“Supreme court” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “Supreme court”:

+ Johnson and Vice President of the United StatesVice President Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren.

+ Hogg wrote several books, including “Constitutional Law of Canada”, the single most-cited book in decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada.

+ He was the first Deputy President of the Supreme Court of the United KingdomDeputy President of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom from 2009 until his retirement in 2013.

+ When states and the federal government do not agree on something, the Supreme Court can decide who is right.

+ He is a member of the Supreme Court of Argentina since August 2016, nominated by president Mauricio Macri’s.

+ It was not until 1975 that the Supreme Court ruled that tribes are sovereign over tribal lands and members of the tribe.

+ The supreme court in Lithuania is the Constitutional Court.

+ However, after the Supreme Court got his appeal, he did receive a volunteer lawyer named Barry Kroll.

Supreme court in-sentences
Supreme court in-sentences

Example sentences of “Supreme court”:

+ President Gerald Ford, Supreme Court Justices, as well as many heads of states around the world.

+ He is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States since October 6, 2018.

+ President Gerald Ford, Supreme Court Justices, as well as many heads of states around the world.

+ He is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States since October 6, 2018.

+ He was Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland and then as a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom from 2009 until his retirement in 2020.

+ The Supreme Court of the United States has special rules for “amicus curiae” briefs sought to be filed in cases pending before it.

+ After his professional career, he was an associate justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court from 1993 until he retired in 2015.

+ The Dáil can pass a bill even if the Seanad objects, but the Supreme Court can decide that the act is not allowed by the Constitution.

+ The President can also ask the Supreme Court if the bill is not allowed by the constitution before he/she signs it.

+ Weeramantry was a Judge of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka from 1967 to 1972.

+ Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United StatesJustice John Marshall Harlan provided the lone dissent.

+ At first, the Illinois Supreme Court agreed, and decided to give Escobedo a whole new trial.

More in-sentence examples of “Supreme court”:

+ In a 7ndash;2 decision authored by Justice Lewis Powell, the Supreme Court ruled in Batson’s favor.

+ Kumho Tire asked the Supreme Court to review whether Daubert applied solely to scientific evidence.

+ Oregon”, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that Oregon could continue to use the Death with Dignity Act.

+ The Supreme Court of Berlin sentenced the members of the band to prison and fines for forming a criminal union as well as for incitement of the people and the distribution of radically right-wing propaganda in December 2003.

+ During the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Marshall, 1801 to 1835, the practice of judicial opinions being delivered in seriatim was discontinued.

+ The template also accounts for dockets filed where the Supreme Court was the original jurisdiction, typically where docket numbers start with “22O”.

+ Originally, the Supreme Court held that the Sixth Amendment right to a jury trial indicated a right to “a trial by jury as understood and applied at common law.

+ Board of Education of Topeka” was a lawsuit that went before the United States Supreme Court in 1954.

+ City of New York”, the Supreme Court found the Line Item Veto Act unconstitutional because it violated the Presentment clause.

+ Nixon tried to cover up the scandal, but eventually, the Supreme Court ordered him to send his taped conversations to them.

+ Hunter’s Lessee the United States Supreme Court ruled that it was more powerful than the state Supreme Courts.

+ Loft”, then ensued, with the case reaching the Delaware Supreme Court and ultimately ending in a loss for Guth.

+ Clarence Thomas is a judgeJustice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

+ Young’s Market Co.”, the Supreme Court held that a state could require a license fee for importing beer from other states and also for manufacturing beer within the state.

+ He was the Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy until his death.

+ Clare Cushman, The Supreme Court Justices: Illustrated Biographies, 1789-1995 second edition; Washington D.C.

+ These generally have a state court and state appeals court before coming to the federal supreme court for that area of law.

+ Louisiana”, were a group of landmark decisionlandmark cases that the United States Supreme Court decided together in 1976.

+ It was named for Leonard Henderson, Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court from 1829 to 1833.

+ The Supreme Court ruled that any constitutional changes, including patriation of the constitution, could be made unilaterally under the letter of the law, but, by non-binding convention, “a substantial degree of provincial consent was required”.

+ He was President of the General Council of the Judiciary and the Supreme Court from September 2008 to June 2012.

+ Created in 1801, the Chief Justice is one of ten Supreme Court justices; the other nine are the Puisne Justices of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka.

+ To this day there is only one other black male in the Supreme Court justice.

+ It follows the Constitution, the Supreme Court has “administrative supervision over all courts and the personnel thereof”.

+ She was appointed to the Senate of ChileSenate in 1990 by the Supreme Court in 1990 and served until 1998, when she was replaced by Enrique Silva Cimma.

+ In a 7ndash;2 decision authored by Justice Lewis Powell, the Supreme Court ruled in Batson's favor.

+ Kumho Tire asked the Supreme Court to review whether Daubert applied solely to scientific evidence.
+ Oregon", the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that Oregon could continue to use the Death with Dignity Act.

+ He was the only President who also served as a Supreme Court justice.

+ These include greater power in the upper house of the legislature, a wider scope of power held by the Supreme Court of the United StatesSupreme Court, the dominance of only two main parties.

+ The state supreme court stopped the changes.

+ These replies contended that the Supreme Court of the United States had the ultimate responsibility for deciding whether federal laws were constitutional, and that the Alien and Sedition Acts were constitutional and necessary.Madison, 303.

+ Garland has more federal judicial experience than any Supreme Court nominee in history.

+ He appealed against the verdict, but the sentence was upheld on April 12, 2007, by the Supreme Court of Mississippi.

+ In the 1790s Jackson was a member of the United States House of Representatives, the United States Senate, and the Supreme Court of Tennessee.

+ The Judicial Branch is made up of the Supreme Court and many lower courts.

+ He was chief justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court from 2001 through 2006.

+ However, later, the Dominican Supreme Court later said the Haitian workers were ‘in transit,’ so their children could not be citizens.

+ Sereno was removed from office by way of “quo warranto” by Supreme Court in an 8–6 decision, removing her appointment as Chief Justice in 2012 null and void.

+ Hufstedler was considered to be a candidate for the Supreme Court if a vacancy had occurred under a Jimmy Carter Presidency.

+ He was the justice of the Supreme Court of Ireland.

+ Next, the defendants asked the United States Supreme Court to decide whether their death sentences were constitutional.

+ Although the Supreme Court has not had an occasion to interpret this specific provision, the Court has suggested that the grant to the House of the “”sole”” power of impeachment makes the House the exclusive interpreter of what constitutes an impeachable offense.

+ This template is used to cite the “United States Reports”, which are the official record of the rulings, orders, case tables, and other proceedings of the Supreme Court of the United States.

+ She was a Justice of the Supreme Court of Israel, serving from 1993 to 2004.

+ Often the judiciary branch has courts of first resort, appellate courts, and a supreme court or constitutional court.

+ The Supreme Court of Kansas said that dividing the county was unconstitutional.

+ Five days later, the Puerto Rico Supreme Court ruled that Pierluisi was sworn in on unconstitutional grounds and removed him from office, effective 5 p.m.

+ In 1986, the government held a contest to build a new building for the court and in 1992 the supreme court was moved to a new building next to the Knesset.

+ Those in favor of Proposition 8 appealed to the Supreme Court on July 30, 2012.

+ Eventually it reached a settlement with the Indian Government through mediation of that country’s Supreme Court and accepted moral responsibility.

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