“schism” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “schism”:

– The existence or claims of an antipope produces a schism in the Roman Catholic Church.

– Later came the Great Schism and the Reformation.

– The history of the Amish church began with a Schism schism in Alsatian Anabaptists in 1693 led by Jakob Ammann.

– It is distinct from the earlier schism that separated Oriental Orthodoxy from the church that split in half later.

– The schism became “official” in 1054 when the Pope’s legates notified Patriarch Michael Cerularius of Constantinople that he had been excommunicated.

– Though it is very important to note the difference between schism and heresy.

– Russian-speakers refer to the schism itself as “raskol”.

schism - example sentences
schism – example sentences

Example sentences of “schism”:

- However instances of open division on doctrinal questions as well as daily matters had occurred long before the Great Schism of 1054.

- This in turn led to Cardinal Humbert putting forward a Bull of Excommunication against Michael Cerularius on the altar of the Hagia Sophia, and the Great Schism became official.

– However instances of open division on doctrinal questions as well as daily matters had occurred long before the Great Schism of 1054.

– This in turn led to Cardinal Humbert putting forward a Bull of Excommunication against Michael Cerularius on the altar of the Hagia Sophia, and the Great Schism became official.

– Coptic Catholics are seen as a Schism schism from the Coptic Orthodox Church.

– The schism lasted until the Council of Constance in 1417.

– More recently, in 1965 the mutual excommunications were rescinded by the Pope and the Patriarch of Constantinople, though schism remains.

– This led to a Schism split in the church, into Catholics and various Protestant churches.

– This was one of the three points of contention that brought about the schism between Eastern and Western churches in 1054.

– The Schism is the greatest curse in Europe, almost greater than Protestantism.

– The Council of Constance ended the schism when they elected Martin V as the new pope.

– The great schism between Eastern and Western Christianity of 1054 further intensified the rift between the coastal cities and the hinterland, with many of the Slavs in the hinterland preferring the Eastern Orthodoxy.

– By proclaiming himself Dhulbahante Sultan, Diiriye Guure reunited the Dhulbahante schism created by Ali Harran, also spelled Ali Xaram of the Maxamud Garad subclan, and Garaad Ali III around 7 decades earlier.

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