“branches” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “branches”:

+ P’ent’ay Christians schismed from the Orthodox Tewahedo churches, other branches of Christianity, or converted from other religions with the aid of Protestant missionaries to reform Ethiopian Christianity from what they perceived doctrinal-theological diversions.

+ He also worked in many branches of recreational mathematics, mainly for the invention of the cellular automaton called the Game of Life.

+ Some institutions, such as Musical Academy in Białystok, are branches of their parent institutions in other cities, usually in Warsaw.

+ There may or may not be whorls of branches at the nodes; when present, these branches are identical to the main stem except smaller.

+ It is either a small tree with many branches or a shrub of the Thar desert and other hot and dry regions in southern Asia.

+ Shoka uses just 3 branches called “ten”.

+ Today, there are three main branches of these orders.

branches - some sentence examples
branches – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “branches”:

+ Until recently, all speakers of West Iberian languages could understand each other, but now the branches are too different., where Cantabrian is listed in the Astur-Leonese linguistic group.

+ Malcolm, Banco’s son, tells his soldiers to cut branches from trees in Birnam Wood and carry them as they attack Macbeth’s army.

+ The Party council organises local branches to organise local activity and liaise with Constituency Labour Parties.

+ The star itself stands for the eight branches of the Turkic peoples, and between each point of the star, there is a smaller eight pointed star found.

+ The two main branches were the counts of Segni and Valmontone, and the dukes of Poli and Guadagnolo.

+ After the shield, an armillary sphere between two golden olive branches embowed, bound together in base by a ribbon green and red.

+ Since 1990-1991, it is no longer a proper public school along the English model but a military-style graduate college, with separate branches for boys and girls.

+ Leaves form distinct rosettes at the ends of branches and short lateral shoots, obovate, leathery, glossy green above, paler below.

+ The banyan tree has a root system that is underground, but it also has roots that start in its branches and grow down towards the ground.

+ The giant red branches of the galaxy may have at least 1-2 billion years.«To Near-Infrared Stellar Census of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies: The Wolf-Rayet Galaxy I Zw 36».

+ Until recently, all speakers of West Iberian languages could understand each other, but now the branches are too different., where Cantabrian is listed in the Astur-Leonese linguistic group.

+ Malcolm, Banco’s son, tells his soldiers to cut branches from trees in Birnam Wood and carry them as they attack Macbeth's army.
+ The Party council organises local branches to organise local activity and liaise with Constituency Labour Parties.

+ The tree, with its branches reaching up into the sky, and roots deep into the earth, can be seen to dwell in three worlds – a link between heaven, the earth, and the underworld, uniting above and below.

+ When the yerba is harvested, the branches are dried sometimes with a wood fire, imparting a smoky flavor.

+ As the national capital, Brasília is the seat of all three branches of the Brazilian government.

+ In psychology they are the structures at the end of the branches of algae mainly brown algae.

+ Many rivers start in different branches of this range flow northward, and join the great Indus River.

+ The branches of these nerves coordinate the movements of the animal.

+ There is considerable overlap between the specific branches of microbiology with each other and with other disciplines.

More in-sentence examples of “branches”:

+ They attach either to the roots or branches of their hosts.

+ The separation of powers between the Executive executive and law making branches is not as obvious as it is in a presidential system.

+ They attach either to the roots or branches of their hosts.

+ The separation of powers between the Executive executive and law making branches is not as obvious as it is in a presidential system.

+ There are two main branches of Buddhism in Vietnam, Mahayana, and Theravada.

+ It was made by building Horicon Dam on two branches of the Toms River.

+ It is recommended to apply the test case pattern to templates using ParserFunctions that can generate very different looking output, such as the ones that take many parameters, or the ones that have many branches of the operator.

+ In this system, the three distinct branches of evolutionary descent are the Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryota.

+ The olive branches are a symbol for peace, and the world map represents all the people and the countries of the world.

+ This was followed by the purchase of the savings business of UK bank Bradford Bingley in September 2008 BB had deposits of £22bn, 2.6m customers, 197 branches and 140 agencies.

