“progressively” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “progressively”:

+ As the musician develops more and more confidence and skill in both left and right hand, pieces and exercises will become progressively more difficult.

+ Its use began to decline from the seventeenth century, when they were progressively replaced by sailboats, finally becoming extinct in the late eighteenth century.Nicolas Aubin.

+ Axial-flow compressors use a series of fan-like rotating rotor blades to progressively compress the gasflow.

+ Pastoral leases in the Kakadu area were progressively given up from 1889, because the Victoria River Victoria River and the Barkly Tablelands were better pastoral regions.

+ The other band members decided not to tour for their third studio EP “Jar of Flies” because of Staley’s condition becoming progressively worse.

+ They were progressively shortened during their lifetime, finally finishing as three-car sets.

progressively - sentence examples
progressively – sentence examples

Example sentences of “progressively”:

+ However, the path that it will take from there on becomes progressively wild.

+ Branches start at the trunk, big and thick, and get progressively smaller the farther they grow from the trunk.

+ With their increasing size of neocortex, primates and especially humans, have progressively more complex social behaviors.

+ The viability of these industries so far from markets had progressively declined, culminating in closure of many operations and a decline in the local population.

+ The contestants are progressively eliminated from the game as they are voted out by their fellow contestants, until only one remains and is given the title of “The Last Survivor” and is awarded the grand prize of 1 million NIS.

+ Engineering within the tunnels, following each discovery, has become progressively more advanced.

+ However, the path that it will take from there on becomes progressively wild.

+ Branches start at the trunk, big and thick, and get progressively smaller the farther they grow from the trunk.
+ With their increasing size of neocortex, primates and especially humans, have progressively more complex social behaviors.

+ The oil crisisoil supply crises of the 1970s spurred the creation, in 1975, of the federal Corporate Average Fuel Economy program, which required auto manufacturers to meet progressively higher fleet fuel economy targets.

+ The snout becomes progressively thinner the older the gharial gets.

+ This contrasts with “transient polymorphisms” where a form is progressively replaced by another.Begon, Townsend, Harper.

+ Ritz himself withdrew progressively from the affairs of his various companies, selling out his interests in hotels at Frankfurt and Salsomaggiore in 1905 and retiring from the Ritz Hotel Development Company in 1907, from the Carlton Hotel Company in 1908, and from the Paris Ritz Company in 1911.

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