“employ” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “employ”:

– Many of these people formed guilds and eventually began to employ workers.

– Chuvash Internet users employ Latin and Cyrillic scripts.

– According to WP:SIG, user signatures cannot employ tags.

– Another method to disguise one’s identity is to employ a pseudonym.

– GFCI devices employ a timing standard to prevent false “nuisance” tripping and may also protect against improper Neutral-Earth connections.

employ - sentence examples
employ – sentence examples

Example sentences of “employ”:

- Nutt left Barnum's employ after a disagreement with the showman.

- Before, Hypervisor needs to employ a second page table keeping track of guest page table, and force the guest OS use it to access system physical memory.

– Nutt left Barnum’s employ after a disagreement with the showman.

– Before, Hypervisor needs to employ a second page table keeping track of guest page table, and force the guest OS use it to access system physical memory.

– Many german sexclubs now don’t employ the prostitutes anymore but rent them rooms for their activities and charge the club visitors with an entry-fee instead.

– They looked to employ someone who would protect them in the New World.

– IAIs employ management methods of private-sector corporations.

– It was said that his businesses employ almost one-fourth of the workforce of Macau.

– Experts are also that once the Indian Grand Prix starts, it could generate $170 million in revenue and employ as many as 10,000 people.

– They employ about a total of 5,000 people.

– Lorenzo de’ Medici was quick to employ his talent.

– In non-democratic countries, they employ other means of reaching power through appointment, bribery, revolutions and intrigues.

– When overburdened or threatened by its tasks, the Ego may employ defense mechanisms including denial, repression, and displacement.

– The plant was expected to employ 2000 people and begin full production of the Toyota RAV4 SUV in November 2008, at the rate of 150,000 a year.

– That is why many companies now employ biometrics.

– Most of these stations employ the basic rank of Garda, which was referred to as the rank of Guard until 1972.

More in-sentence examples of “employ”:

- In such a case, the retreating force may employ a number of tactics and strategies.

- Rulers wanted to employ the educated and centrally organized clergy in their administrations.
- The $3 million, 120,000 square foot plant will employ 45 and assemble 2,000 trucks a year when it begins production.

– In such a case, the retreating force may employ a number of tactics and strategies.

– Rulers wanted to employ the educated and centrally organized clergy in their administrations.

– The $3 million, 120,000 square foot plant will employ 45 and assemble 2,000 trucks a year when it begins production.

– Due to expanding restrictions on work permits restaurants have found it difficult to employ such specialists.

– They employ Flor to be their housekeeper.

– In 1594 his employer decided it was costing him too much to employ Lassus, so he wrote a letter to him to say that he was dismissed.

– Businesses employ and pay people to work.

– On the other hand, the precisely planned peripheral expressways, as well as its first class avenues and lanes, are surrounded with industrial parks that employ thousands of people.

– This is because reputable publishers employ qualified readers to critique manuscripts, and have a reputation to uphold.Websites are reputable if they have independent editorial supervision.

– Many ambulance services employ the staff who answer 111 calls.

– The wind farm should employ up to 300 people during construction and about 25 when operational.

– A few graduate schools, on the other hand, employ the “Pass” or “Fail” system.

– Arch Cape Press, NY 1988 p271 Prairie dogs employ a complex form of communication that involves barks and rhythmic chirps.

– These companies employ over 6 000 people.

– There are two sound holes in the bottom board, as the playing techniques of the qin employ the entire surface of the top board which is curved / humped.

– The Silk Mill was not at the centre of the movements, Taylor was one of the employers who agreed not to employ any worker who was a union member.

– In the largest concert tours, it is becoming more common for different legs to employ separate touring production crews and equipment, local to each geographical region.

– Some forms of shorthand also employ diacritics to indicate vowels.

– They employ 70,000 people worldwide.

– Organizations which employ intelligence officers include armed forces, police, and customs agencies.

– And for their full and equal participation in education as members of the community, countries must make it easy to learn Braille and sign language and also employ teachers with disabilities for this end.

– King also began to employ convicts who had finished their prison sentences, called emancipists.

– Both measures employ the same numerator, where PM is the observed market price and PC is the competitive benchmark price, but use different denominators.

– The British Red Cross do employ paramedics, but they do not train them in-house.

– Some fire departments employ firefighters who work full-time and wait at the fire station to be called out.

– It also appears in discussions about private military companies—businesses that commonly employ soldiers who have left the military.

– A master craftsman had the rightsright to employ young people to work for them and pay them a small salary.

– They returned to Barnum’s employ in 1881.

– From its founding until the 1990s, FSF’s funds were mostly used to employ programmersoftware developers to write free software for the GNU Project.

– On that night, between sunset and sunrise, mosques employ speakers to teach the worshipers about Islam.

– The new rulers were forbidden to employ any European without the permission of the British.

– The British also took many steps to employ Indian higher castes and rulers into the government.

– In 2000, the channel’s Weather Star XL systems introduced an audio function, Vocal Local, which assembles narration tracks heard during local forecast segments to introduce forecast products, and read descriptive forecasts and primary weather observations; while most cable operators added the Vocal Local feature, some did not employ it on their Weather Star XL units.

– This category keeps track of all pages that currently employ the “related=” field in the ethnic groups infobox.

– Farms in Azerbaijan are organized as state and cooperative farms which employ many farmers, and small private farms which are owned and run by one farmer and his/her family.

– Tatar Internet users employ Latin and Cyrillic scripts with the former gradually becoming more dominant.

– In 1994, she left the employ of Eli Lilly and taught at Butler University’s College of Business Administration.

– Some sites employ their own firefighters, such as airports and some factories.

– These programs helped employ many Kansas men.

– It is common to use the index and middle fingers as the plucking fingers, but players may use more fingers or even employ their thumb to pluck downwards.

– Could someone import it? : Normally I’d do it myself manually, but this template seems to employ some intricate features of template syntax, and I’m not sure if I’d do it properly.

– The cook in an English great house was traditionally female; today’s residences may employ a head cook or chef who may be of either gender.

– Though most large electromagnets employ many solenoids to lift heavy objects, smaller solenoids are used in everyday electronics.

– Pedrillo suggests to the Pasha that he should employ Belmonte as builder, but Osmin does not let him come into the palace.

– The organization might employ religious leaders, educate people into the ideas of the religion, manage money, own buildings and make rules.

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