At home Siri had already in young years a French governess.
+ Creatine is already in the body as a natural substance and in some food.

+ In places such as the James Range, the Finke flows through deeply incised meanders Some parts of the river’s course must have been already in existence around this time.

+ At home Siri had already in young years a French governess.

+ Creatine is already in the body as a natural substance and in some food.

+ But he is not the creator of this word, it was already in use.

+ If the term is already in parentheses, use “or” to indicate the acronym.

+ Canadian employers hiring through the TFWP might find qualified foreign workers that are already in the country.

+ They are expected to have received a good general education already in the secondary educationsecondary level in a school.

+ Congress then has to get together within 48 hours, if they are not already in session.

+ Arima spa is one of oldest spas in Japan, whose earliest record is found already in “Nihonshoki”.

+ Would any and all willing admins please comment at User talk:Griffinofwales/Archive 2#Warning users and let me know if I am indeed missing something? Please reply there only about procedures that are already in place: I am looking to learn if there are procedures and practices I’m unaware of, not to discuss what the procedures should be.

+ People lived in the area around Steckborn already in the 100s.

+ For countries affected by natural disasters, many have most of the supplies they need already in the country.

+ It was not until the 1870s, when he was already in his 50s, that he started to become really well known.

+ Several months later, Gabrielle finds Hope again, now looking like a nine-year-old, and already in the process of helping her father, Dahak, implement his plan to take over the world.

+ The underlying concept dates back to 1960 when :en:John_McCarthy_John McCarthy expressed his opinion that “computation may someday be organized as a term “Cloud” was already in commercial use in the early 1990s to refer to large ATM networks.

+ The abbreviation IBF was already in use by the International Badminton Federation.

+ The stock of books already in existence was stored at the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg.

+ It can also be found by ordering the candidates by their number of pairwise victories minus pairwise defeats, and then looking for the smallest group of candidates, starting from the top, who pairwise beat all candidates not already in the group.

+ Well all those articles were already in subcategories of the sports category, as such they don’t belong in the parent category.

+ You may find that some or all of the information to be merged is already in the other page.

+ The notice-not-sandbox parameter can for instance be used so a protection template can be placed already in the /sandbox version of the code.

+ Each starting band member was already in a separate band, and all decided to start a side project.

+ Later, the family arranges for Teni’s engagement, but she manages to call it off, proclaiming that she is already in a relationship with Parth’s friend, Aman.

+ In that scenario, Jeanne Calment would have died already in 1934 and Yvonne Calment in 1997, claiming to be her mother and aged 122 but in fact she was aged 99.

+ After saving the article, follow the category links at the end of the page to see if the category is already in place and if not, categorize them until you connect them with an existing category.

+ Such skilled foreign workers already in Canada that can easily be hired by a Canadian employer might be about to complete a job contract with a different employer.

+ They are already in week two of the Globe and Mail assignment.

+ When I want to create an account which I called ‘Adam P’, it tells me the name is already in use.

+ These people also use their smartphone to tell something to someone who is already in front of them.

+ The first is that the land animals and plants were washed into the lakes very gently, or were already in the lakes when they died.

+ Juice can be bought from a Shopstore, already in bottles.

+ As HammerFall became more famous, some of the band members needed to leave because they were already in other bands.

+ Although most of the orchestral instruments we use nowadays were already in use in Bach’s day, instrument makers have made changes to them.

+ These small farmers were usually already in debt, borrowing money for seed and paying it back when their crops came in.

+ The African indentured servants joined about 1,000 English indentured servants already in the colony.

+ It is useful to connect the article-categories with categories already in place to establish connections.

+ This template is inspired by both the templates already in use on said infoboxes.

+ Anyone already in the channel can invite you in temporarily; ask a chanop for an invite exemption.

+ However the club was required to change name because the other name was already in use.

+ At the Olympic Games in 2012 he lost already in the third round, but won silver with the team.

+ He only drew out what was already in the other’s mind.

+ The Master was already in his 13th life when he was introduced to the series.

+ Interest in arts started already in high school, where he began to design school wallpapers and leaflets.

+ The other idea is called the “pre-Columbian hypothesis.” This hypothesis says that syphilis was already in Europe before Columbus, and people just did not realize that the disease existed.

+ He is already in love with the princess just from looking at her picture, and decides to go and rescue her.

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