“punish” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “punish”:

– He wanted to punish these thieves and murderers, and brought in Carson to do the job.

– The reason I blocked the user was preventative and not punitive! I object to the thought that I’d punish someone, I would have hoped people would know me better than that by now; guess not! First and foremost, the blocking rules state that a person blocked on another WMF project can be blocked here also without any warning.

– In those days rulers could punish perjury with death.

– This type of chair was used to punish not only common scolds, but also people who make beer and bakers who sold bad beer or bread.

– The Safavids and Mughals occasionally oppressed the native Afghans but at the same time the Afghans used each empire to punish the other.

– The Meccans sent out a small army to punish the Muslims and stop their raiding.

– User warnings are for preventing further, and not to punish users.

– Several countries sought to use economic sanctions to punish Russia’s leaders for this.

punish - sentence examples
punish – sentence examples

Example sentences of “punish”:

– Flogging was used to punish convicts in the penal colonypenal colonies of Australia.

– Cheating on prices is difficult for cartel members to observe, so more successful cartels often agree to fix their market quotas, share verifiable information about those shares, and agree in advance on some mechanism to punish members that exceed their quotas.

– Gandhi had said the earthquake had happened because God wanted to punish people for practicing casteism.

– The reason for the rally was to demand laws to limit or control the mixing of men and women in the same space, punish atheists, require women to wear headscarves, and other religion-based rules.

– A king or queen could use slighting as a way to punish people who rebelled against them.

– No legal source known mentions the use of scold’s bridals to punish a common scold.

– Parents in some countrycountries spank children and teenagers to punish them.

– The British Parliament passed these laws to punish the Massachusetts colony for the Boston Tea Party.

- Flogging was used to punish convicts in the penal colonypenal colonies of Australia.

- Cheating on prices is difficult for cartel members to observe, so more successful cartels often agree to fix their market quotas, share verifiable information about those shares, and agree in advance on some mechanism to punish members that exceed their quotas.

– Gaea, the Earth Spirit, sensed this, and sent a giant scorpion to kill him, to punish him for his sins against nature.

– They punish him in various ways, including a ducking in a river after he hides in a basket of dirty laundry to avoid their husbands.

– However, Noah the Elder feels that the recent lack of fish, the penguins’ main food, is a punishment sent from their god in order to punish them for allowing Mumble’s dancing.

– Carson’s job was to keep the peace between the southwestern tribes, and to hunt down and punish any who committed crimes.

– Banquo and Macduff, a Scottish nobleman, arrive, Macduff discovers the crime, and all the characters sing a chorus asking God to punish the murderer.

More in-sentence examples of “punish”:

– In the light of this, it would probably be foolish to punish you, for things that you did a long time back, and that few remember.

– To punish him, Zeus transforms Calibos into a monstrous satyr and has him exiled by his people.

– This was because the United Nations was threatening to punish Serbia.

– He was determined to revenge the death of Severus and to punish the rebellious RomansCanduci, Alexander.

– Freedom of the press is a promise by a government not to punish journalists for doing their job.

– The trio secretly meet Sirius at Hogsmeade, who tells them that Barty Crouch was fanatical about catching dark wizards, often stooping to the same level to punish them.

– It may also coin money, regulate the value of American or foreign currency and punish counterfeiters.

– You bring them up in the heat of an argument, and you think we should punish him for them.

– The slang phrase “to teach someone a “lesson””, means to punish or scold a person for a mistake they have made making sure that he does not make the same mistake again.

– The three ladies hear what he says and they come and punish him by giving him a stone instead of bread and wine, and by lockpadlocking his mouth so that he cannot speak.

– The SS built many types of rooms meant to punish and torture prisoners.

– Jonah then went all through the city telling everyone that God was going to punish them.

– God is presented as a God who will punish evil, but will protect those who trust in Him.

– Goya wanted to show that it was wrong to punish mentally ill people, and lock them up with criminals.

– He was the colour of clouds at sunrise.” Yalti thought the white man was a spirit sent to punish her for something she had done wrong.

– He threatened to use a Controlled Substances Actfederal anti-drug law to punish doctors who wrote prescriptions under the DWDA.

– A report written by the district Nazi leader, Hermann Engst, shows that authorities were planning to punish Kellner at the end of the war.

– Other reasons given were that they wanted to have fun or to punish a woman.

– Like many other crimes in North Korea, illegally leaving the country may not only punish the accused, but also his or her family up to three generations.

– The Persian King, Darius decided to punish Athens.

– To punish mankind for stealing the secrets of fire, Jupiter ordered the other gods to make a poisoned gift for man.

– It was named in January 2005 after Narvi from Norse mythology, also known as Narfi or Nari, a son of Loki by Sigyn who was killed to punish Loki for his crimes.

– Its goal is to look into and, if possible, punish people for war crimes.

– Many religious courts have punished and some still punish this act with the death penalty.

- In the light of this, it would probably be foolish to punish you, for things that you did a long time back, and that few remember.

- To punish him, Zeus transforms Calibos into a monstrous satyr and has him exiled by his people.
- This was because the United Nations was threatening to punish Serbia.

– Within the city a consul could punish and arrest a citizen, but had no power to inflict capital punishment.

– Octavia, Nero’s wife, is very sad that her husband is having an affair with someone else and hopes that the gods will punish him.

– Although Carson and two other men had not lost any horses, these three wanted to punish the Crows.

– Another use of salt was in war, as a way to punish a city by ruining its crops.

– Its goal was to prosecutionprosecute people who took part in punish the guilty ones.

– He says God will punish the Assyrians because of “their cruelty”.

– He threatened to use a federal anti-drug law to punish them.

– Later they kill the Bull of Heaven that the goddess Ishtar has sent to punish Gilgamesh for turning down her advances.

– When Lucy’s father gets wind of his daughter’s whereabouts, he drags her back to their home to punish her.

– Dodd asked the SEC leaders to punish the “tryout camps” of other SEC members, but the SEC did not.

– The importance of this scenario, of two parties with strong support, and the one with weak support being the Condorcet winner, may be less than one would expect, though, as it is common in plurality voting systems, but much less likely to occur in Condorcet or IRV elections, which unlike Plurality voting, punish candidates who are opposed by a significant block of voters.

– Morticia returns to the Addams home and Abigail and Tully catcher her and punish her, trying to learn how to get in the vault.

– It is absolutely not acceptable for Alice to reverse Bob’s major improvements to the page out of a desire to protect her minor improvements, or to punish Bob for his carelessness.

– They want to punish him.

– The possession of the material may be used by the partners to punish the victim for ending a relationship.

– It was put down in 494 BC, but Darius I of Persia was keen to punish Athens for its role in the revolt.

– It also set out a process for making sure schools integrated, by giving federal district courts the power to supervise the schools, control how long they could have to de-segregate, and punish them if they refused to integrate.

– In the first chapter Amos says that God will punish many of the nations around Israel.

– Nomi tells Molly that she knows what Carver did to Molly, and that Nomi hit Carver to punish him.

– Therefore we are safer worshiping a god or gods that are less exclusive and will not punish us for making the wrong choice.

– The queen brashly compares the beauty of her daughter Andromeda, and the celebrations are cut short when Hades arrives, who has been given leave by Zeus to punish the mortals for defying the gods.

– The Book of Revelation says that God will punish the Devil and his demons by throwing them into a Lake of Fire that burns in Hell.

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