“introduction” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “introduction”:

+ Between 1980 and 2006, the introduction of ORT is thought to have lowered the number of young children who died anywhere in the world from 5 to 3 million every year.

+ Ramonet proposed to create an association for the introduction of this tax, which was named ATTAC.

+ Validated Numerics: A Short Introduction to Rigorous Computations.

+ Following the introduction of the universal franchise in the 1994 general election, Buthelezi led the IFP to join the government of national unity, led by Nelson Mandela.

+ The first episode was a 60-minute special, and served as a basic introduction to the series.

+ In principle, all text on the main page sample VGA should come from the introduction of current pages.

+ In Ireland, the accidental introduction of the Bank vole in the 1950s has led to a major shift in the Barn Owl’s diet: where their ranges overlap the vole is now by far the largest prey item.

introduction - example sentences
introduction – example sentences

Example sentences of “introduction”:

+ The European Colonization of the Americas gave way to introduction of many ingredients and cooking styles.

+ Kiyoo Wadati and early research on deep focus earthquakes: Introduction to Special Section on Deep and Intermediate Focus Earthquakes.

+ In his introduction to the biography of Lojze Grozde by Anton Strle, who is also a candidate for sainthood, Taras Kermauner wrote: “Grozde combines the ardour and apostolate of Friderik Baraga, the asceticism and suffering of Janez Frančišek Gnidovec, a gift for organization, and the Slovenian national consciousness of Blessed Anton Martin Slomšek…

+ In his introduction Meher Baba explained that masts are traveling along an internal path and are lost because they are so dazzled by the sights they see.

+ However in the modern context, it was not until its introduction to American pharmacies by William Brooke O’Shaughnessy in 1839 that Cannabis extracts came into mainstream awareness as a medicine.

+ The piece begins with a slow introduction in the dominant key of A major.

+ The introduction to the track samples an orchestral like symphonic build up leading to the song’s high-NRG sound.

+ I did not copy the entire article, just the introduction and a small portion of text which explained the basics of the topic.

+ His achievement is the worship of Jagadhatri in Bengal and the introduction of Shaktras in Navadvipa.

+ Leopold was a violinist in the orchestra of the archbishop of Salzburg and the author of a best-selling introduction to playing the violin.

+ With the introduction of transistors, however, the components became very small, and manufacturers needed to use printed circuit boards so the connections could also be small.

+ The first movement, called “Introduzione” by Bartók, is a slow introduction which sounds like music describing the night.

+ In 1935, the National Association of Basketball Coaches collected money so that the 74-year old Naismith could witness the introduction of basketball into the official Olympic sports program of the 1936 Summer Olympic Games.

+ The introduction of a known sockpuppet is a violation of our one-strike rule.

+ Fighting with European settlers, the introduction of new diseases like smallpox, and the destruction of their natural food sources saw about 90 per cent of the Eora people die out between 1788 and 1900.

+ Following the title’s introduction in 1975, Harley Race became the inaugural champion on June 14.

+ The European Colonization of the Americas gave way to introduction of many ingredients and cooking styles.

+ Kiyoo Wadati and early research on deep focus earthquakes: Introduction to Special Section on Deep and Intermediate Focus Earthquakes.
+ In his introduction to the biography of Lojze Grozde by Anton Strle, who is also a candidate for sainthood, Taras Kermauner wrote: "Grozde combines the ardour and apostolate of Friderik Baraga, the asceticism and suffering of Janez Frančišek Gnidovec, a gift for organization, and the Slovenian national consciousness of Blessed Anton Martin Slomšek...

More in-sentence examples of “introduction”:

+ Before the introduction of fish farming, the main fishing was for Southern bluefin tuna.

+ The dates of these manuscripts range from about 125 AD to the introduction of printing in Germany in the 15th century.

+ However, in 1907 after the introduction of the Lambert Trophy, the game became more popular in the U.S.

+ While Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven” builds from a quiet introduction to a hard rock finale, “Layla” does pretty much the opposite.

+ In the introduction to the score Bartók gave very precise instructions about how the different percussion instruments should be played, the kinds of beaters to be used, and a plan of how they were to be grouped on stage.

+ Cutting the trees for timber and wood, clearing vegetation for grazing and agriculture, and the introduction of plants and animals by humans has displaced much of the native vegetation.

+ When the user starts Passbook for the first time, a short introduction screen will appear with a button inviting users to find applications on the App Store that integrate Passbook.

+ The second was the introduction of consciousness in the higher animals.

+ The station wagon bodystyle was ended in 1989 with the introduction of the R32 platform.

+ International brand skinny jeans available in Asia and the market sees introduction of new styles.

