“set out” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “set out”:

+ Once they were collected, and set out on a board so the details could be seen, it became clear they were not all of the same species, and often not from the same biological families.

+ It is both a mode of visual communication and also a way to set out data.

+ Brutus refused to surrender the province and Antony set out to attack him in the beginning of 43 BC, besieging him at Mutina.

+ On June 26, 1754, he set out with a group of Plains Indians.

+ It continues his project set out in “On the Logic of the Social Sciences” of finding a way to “ground the social sciences in a theory of language”.

+ Every part of life in the prison was strictly set out by a set of rules designed before the prisoners’ arrival by the Four Powers — France, UKBritain, the Soviet Union, and the United States.

set out - sentence examples
set out – sentence examples

Example sentences of “set out”:

+ The Tango is now danced in international competitions to a style first set out in English ballroom texts and regulations.

+ When Horus lost his eye, his eye set out on a journey of its own.

+ The story follows Banjo and Kazooie as they set out on a quest to rescue Banjo’s sister who has been kidnappingkidnapped by an evil witch named Gruntilda Winkybunion.

+ Another tells how he set out to find the Holy Grail, the cup that Jesus drank from at the Last Supper.

+ He finally set out from Fort Pitt on October 3, 1764, with 1,150 men.

+ There are international Codes of nomenclature which set out exactly how types are to be designated and used.

+ Mario and his friends set out to collect eight Pure Hearts in each chapters, in order to destroy the Chaos Heart and prevent the black hole from destroying the world.

+ A group of three policemen from Mansfield set out to search for the Kelly brothers who they thought were hiding in the bush near Mansfield.

+ The plan works, but the Aqua Teens realize that the world is still in danger, and then they set out to find more about themselves.

+ At age 20 he set out on a religious pilgrimage to Rome.

+ These treaties also set out rules that economic activities could be done freely and that no military activities can take place.

+ The queen of Sparta, Helen was married to Menelaus, but later eloped with Prince Paris and taken to Achaeans set out to bring her back to Sparta.

+ It is the only private group to have its jobs set out by international law.

+ Accordingly, they have created a “request for consultation” on Meta where they set out briefly some of the issues to be considered and the options that they perceive.

+ The Tango is now danced in international competitions to a style first set out in English ballroom texts and regulations.

+ When Horus lost his eye, his eye set out on a journey of its own.

More in-sentence examples of “set out”:

+ Simón Bolívar captured Cúcuta in 1813 and set out from there on his march to Caracas.

+ The meetings concluded with the views of the Remonstrants being rejected and set out the Reformed doctrine on each of the points.

+ He gathered a search party and set out to question many of the people Odysseus served with in the war.

+ Knowing that this will free the aliens on Earth, Ripley, the mercenaries, Wren, a surviving marine named DiStephano, and a surviving alien host, Purvis, set out to escape on the “Betty” and then destroy the “Auriga”.

+ The Transport Act 1947 set out the nationalizationnationalisation of the rail network, as part of a plan by Labour Government to nationalise public transport.

+ However, after only a few weeks, farmer Zuckerman suddenly sells Cardigan to another farmer, so Wilbur, along with Charlotte’s daughters and Templeton the Rat, set out to visit Cardigan and make sure he is okay.

+ Its basic tasks, set out in Article 3 of the Statute, are to set and implement the monetary policy for the Eurozone, to conduct foreign exchange operations, to take care of the foreign reserves of the European System of Central Banks and operation of the financial market infrastructure under the TARGET2 payments system and the technical platform.

+ More information on these and other parameters are set out below.

+ The children of the previous games’ heroes – Matthew, Karis, and Tyrell – set out to solve the mystery of the vortexes, and cross a world that is succumbing to a new evil.

+ The House is set out in the British style, even using the green colours of the House of Commons.

+ I maintain my views set out in the discussion that it was an inappopriate protection and misuseage of the Administrator tools.

+ In August 1791 Bligh set out again to get breadfruit trees.

+ In 1330 he and six knights set out in a ship with royal banners.

+ It set out the rules for commercial and financial relations among the world’s major industrial states.

