How to use in-sentence of “unification”

How to use in-sentence of “unification”:

– In the 1860s he engineered a series of wars that Unification of Germanyunified most of the German states except Austria into a powerful German Empire under Prussian leadership.

– After Italian unification Palermo grew rapidly.

– The Korean Unification Flag is a flag designed to represent all of Korea when North KoreaNorth and South Korea participate as one team in sporting events.

– Silla had accomplished a unification of the Three Kingdoms of Korea in 668.

– The explanation given by Korean Unification Church members is that all manufacturers seeking to do business in South Korea were required to supply the military.

How to use in-sentence of unification
How to use in-sentence of unification

Example sentences of “unification”:

- This area served as the main force in later Russian unification and the fight against the Golden Horde from Asia.

- Around noon of August 8, 1973, Kim was attended a meeting with the leader of the Democratic Unification Party held in the Room 2212 of the Hotel Grand Palace in Tokyo.
- He was against both liberalisation and unification of Germany and preferred to allow Austria to remain the first power in the German states.

– This area served as the main force in later Russian unification and the fight against the Golden Horde from Asia.

– Around noon of August 8, 1973, Kim was attended a meeting with the leader of the Democratic Unification Party held in the Room 2212 of the Hotel Grand Palace in Tokyo.

– He was against both liberalisation and unification of Germany and preferred to allow Austria to remain the first power in the German states.

– Hizb-ul-Mujahideen is one of the largest militant groups operating in Jammu and Kashmir from Azad Jammu and Kashmir and stands for the integration of the Disputed Territory and unification of all the Kashmir region with Pakistan.

– In 1815, it again passed under Austrian administration until the Second War of Italian Independence and the unification of Italy one year later.

– The Italians never created real colonies in the Americas, and only made territorial colonies in other areas of the world mainly after their political unification in the 19th century.

– With the unification of Germany on 3 October 1990, the Deutsche Bücherei Leipzig and the Deutsche Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main were merged in the new institution Die Deutsche Bibliothek.

– In the years after the unification of Italy in 1861, the term was used again by Italian nationalists.

– The first step towards political unification were taken on 1 May 1707, when the parliaments of Scotland and England approved “Acts of Union” which combined the two parliaments and the two royal titles.

– From the 14th century it was under the control of the city of Florence and the Grand Duchy of Tuscany until the unification of Italy in 1860.

More in-sentence examples of “unification”:

- The captain and first mate fought together on the losing side of the Unification War.

- The term was invented in the 1870s, when the unification of Italy left out Italians who lived in Austria-Hungary.
- During the following 11 months, the terms of unification were negotiated between East and West Germany, France, Great Britain, The United States of America and The Soviet Union, and the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany also called the Two Plus Four Treaty, signed by the two German states and the four wartime allies, opened the way towards reunification.

– The captain and first mate fought together on the losing side of the Unification War.

– The term was invented in the 1870s, when the unification of Italy left out Italians who lived in Austria-Hungary.

– During the following 11 months, the terms of unification were negotiated between East and West Germany, France, Great Britain, The United States of America and The Soviet Union, and the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany also called the Two Plus Four Treaty, signed by the two German states and the four wartime allies, opened the way towards reunification.

– These groups pushed for the unification of Greek workers into trade unions, the implementation of an eight-hour day in Greece and better salaries for workers.

– It covers the country’s history from Unification to the present day.

– Before to school unification in 1981, the Clyde High School mascot was Bluejays.

– In 1859, King Victor Emmanuel II of SavoyVictor Emmanuel II led the unification of Italy and ruled until 1878.

– This approach also enables a unification of the language and the tools of classical algebraic geometry, mainly concerned with complex points, and of algebraic number theory.

– The unification of societies of the Nile has also been linked to the drying of the Sahara.

– Italian unification That allowed king Victor Emmanuel to become the first king of Italy.

– Indeed the Dalmatian Italians were a fundamental presence in Dalmatia, when the process of political unification of the Italians, Croats and Serbs started at the beginning of the 19th century.

