How to use in sentence of “the rest”

How to use in-sentence of “the rest”:

– He stayed out of public sight for the rest of his life after giving this message, and lived until the 1930s.

– Anne and the rest of Mary’s family were angry with her.

– They had seven children together, one girl and the rest were boys.

– In 1830, he was sent away by the Dutch to Manado, then moved to Ujungpandang, and he spent the rest of his life there.

– Ancient Britons were however involved in extensive trade and cultural links with the rest of Europe from the Neolithic onward, especially in exporting tin.

– However, he was sent off for retaliation in the semi-final against China national football teamChina and Kazuya Maekawa filled in for him for the rest of the competition.

– The police captured the rest of the gang a few days later.

How to use in sentence of the rest
How to use in sentence of the rest

Example sentences of “the rest”:

– He was crushed by her death and carried the grief for the rest of his long life.

– Realising that he is also dying, Hamlet stabs Claudius with the poisoned sword and forces him to drink the rest of the wine.

– He had an unknown illness which stayed with him for the rest of his life, and slowed his rate of work.

– Apart from a few short periods in Helsinki he spent the rest of his life there.

– The reason for this is because, unlike the rest of the area, Piauí state was first colonised away from the coast and slowly expanded towards the ocean.

– Guus Hiddink took over the club until the rest of the season.

– The cerci on some species was longer than the rest of the insect.

– It is normal for the principal oboist in an orchestra to play the note A for the rest of the orchestra to tune their instruments to.

- He was crushed by her death and carried the grief for the rest of his long life.

- Realising that he is also dying, Hamlet stabs Claudius with the poisoned sword and forces him to drink the rest of the wine.
- He had an unknown illness which stayed with him for the rest of his life, and slowed his rate of work.

– Otis and the rest make it back to the barnyard.

– Attic Greek was the dialect that was spoken in Athens and the rest of the region of Attica.

– The province was spared the bloody guerrilla, that happened in the rest of Italian-occupied Montenegro, until mid-September 1943 when Germans took control of the area and the Italian province of Cattaro disappeared.

– Only 500 could fit on Columbus’s ships, so Columbus told his men they could take any of the rest as slaves.

– During the individual event, Chan ranked second in the short program, scoring 3.93 points less than Hanyu’s world record score and more than ten points ahead of the rest of the field.

More in-sentence examples of “the rest”:

- In snakes, for example, the maxilla is able to move relative to the rest of the skull, and the jaws can separate entirely to swallow prey.

- For the rest of the year, the regiment marched around PortugalNorthern Portugal and Spain.
- He escaped and settled in Paris, where he spent the rest of his life.

– In snakes, for example, the maxilla is able to move relative to the rest of the skull, and the jaws can separate entirely to swallow prey.

– For the rest of the year, the regiment marched around PortugalNorthern Portugal and Spain.

– He escaped and settled in Paris, where he spent the rest of his life.

– On 14 September, Sauber announced that Nick Heidfeld had been signed to replace de la Rosa for the rest of the 2010 season.

– He lived there the rest of his life.

– Madison and Hamilton re-wrote Article Five to add the second option for proposing an amendment, and the rest of the Founders agreed.

– It is in the same time zone as the rest of Mandalay: Myanmar Standard Time, UTC+6:30.

– Bubble tea has now arrived in England and the rest of Europe.

– Artest was taken from NBA basketball playing for the rest of the 2004–05 season.

– Approximately 40% of GDP comes from the industry and the rest of activities related to the tertiary sector.

– He brings in Madame – along with loads of supplies on the backs of camels – to the Great Forest, and together with the rest of the elephants they build huts with thatched roofs for residences, as well as other common city buildings such as a hospital, a theatre, and a courthouse.

– On October 7, Gandy hurt his left knee while playing against the Tennessee Titans; he tore what is called an anterior cruciate ligament, which kept him from playing any more games for the rest of the season.

