How to use in sentence of “strength”

How to use in-sentence of “strength”:

+ In 202BC the Han Dynasty took over and developed an empire of similar strength as the Roman Empire and towards the end of its rule influenced by India introduced Buddhism in China.

+ Red represents hardiness, bravery, strength and courage.

+ Semen is ingested for strength and is considered in the same line as mothers’ milk.

+ By increasing muscular strength and improving balance, weight training can reduce falls by elderly persons as well.

+ Magnetic fields are vector fields, so they have both a strength and a direction.

+ The official forecasts continued to predict weakening and dissipation but Epsilon did not follow the forecaster’s predictions, and remained at hurricane strength for several more days.

+ Uncle Ben tells him to be careful about when to use his strength and that “with great power, comes great responsibility.” Peter says Uncle Ben is not his father and should stop pretending to be.

How to use in sentence of strength
How to use in sentence of strength

Example sentences of “strength”:

+ They numbered some 40,000, and their fighting strength was about 8000 men.

+ Radiographs reveal exceptional forelimb strength in the sabertooth cat, “Smilodon fatalis”.

+ To him, this was necessary to maintain a position of outward strength so that France and Great Britain would consider Spain as an ally without supposing Spain’s renunciation of its claim to Gibraltar.

+ The quality of a vassal was only in his fighting ability and the strength of his loyalty.

+ The strength of a field usually varies over a region.

+ Now, laser engraving machines are being made and even today the mechanical cutting has proven its strength in economical terms and quality.

+ Great Britain, France, and Russia were worried about the growing strength of Germany, so they promised to help each other if any one of them was attacked.

+ After maintaining Category 5 strength for 12 hours, Ioke weakened back to a Category 4 for the final time on August 30 while approaching Wake Island.

+ The strength of defences and counter-adaptation rely on the species’ ability to evolve.

+ Another strength of spreadsheets, is that they can produce diagrams, like graphs and pie-charts, based on the data the user enters.

+ It improves strength and durability of lead and makes it more resistant to corrosion by sulfuric acid.

+ They numbered some 40,000, and their fighting strength was about 8000 men.

+ Radiographs reveal exceptional forelimb strength in the sabertooth cat, "Smilodon fatalis".
+ To him, this was necessary to maintain a position of outward strength so that France and Great Britain would consider Spain as an ally without supposing Spain's renunciation of its claim to Gibraltar.

+ This amounts to an overall strength of about 1400.”Channel 5 Belize”, 28 November 2005.

+ Hurricane Cindy was a tropical cyclone that reached minimal hurricane strength for a very short time in the Gulf of Mexico during July and made landfall in Louisiana.

+ A Super Mushroom transforms Mario into Super Mario, making Mario glow and have the strength to take two enemy hits.

+ With the good balancing and the inherited hidden strength from his father, he’s aiming for first place in these Olympic Games.” and “Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games”.

+ It was upgraded to a hurricane on the afternoon of September 12, and peaked at Category 4 strength on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale after rapidly strengthening on September 13.

+ Sprains can best be prevented by proper use of safety equipment, being aware of your surroundings and maintaining strength and flexibility.

+ All people believe that the priest gets strength to carry on the trance with the idol on his head, due to the blessings of the Devi enshrined in the temple.

+ Group 1 because my strength is with music-related articles.

More in-sentence examples of “strength”:

+ After losing this battle, Hitler had no strength left to stop the powerful Allied armies.

+ When Bella's strength is almost completely gone, the Cullens realize that she may need vampire nourishment–blood.
+ Some information that will need to be updated are the formation of storms, strength of active storms, dissipation of storms, ACE, etc..

+ After losing this battle, Hitler had no strength left to stop the powerful Allied armies.

+ When Bella’s strength is almost completely gone, the Cullens realize that she may need vampire nourishment–blood.

+ Some information that will need to be updated are the formation of storms, strength of active storms, dissipation of storms, ACE, etc..

+ It reached hurricane status on August 30 and reach category 4 strength on September 2.

+ Also, the amount of damage and height of the water from tsunami showed the strength of the earthquake.

+ Black can stand for strength and power.

+ Half-vampire, she has vampire strength which threatens Bella’s life during the pregnancy.