+ In the introduction to the 5th edition Darwin gave full credit to Spencer, writing “I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term Natural Selection, in order to mark its relation to man’s power of selection.

+ In the early days, the recipes were available by post from the BBC and later with the introduction of the CEEFAX text on screen system, they became available on the television.

+ The rally included an introduction from comedian Sarah Silverman.

+ This introduction could happen at an event which was part of the ‘season’.

+ Lopez’s sister Lynda makes a formal introduction to the music video, as having a “special place” in her heart, and it is shown.

+ He wrote “Some of the Dharma” as an introduction to Buddhism, though he remained a Catholic.

+ John, the introduction of several thousand Sicilian labourers in 1551 and again in 1566, the emigration to Malta of some 891 ItalyItalian exiles during the British servicemen in Malta from 1807 to 1979.

+ Synthetic cubism is characterized by the introduction of different textures, surfaces, collage elements, papier collé and a large variety of merged subject matter.

+ In 2011, when Thales won a contract for the Lightweight Multirole Missile, Thales said it agreed with the MOD to “re-role previously contracted budgets to facilitate the full-scale development, series production and introduction of the LMM.” This means that Thales were going to focus all their money on the Lightweight Multirole Missile.

+ The introduction of electronic instruments, effects and other instruments has led to the importance of MIDI in recording.

+ The Pilot was Honda’s largest crossover up until the introduction of the Crosstour, a station wagon based SUV built on the Accord platform.

+ The demand for minivans is dwindling due to the introduction of crossovers.

+ Cedars, whose numbers were low as a result of centuries of shipbuilding, were nearly made extinct in the 20th Century by the introduction of a parasite.

+ He wrote the introduction to Marvel Comics’ “Avengers vs.

+ Their introduction coincided with the completion of electrification from Bournemouth to Weymouth.

+ This umbrella-subject is typically designed for physics students and functions to provide a general introduction to each of three core heat-related subjects.

+ Before the introduction of fish farming, the main fishing was for Southern bluefin tuna.

+ The dates of these manuscripts range from about 125 AD to the introduction of printing in Germany in the 15th century.

+ The introduction of electrical recording made it possible to use microphones to capture the sound of the performance.

+ She was made the chair-person of a reputed social organisation founded by Harbilash Sarada for the introduction of widow marriage and abolition of child marriage.

+ The Gulf Stream could have been interrupted by the introduction of a large amount of fresh water to the North Atlantic, possibly caused by a period of warming before the little ice age.

+ He studied at Plato’s Academy.Carnes Lord, Introduction to “The Politics”, by Aristotle : 1–29.

+ People can use exclamations as an introduction to things said.

+ The introduction of railways by Nizam’s also marked the beginning of industry in Hyderabad, due to which, four factories were built to the south and east of the Hussain Sagar lake.

+ Meher Baba wrote the introduction of the book.

+ The first eight bars form a continuation of the introduction of which the storm was the main part; the finale proper begins in the ninth bar.

+ It saw the introduction of the two-presenter format, and as a result, Diane Gouffrant joined the morning edition from 9am to noon with Baril, and the current “Week-End 360s team, Stéphanie de Muru and Gilane Barret, rejoined the show’s afternoon edition from 2pm to 5pm.

+ They think the introduction of the doll was wrong because it made young girls believe they had to become skinny in order to be just like Barbie.

+ If more of an introduction is needed before the first header, then this can be given in extra paragraphs.

+ Richard Campbell “et al.”, Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication, 2004.

+ He is known for the introduction of monetary reform.

+ Also involved the journalist Henry Symms, reciting monologues and the introduction of the show.

+ Water parks have grown in popularity since their introduction in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

+ With the introduction of complex numbers to math, every polynomial with complex coefficients has roots in complex numbers.

+ Stochastic differential equations: an introduction with applications.

+ This introduction also helped to open a path to the creation of another kind of numbers, which could help resolve and explain many different problems.

+ He wrote two symphonysymphonies, a violin concerto, a cello concerto, Introduction and Allegro for Strings, Sea Pictures and chamber music including a violin sonata, a string quartet and a piano quintet.

+ The Justice Party’s power period is remembered for the introduction of caste-based reservations, and educational and religious reform.

+ In 1975, with the introduction of “Balanced Billing”, the company claimed that it was “the only gas utility in the country” with a flexible plan for customers to pay bills in eleven equal monthly payments, with settlement of any overpayment or underpayment in the twelfth month.

+ This ended the introduction of the Pure Food and Drug Act. Similar products were also available across Europe.

+ An Introduction to Wolfram SystemModeler.

+ Before the introduction of several actors by Aeschylus, the Greek chorus was the main performer opposite a solitary actor.

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