“level” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “level”:

– Unlike the Harrod-Domar model, the saving rate will only determine the level of income but not the rate of growth.

– While there are many different small enemies that players meet, there are also large bosses who must be killed in order to reach the last level of the game.

– This level also deals with sexual and intimate needs.

– A state of anxiety occurs when challenges are so high that they exceed one’s perceived skill level causing one great distress and uneasiness.

– Typically, the download speed of consumer DSL services ranges from 256 kilobits per second to 24,000 kbit/s, depending on DSL technology, line conditions and service level implemented.

– If proteins are built of sub-units this gives another level of structure.

– In order to control the level of noise in the workplace, a noise dosimeter which is a device that is used to measure the amount of noise in a workplace over time is used.

level example in sentences
level example in sentences

Example sentences of “level”:

– He held a number of high level positions before becoming a government informant on widespread corruption within organized soccer.

– The theme for level 1 and used in the Game Boy version is often called the “Tetris Theme”.

– These drugs increase the level of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, which can create euphoria.

– RAID Level 5 is what is probably used most of the time.

– When CO level dropped, the period known as Snowball Earth began.

– CTBUH heights are measured from the level of the lowest, significant, open-air, pedestrian entrance of the building.

– Districts are the second level of administrative division of the country.

– This table gives some safe limits for the level of sound so that the ears are not damaged.

– As the sea level rose higher, most of these continental islands were covered by water.

– In March 2002, while still independent, Livingstone was accused of “cronyism” by some Labour party members in the London Assembly after he had appointed six officials as special advisers at a salary level which seemed to them excessive, and a manoeuvre to help his chances of being re-elected.

– However, none of the relevant interactions occur at the level described by quantum mechanics or the uncertainty principle.

- He held a number of high level positions before becoming a government informant on widespread corruption within organized soccer.

- The theme for level 1 and used in the Game Boy version is often called the "Tetris Theme".
- These drugs increase the level of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, which can create euphoria.

– As there are also level ” ” headings later in the article, only some levels need to be adjusted.

– Whilst I’m not a native English speaker, I have spoken English at a relatively proficient level for almost 16 years, and I personally, have difficulty getting my head round this entry.

– It is ongoing government policy to bring the level of non officer support in the organisation up to international standards – thus enhancing its capacity and expertise in a range of specialist and administrative functions, and releasing more of its police officers for core operational duties.

– The “Commission des titres d’ingénieur” set the 785 score as similar to a B2+ level on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

– The lowest point is sea level at the Hudson River.

– The World Health Organization established a scale to measure different degrees of blood loss, from level 0 to 4.

– The level system involves several “kingdoms.” Each kingdom has three platforming levels.

– Despite the thriving tourist industry, high level of infrastructure, and the many vineyards, canton Valais is still one of the poorest of the Swiss cantons, and not near the rich banking/financial cantons.

More in-sentence examples of “level”:

– The cottage afforded Eleanor a level of privacy that she had wanted for many years, and she considered it her first true home.

– Tetris Issue at Level 29.

– According to a breath test she was driving under the influence of alcohol, with a blood alcohol content level less than 1‰.

– It is the homeground of SCR Rheindorf Altach, a football club playing in Austrian Football First League, which is the second level in Austrias football.

– The maximum speed is around 65km/h on the level ground, 40km/h on the mountains.

– Special expensive disks and a special controller are needed to use RAID Level 2.

– The second level is concerned with the image oneself presents to others.

– Since people increase the muscle mass, they can be successful to increase the lean level and decrease the body fat.

– They also created the  Red List of Threatened Species™; a global frame to monitor the level of risk of animal and plant species.

– Some Pokémon can only evolve by level in a certain place.

– Progesterone level is low in children and postmenopausal women.

– A further 1990s UK local government reformlocal government reform in the 1990s grouped the counties into regions, created many small unitary authorities with county level status, and restored Herefordshire, Rutland and Worcestershire as administrative entities.

– The Leima Jagoi dance form is developed by the maibas with the high level of artistic performance.

– Sometimes, an orbit level is not filled all the way and can only be filled with electrons from another element with a smaller number of electrons in a higher level.

– The study compared IPCC 2001 predictions of temperature and sea level change with what actually happened.

– Its level of accommodation is higher than economy class and domestic first class but lower than international first class.

– By the time she was eight, she had already gone through all teachers at her level in Oklahoma, so her family moved to Beverly Hills.

– The air animals and plants use to live is only the first level of the air around the Earth.

– RAID Level 3 is usually done with at least 3 disks.

– This bot expects a given format, which was the format that the “news items” were level four headings, and that we had level three headings which are “categories”.

– The water level is always changing.

– In Missouri, the county level of government level comes between those of the city and the state.

– The level of coverage now does not appear to be much different.

– A second or third subdivision level is referred to with another number each.

– The difference in the HOMO’s energy level and the LUMO’s energy level is called the band gap.

– Gallen does not use the Bezirk level any more.

- The cottage afforded Eleanor a level of privacy that she had wanted for many years, and she considered it her first true home.

- Tetris Issue at Level 29.

– Very Long Instruction Word or VLIW which refers to a Central processing unitCPU architecture designed to take advantage of instruction level parallelism but at minimum level of hardware complexities.

– More recently, increased amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have resulted in more of it dissolving in the ocean forming carbonic acid and has raised this pH level to 8.1.

– The top level was finished and the building opened by his son, Titus, in 80.

– Would an admin please move Top Level Domain to Top-level domain? The reason is to fix capitalization and add the hyphen.

– The leaves are much bigger at this level and insect life is abundant.

– Located somewhere on the level is a supply of water, either a limited amount pooled at different locations or an unlimited amount flowing from a pipe.

– Scientists saw it in between 1500 and 2000 meters above sea level in the mountains in the middle of Papua New Guinea and the Owen Stanley Mountains, but they did not see it on the Huon Peninsula.

– The Template:Rndpad avoids subtemplates when rounding to whole integer amounts, and uses only one subtemplate, uses only 1 level of nesting, so an if-expression could be nested 39 levels deep, and then invoke rndpad as the 40th-level of nesting.

– They may continue to grow even more powerful at the highest level by getting items from bosses in instances and raids.

– It raises the level of Mooselookmeguntic Lake about 14 feet.

– As the player wins duels, the partner’s heart level increases.

– The platforms and elevators are guarded by creatures but each planet has a different sub-species – for example the first level‘s Zub resembles a gyroscope whilst he fourth level Zub is a fish.

– During testimony, the State proffered that Deadwyler had a.35 blood-alcohol level and was drunk.

– Many cult fans express their devotion with a level of irony when describing entertainment that falls under this realm, in that something is so bad, it’s good.

– All above instruction level parallelismILP techniques are implemented at a higher cost with increased hardware complexity.

– If the water level is high, they may be carried far away from where they fell.

– They include multi-pass render with low level setting for Z-buffer, BlendOp, AlphaOp, Stencil, Multi-texture, realtime Render To Texture, Multi Render Target and PostProcessing.

– The star is smaller and less massive than the Sun, and has a lower level of metal elements.

– But at a higher level than schools, some governments have blocked YouTube access to their country’s public.

– In general, these markings are often not used even when they could ease some level of confusion.

– At the “Hauptbahnhof” there are two more tracks on another level for the U4 and U5.

– They also have considerably less features than the “adult” Furby, with a very limited vocabulary and a lower level of interactivity.

– He managed St Johnstone at club level and the Scottish national team from 1967 to 1971.

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