“precisely” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “precisely”:

– The word is often used to describe Indian cinema as a whole, but more precisely it means Hindi language movies only.

– Cities were built with precisely matched stonework, constructed over many levels of mountain terrain.

– A section “Entitled XYZ” means a named subunit of the Document whose title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following text that translates XYZ in another language.

– More precisely one could say it is a set of connected behaviours, rights and duties that a person has to follow in a social situation.

– So, to that end, I guess we need a new, more precisely defined proposal on deletion of user categories.

– Heterodoxy means a position that is not within the standards of orthodoxy or to put it precisely “any opinions or doctrines at variance with an official or orthodox position”.

precisely - some sentence examples
precisely – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “precisely”:

– With that “two” possible positions of the car at the flat land are precisely determined.

– What kind of cinches it for me, is precisely the fact they are vested with such great responsibility, and have been here for fifteen years.

– The stonework is glued stone-by-stone to a base after being “sliced and cut in different shape sections; and then assembled together so precisely that the contact between each section was practically invisible”.

– Musado MCS does not have any rules precisely given.

– They are part of a tool that allows precisely targeted cutting and insertion of genes in genetic modification.

– Tidal conditions precisely determine the exact height of an assemblage relative to sea level.

– Behavioural profiling is used in business to help recruit the right person for a job, to understand how to improve morale and to drive down staff turnover, pinpoint who is ready for development and in precisely which areas; and boost people management abilities.

– I explained precisely my valid concerns, linked to the valid location for the accounts in question, and had them removed amid accusations of vandalism.

– You cannot know precisely how good they are without either asking them or knowing how their school arranges the belt colours in ranks.

- With that "two" possible positions of the car at the flat land are precisely determined.

- What kind of cinches it for me, is precisely the fact they are vested with such great responsibility, and have been here for fifteen years.
- The stonework is glued stone-by-stone to a base after being "sliced and cut in different shape sections; and then assembled together so precisely that the contact between each section was practically invisible".

– In Spanish, “extinguir” has precisely that meaning, in French, an extincteur might sound silly, but to my knowledge, thats what those things are called.

– Modern instruments can measure very precisely the color of a star.

– They need to guide precisely the horses with one hand through a complex pattern that includes stops, spins, rollbacks and circles.

– The standard allows the user to choose among several rounding modes, and in each case, specifies precisely how the results should be rounded.

– However, as sociologist James Loewen writes in his book on the subject, it is impossible to precisely count the number of sundown towns at any given time, because most towns have not kept records of the ordinances or signs that marked the town’s sundown status.Loewen 2005, page 218.

– Certain pairs of measurements such as cannot be precisely pinned down.Greene, Brian 1999.

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