– The Association of Families for Unification and World Peace was the target of the raids, which took place in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and the personal residence of Moon’s primary representative in Brazil, Reverend Kim Yoon-sang.

– The hymn was successful during the Risorgimento because hopes in the unification of the Italy.

– In the 1990s, thousands of Japanese elderly people claimed to have been defrauded of their life savings by Moon followers’ awarded hundreds of millions of yen in judgments, including 37.6 million yen to pay two women coerced into donating their assets to the Unification Church.

– At the Jericho Conference on 1 December 1948, 2,000 Palestinian delegates called for unification of Palestine and Transjordan as a step toward full Arab unity.

– This completed al-Andalus, the unification of Muslim-ruled Iberia.

– If there are no more Jews in Europe, nothing will hold the unification of the European nations…

– The German reunification is the unification of the two parts of Germany.

– His most important goal was to make Prussia stronger, and he achieved that by the unification of Germany.

– Italian irredentism in Istria was the political movement dedicated to the unification of Istria to Italy.

– It came into being with unification of the Kingdoms of Kingdom of EnglandEngland and Scotland into the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707.

– With the rise of the Risorgimento, in all Italian areas that were excluded from the unification of Italy started to be widely diffused the Italian movement called “Irredentism”.

– The unification of Germany began many years earlier, during the Napoleonic Wars.

– Grand unification theory or GUT is a modelmodel that tries to describe the universe.

– Today, the Paneuropean Picnic is seen as one of the important events that led to the end of the German Democratic Republic and the Cold War, the fall of the Iron Curtain, and the unification of the two German states.

– The unification of Germany and start of the German Empire in 1871 meant that the Confederation changed into a German country.

– Yet each city-state or “polis” was independent; unification was something rarely discussed by the ancient Greeks.

– Immeasurably hot and dense state of the Planck epoch is succeeded by the grand unification epoch, where gravitation force is separated from the unified fundamental force.

– It was renamed RCAF Station Greenwood, a name it kept until the February 1, 1968 unification of the Canadian Forces.

– School unification combined Downs and Waconda East schools into USD 272 in 2003.

– In Spalato, the city of Emperor Diocletian, in the year 1910 there were 1,046 Italians officially counted, when in the same year more than 3,000 were enrolled in the cultural and patriotic public association “Dante Alighieri.” In Zara a group, under the leadership of irredentists Desanti and Boxich, founded the newspaper “Il Risorgimento” in 1908, promoting openly the unification to Italy of Dalmatia, but was closed in 1914.

– He ordered various unification campaigns in the West to increase Nepalese boundary.

– Pan-German Movement is an ideological and political movement promoting the unification of all German-speaking peoples of Europe.

– Some feared that unification would give Austria and Prussia too much power among the many states.

– This is probably going to cause a unification nightmare, but hey, I’ll request usurpation on each project as I go.

– The club was formed on September 13, 1933 by the unification of the cities two clubs: FC Rapid Salzburg and FC Hertha Salzburg.

– After the unification of the Parliament of Scotland with the Parliament of England by the Acts of Union 1707, the new Parliament of Great Britain in London’s Westminster got the power to make Scots laws.

– The historical term for that is the Unification of Germany.

– The Unification Council of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine elected Epiphanius I of Ukraine – as the Metropolitan of Kyiv and all Ukraine.

– Later, the figure of Arminius was used to represent the ideals of freedom and unification – as supported by German liberals, and opposed by reactionary rulers.

– Windows XP replaced Windows 2000 and Windows ME, which helped complete the unification of the NT and 9x branches of Windows.

– The area has been Ancient RomeRoman, French and Italian before the unification of Italy.

– Political unification was a slow process, taking place over a century or so.

– In the times of unification of Nepal, Kshetris were more rigid to worship of ferocious forms of Godess Kali and Lord Shiva.

– In 1859, during the unification of Italy process, it joined the Kingdom of Sardinia.

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