+ Latin was spread across Europe by the Roman Empire, and Latin then split into many branches over time.

+ She will usually make the nest on one or many branches that are hidden in leaves.

+ A republic is a country belonging to the people, whereas a federation is a form of government where by regional divisions are not branches of the central government.

+ One of the official views of Judaism is that JC was an apostate I don’t have any grounds to accuse the person who composed this article of misconduct, but there are branches of Christianity that like to pretend the two religions are closer than they really are in a way that Jewish Americans have been a bit vocal that they don’t agree with or like.

+ Until recently, MTR stations only had branches of the Hang Seng Bank and Maxim’s Cakes stores, owned by Jardine Matheson, and a handful of other shops.

+ The company has 5,600 branches in over 150 countries.

+ The FBI is organized into branches and the Office of the Director.

+ The Central Bank of Nigeria has blue color on its office building at different branches of Nigeria.

+ There are two main branches of philosophy, Ilm al-KalamKalam, and Falsafa.

+ Small leafless trees or branches are carried indoors and decorated with colored eggs, paper trims, and lights.

+ It produces branches at the base and these branches are woody in the lower part.

+ It also had over 18,000 outlets including 106 overseas branches and agents globally.

+ This is accomplished using differential equations, linear algebra, and other branches of math.

+ To help keep it small, the owner of the bonsai trims its leaves and branches every year.

+ The number of branches and the arrangement of the thecae are important features in the identification of graptolite fossils.

+ The EY is one of the five branches of government of the ROC under their constitution.

+ Further growth is more horizontal than vertical, and additional rooting may occur where branches touch the soil.

+ In the branches of the tree, a lady dressed in the traditional Vietnamese dress, holding an infant in her arms with two angels beside her, appeared.

+ Some Hindu branches reject the worship of images.

+ The President exercises the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and Grand Master of the Three Orders and shall appoint and remove, at the proposal of the Government, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces and the Military Staff Heads of the three branches the Armed Forces.

+ Additionally, he was also one of two pretenderclaimants to the headship of the dynasty which ruled the Grand Master of one of the three branches of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George.

+ The main branches of industry were porcelain-making, forestry, and the production of charcoal.

+ John is said to have arrived in Canada in 1648, as the second Governor of New France, Charles de Montmagny, was a member of the original order, but it was not until 1883 that the first branch of the modern organization was established in the country, at Quebec City, growing to 12 branches by 1892.

+ The coat of arms of Estonia is a golden shield which includes three slim, blue “leopard”s in the middle, with oak branches along the side of the shield.

+ The National Bank brand was retired in 2012, with a number of branches closing and others converting to ANZ branches..

+ They hang on to branches or rocks with their feet.

+ He was the general commander of Branches of the Armed Forces since 2017.

+ Today the 1819 State House is the oldest state capitol in which the legislative branches meet in their original chambers.

+ When it hunts it lurks among the tree branches and then jumps on its victims.

+ Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith This committee, founded in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV, had action branches in most European countries.

+ Its life-style is assumed to be similar to other brachiosaurs, eating from the higher branches of tall conifer trees.

+ These can act as hooks on branches of the tree that the plant is climbing.

+ The monarchy is in charge of the Executive branches of both federal and provincial jurisdictions.

+ All the branches of the United StatesUS military have both Officers and Enlisted.

+ However, as mentioned above, all branches of the Eukarya have sexual reproduction.

+ The East-West Schism describes how Christianity developed into two big branches in the Middle Ages.

+ Later it was held by two illegitimate branches of the royal family in the 16th and 17th centuries, being in 1696 returned to the crown.

+ The evidence of luminous and asymptotic branches of stars suggests they formed several million years ago.

+ CSIRO “Forest Products Newsletter” 1946 The bark is resistant to fire and heat and protects the living tissue within the trunk and branches from fire.

+ After the American Revolutionary War, the Seventh Amendment was written to expressly limit the powers of the executive and the Judicial branches of the new federal government.

+ The amount of branches in the gel determines how easily molecules can squeeze through, depending on their size.

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