+ Lord Daubeney and his troops poured across in strength and engaged the enemy with great vigour.

+ She had superhuman strength and speed.

+ For the name of the show, Joss Whedon wanted something that had strength and movement.

+ Other colors are a mix of different strength of primary colors.

+ Then this dog will show excellent intelligence, strength and ability to work with humans.

+ During this period, the theatre’s productions became known for the strength of their on-stage visual imagery.

+ Goku and Frieza face off and eventually after a very long battle, Goku gets the battle under his control, and calls off the fight, claiming it would be pointless to continue; Frieza losing strength rapidly and Goku already having humbled the tyrant.

+ It has the highest compressive strength of all the reinforcing materials, and it has a high strength to weight ratio and low coefficient of thermal expansion.

+ Foster’s is a full strength Australian beer.

+ The magnitude of the moment is equal to the strength of each charge multiplied by the distance separating between the charges.

+ The strength of the teeth indicates that “Camarasaurus” probably ate coarser plant material than the slender-toothed diplodocids.

+ But, properties like strength can be very much different.

+ This ability to gauge the strength of other animals gives animals a “fight or flight” response to predators; depending on how strong they gauge the predator to be, animals will either become aggressive or flee.

+ Ropes have been used for thousands of years, from the Egyptians using them in 4000BCE and modern-day construction that relies heavily on the strength of this tool.

+ After dropping to tropical storm strength it became a hurricane again on October 17.

+ His singing career went from strength to strength and by the late 1970s he was well known internationally having had hit singles and albums in the USA, Ireland, Sweden, Australia and other countries.

+ Cindy then began to lose its most of its strength and organization as it moved inland.

+ Reports of the strength of the quake do not all agree.

+ Over time, Frieza’s power became so great that his body could not comfortably contain it, and a series of physical transformations were developed that limit his actual strength While other beings in “Dragon Ball Z” transform to increase their power, Frieza transforms to control and contain it.

+ Late on October10, the typhoon reached Category4 strength on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, and the next day it became a “super typhoon”.

+ In 2015, in Vienna, Virginia, Charlotte Heffelmire was able to momentarily use incredible strength to free her dad from a GMC pick-up truck.

+ It lost hurricane strength more than 150miles inland, near Meridian, MississippiMeridian, Mississippi.

+ Cold-air funnel clouds are usually short-lived and are usually much weaker in strength than the tornadoes produced by supercells.

+ At its peak strength in 1944, the USAAF had over 2.4 million men and women in service, nearly 80,000 aircraft and 783 permanent bases, and operated from more than 2,000 airfields worldwide.

+ It is said that God gives us the strength to change what we can and the courage to accept what we can’t”.

+ The Saxons began a second rebellion, and the anti-royalist party grew in strength from month to month.

+ It strengthened further to its maximum strength of 70 mph winds later that day, just below hurricane strength.

+ Tornadoes up to EF5 in strength have been found in this region.

+ Because of their strength and persistence, they are difficult to keep away.

+ He uses his bare strength and metalworking ability to his avail in many situations.

+ Serious players need the additional ball control, weight and strength the professional-grade products feature to handle four adult players.

+ It had its greatest strength in Victoria Victoria and in the rural areas of New South Wales.

+ The trio shadow travel halfway around the world, causing Nico to lose a lot of his strength and start to “fade”.

+ Samson is known for being given great strength by God to use against those who do not like him and to do great things that regular people cannot do: killing a lion with his bare hands, defeating a whole army with only a donkey’s jawbone to fight with, and making a temple fall down.

+ In the past twenty-two years, the field has decreased its strength 1.7%, on average.

+ Their encounter in the movie “Star Trek – Generations” gave the surviving Picard a great deal of newfound strength to carry on his demanding mission.

+ The Japanese, by contrast, remained almost totally unaware of their opponent’s true strength and dispositions even after the battle began.

+ Summer is a time when the calves grow and the adult animals regain their strength following a long, hard winter”.

+ The storm lost a large amount of strength before it moved over Newfoundland.

+ Characters usually have things about them that limit their actions, such as strength or speed, and as the character completes the quests, he or she is awarded experience points which can be used to make the character better.

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