+ Kitami, along with Inspector Yagyu of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, immediately set out to investigate and understood that this was the work of an international criminal-terrorist organization called the World Union Alliance led by Hayato Kuroki, a criminal mastermind and far right leader with Nazi ideology.

+ Some critics and scholars think that Keats set out to write the kind of long poem he had already done in his Endymion “Endymion” in epic that many other poets of his time tried to write.

+ One day, Popeye set out on a boat with nothing but a bent pin and a spool of thread in hopes of helping his guardian by catching whales for him.

+ In 1997, Creative Director Courtney Betley and Senior Art Director Julia Cadar set out to create the World’s Most Wanted Wiener for Wienerschnitzel, with TDO coming to mind.

+ On the night of May 24th, 1856, Brown set out with seven others to the pro-slavery town of Pottawatomie Creek.

+ The babies mistake a swimming pool for a giant potty, and set out to try to find the flusher.

+ The modern concept of romantic love comes from the Middle Agesmedieval ideals of chivalry, as set out in its chivalric romance literature.

+ Tina’s parents however, set out to get the attention of the media and by 2007 had succeeded.

+ As their distrust fades, the pair set out together to find Tip’s mother, but, unbeknown to them, the Gorg—enemies of the Boov—are en route.

+ These and other words for different types of underwear are set out in the table below.

+ The Divisions are divided among the states and territories of Australia as set out in the Australian Constitution and the “Electoral Act” Australian Electoral Commission.

+ He set out to become a writer or musician, but he never got far with either.

+ Van Dorn reunited Price’s and McCullough’s formations into a force he named the Army of the West, and set out to engage Union troops in Missouri under the command of Brig.

+ The dukes were never very important in forming the history of Europe, and unlike their relative in the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha never set out to form a long lasting dynasty.

+ The United States would have a new form of government, based on the ideas set out in the Constitution.

+ At that time, Marktplaats.nl had set out into Spain, Germany, Turkey and Canada under the name of Intoko.

+ A new pattern of worship was set out in the Book of Common Prayer.

+ In the second half of the book, it follows Lief, how on his 16th birthday, he set out on the Deltora Quest to find the gems of Deltora, with Barda, and got paralysed by Wenn, saved by Jasmine, and got the topaz from Gorl.

+ The Origin of Raval is that he was a one of the members of the rogue Linden group which is lost to SL history, named the Race Maker’s a group which set out to build their own races on the game within the very pre-release of Second Life, all 10 Race Makers filled with National Socialist, Communist and EmpireImperial ideas for how a society should be ran, Raval being the only Race Maker to proclaim himself a God, the rest proclaiming themselves the political rulers of their society, Instead Raval decided to make his first Zongian the Emperor of his society, which was the Legendary Emperor – Altmoss Torok.

+ In 275, Aurelian set out through Roman GaulGaul and passed Vindelicia on his way to the Roman lands around the Danube.

+ The election process is set out in Articles 4-12 of the ICJ statute Generally, five members of the Security Council of the United Nations always have a judge from their country.

+ In the 1960s Nico Tinbergen set out a framework for research on behaviour.

+ Formal dinners have cutlery set out in a traditional manner.

+ After a difficult 2009 season, Hamilton set out with a new challenge for the title.

+ In “Brown II”, the Supreme Court also set out rules about what schools needed to do to de-segregate.

+ Supper was set out in a specially constructed room; the menu was French cuisineFrench, and the “Great Eastern” and Flora’s Vase.

+ The suffixes used in forming these names depend on the kingdom, and sometimes the phylum and class, as set out in the table below.

+ Cutters would set out to complete this bowl in their fifth and final year of apprenticeship.

+ The political system is set out in the 1949 constitution, the “Basic Law for the Federal Republic of GermanyGrundgesetz which stayed in effect after 1990’s German reunification.

+ The codes set out legal principles or basic ideas, and have to decide each case by comparing the facts of the case to those principles, not to what another judges decided earlier.

+ In 1989, the ITV Association set out a basic presentation package with a new “ITV” logo, which included idents, promotions and general on and off air design, and an edit of this package was designed for each franchise holder.

+ Simón Bolívar captured Cúcuta in 1813 and set out from there on his march to Caracas.

+ The meetings concluded with the views of the Remonstrants being rejected and set out the Reformed doctrine on each of the points.

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