– On the left side of the river Haut du Cap, Christopher Columbus built a small fort with the rest of the ship “Santa María” when it was destroyed on Christmas Day on 1492; he named the fort as “La Navidad”.

– When the rest of the family falls asleep, she speaks and her voice is played by Liz Georges.

– There is now an airport, and bus connections to the rest of the Yucatán.

– Now, scientists study atmospheric chemistry as one part of a single system with the rest of the Earth’s atmosphereatmosphere, biosphere and geosphere.

– See ‘Boer POWS at Abbottabad’ in “Durbar:Journal of the Indian Military Historical Society” UK, Vol 28 No 2, Summer 2011, pp.64-67 In 1904-1905, a part of this camp became the British Indian Armys Mountaineering and PE Camp, whereas the rest was made into the zonal headquarters of the Royal Indian Army Supply Corps.

– The Isles of Scilly have a “sui generis” local authority, the Isles of Scilly Council, which is similar to a unitary authority found in the rest of England.

– The motor and sensory connections from the main part of the brain to the rest of the body pass through the brain stem.

– For the rest of his life, he walked all over Southern Nepal and parts of India to teach people what he believed.

– After mating, females dig themselves into a den of snow on land for the rest of the winter.

– In the area we can find the rest of Ligurian, and other peoples from north Italy.

– In order to live, a person with type 1 diabetes must take insulin for the rest of their life.

– Between 29 August and 4 September, Japanese light cruisers, destroyers, and patrol boats were able to land almost 5,000 troops at Taivu Point, including most of the 35th Infantry Brigade, much of the Aoba Regiment, and the rest of Ichiki’s regiment.

– Eucalypts were first introduced to the rest of the world by Joseph BanksSir Joseph Banks, Cook expedition in 1770.

– Karimganj was separated from Sylhet after the 1947 referendem; with the rest of Sylhet falling under East Pakistan and Karimganj under India.

– In September 2018, Rheal Fortin and the rest of Quebec Debout rejoined the Bloc Quebecois.

– Not all of the rest of England is parished, though the number of parishes and total area parished is growing.

– The Aangu people believe that Uluru, and the rest of Central Australia, was formed by ancestral beings at the beginning of time.

– While most areas call it a “Berliner”, residents of Berlin, Brandenburg and Saxony know them as “Pfannkuchen”, which in the rest of Germany generally means pancakes – pancakes are known there as “Eierkuchen” lit.

– She has them only to get money and only feeds them at dinnertime, locking the fridge during the rest of the day.

– Auric continued to write classical chamber music, especially for wind instruments, for the rest of his life.

– The third single is to be ‘4 the Rest of My Life’.

– The chessmen were soon after split up, with 10 being purchased by a Kirkpatrick Sharpe and the rest were purchased on behalf of the British Museum in London.

– After realizing that her closest colleagues have been eliminated, and that the rest of her cases will be next, Emily and Tom serve Lillith tea spiked with sedative.

– Typically, about 10% of the mass of a gas cloud will form stars before radiation pressure drives the rest of the gas away.

– It remained a part of Assam for the rest of the era of British rule.

– Maria Cristina lived the rest of her life in Turin, Naples, Agliè and Frascati, and died in Savona, Liguria.

– Another difference with the rest of the UK’s days is that on Saint Andrew’s Day, the Union Flag will only be flown if the building has more than one flagpole – the Saltire will not be lowered to make way for the Union Flag if there is only one flagpole.

– It also had a say in things that affected both it and the rest of the empire.

– Many of its songs went into an American release, “Beatles ’65”, from Capitol Records, while the rest went into “Beatles VI”, a compilation album.

– This means the heart will not have enough blood to pump to the lungs or the rest of the body.

– In general use, an enclave can be any special area of a bigger area of land, such as a part of a city that has different taxes than the rest of the city.

– Some guards were killed, and the rest did not stop them.

– This developing human is called an “embryo” for the first eight weeks of the pregnancy, and “fetus” for the rest of the pregnancy.

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