“titan” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “titan”:

– It was possible that there were seas of liquid methane on Titan Titan and first suggested after reading Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 information that showed Titan to have a thick atmosphere, capable of supporting lakes, but exact evidence was not found until 1995 when pictures from the Hubble telescope and other telescopes had already shown some proof of liquid methane possibly in lakes or planet-wide oceans, similar to oceans on Earth.

– It was at first thought that dark areas near the center of Titan could be a lake of a liquid or tar-like substance, but the probe landed on the dark area, and it is solid without any liquid.

– She was the wife of the Titan Krios.

– In 1985, they were known as the Laval Titan, and in 1994, they became the Laval TitanLaval Titan Collège Français from a merger with the Verdun Collège Français.

– Othrys, the Titan capital, is now present.

– Eventually, Wall Maria, the outermost wall, is destroyed by the skinless Colossal Titan and the powerful big Armored Titan, leading other titans to infiltrate the outermost areas of civilization and begin their slaughter.

titan some ways to use
titan some ways to use

Example sentences of “titan”:

– He was killed by Zeus and found by the Titan Gaia.

– Some think it is possible to terraform Mars, our Moon, Titan Titan, Mercury.

– The Titan stick insect can be found in two states of Australia; Queensland and New South Wales.

– The following is a list of articles of ice hockey players who have played for the defunct Laval Titan of the QMJHL.

– During this era, Saturn’s moon Titan may reach surface temperatures necessary to support life.

– He is the eldest son of the Titan Titans Rhea and brother to Zeus, Poseidon, Hestia, Hera, Demeter and Chiron.

– The Acadie–Bathurst Titan are a CanadaCanadian ice hockey team.

– In Greek mythology, Asteria was the Titan goddess of falling stars and nocturnal divination, such as astrology.

– The Titan god of the constellations, Krios ruled over the southern corner of the world, which he received as a reward for his part in Ouranos’ castration.

– It is named after the titan titan Dione in Greek mythology.

– The Cassini-Huygens probe, flew very close to Titan in December 2007, and took infrared pictures of the chemicals on the surface and found a lake called Ontario Lacus near the south pole.

– In fact, Titan is the dimmest of Saturn’s large moons due to its great distance and dimness; Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, and Rhea are all brighter.

– The Titan Stick insect reproduces through sexual reproduction and lay eggs that hatch.

– In ancient Greek Mythology, when the Titan fled to Egypt.

– The skies of Venus, Mars and Titan Titan have been observed by space probes designed to land on the surface and send images back to Earth.

- He was killed by Zeus and found by the Titan Gaia.

- Some think it is possible to terraform Mars, our Moon, Titan Titan, Mercury.

More in-sentence examples of “titan”:

– According to Moses Khorenatsi, after Hayk the son of Torgom became father to Armeneak while living in Babylon, because the arrogant Titan has made himself king of the world, Hayk moves with his family and 300 others to the land of Ararat, and starts a village called “Haykashen”.

– The Nissan Titan is in its second generation.

– Also, he worked on the Titan operating system.

– Together, they face the Titan General, Atlas’s army, and make it to Mount Tamalpais.

– Lakes were not found near near Titan‘s center of Titan which was studied on January 14, 2005.

– However, an astronaut standing on the surface of Titan would see a hazy brownish/dark orange color.

– The titan arum’s inflorescence is not as large as that of the talipot palm, “Corypha umbraculifera”, but the inflorescence of the talipot palm is branched rather than unbranched.

– Broken Arrow was an accident where a Titan missile exploded but no one was hurt.

– Men were created by the Titan Prometheus, who did not participate in the war.

– They may not be stable around Dione and Tethys because those moons are so much closer to Saturn, and therefore have much smaller Hill spheres, or around Titan because of drag from its dense atmosphere.

– Geb is sometimes equivalent to Greek Titan titan Kronos.

– She is the daughter of the Titan Titans Hyperion and Theia.

– The Nissan Titan is a mid-size pickup truck that is built by Nissan.

– He will lead the Titan army through the Labyrinth straight into the camp.

– The lakes make Titan a very important planet for studying weather science.

– She is the wife of the Titan Perses Perses, by whom she is the mother of Hecate, goddess of magic and witchcraft.

– All of the island on Titan have been named after legendary islands.

– They also save Camp Half-Blood, a summer camp for demigods, from a Titan attack.

– In April 1861, Hermann Goldschmidt also thought he discovered a new satellite of Saturn between Titan and Hyperion.

– Asteria was apart of the second generation of Titan Titans, the daughter of Koios and Phoebe, and sister of Leto.

– Before this, everyone thought that Titan was the biggest moon in the Solar System.

– He discovered Saturn’s largest moon Titan in 1655.

– The path in which Titan moves, its orbit, is very close to a circle, but not quite.

– The Titan agreed, but only if Herakles would kill the dragon and then take the sky on his shoulders.

– They catch the thief, Ethan Nakamura, but all the petals fall off because Ethan has raised the Titan Iapetus.

– The Titan stick insect is one of the largest stick insects in Australia.

– Gabrielle drops the titan into the cavern and catches the falling Hercules.

– Scientists studying the infrared pictures decided that one or more of the large lakes in the pictures of Saturn’s moon Titan does hold liquid and that the liquid is made of hydrocarbons.

– In 2012 researchers at NASA discovered that Titan is giving off a faint glow of light.

– Its encounter with Saturn and Titan sent it on a hyperbolic trajectory out of the solar system, traveling at which is much faster than escape velocity.

– At its centre, Titan has a rocky core that is about 3400km thick.

– This meant that Themis had an orbit like the moons Titan and Hyperion.

– In Greek mythology, Phoebe was a Titan associated with prophecy and the moon.

– In the Caucasus, Herakles freed the Titan Prometheus, the fire-bringer, from his chains.

– Tethys is a Titan Titan in Greek mythology.

– Both moons were said to orbit between Titan and Hyperion.

– Due to its odor, which is like the smell of a decomposing animal, the titan arum is called a ‘carrion flower’, or ‘corpse flower’, or ‘corpse plant’.

– It takes Titan 15 days and 22 hours to orbit around Saturn.

– Not only is Titan a big moon, it is even bigger than the planet Mercury.

– These broad, dark areas of Titan may have been seas, but now they are dry.

– Even though it is smaller, Titan is close in size to Ganymede.

– Based on the naming convention of Sony’s well-known JumboTron, a large video screen used primarily in stadiums, arenas, and other public venues, the TitanTron was introduced as part of WWE’s “Raw” set and was named after the then-parent company of the World Wrestling Federation, Titan Sports.

– This mission proves Titan to be the only other planet known to have liquid on its surface.

– Hercules and Xena flip the Titan Crius into the lava, and Lolaus gets the water and fire.

– In the 1950s and 1960s, the Sun’s corona was mapped from observations of the Crab’s radio waves passing through it, and in 2003, the thickness of the atmosphere of Saturn Saturn’s moon Titan was measured as it blocked out X-rays from the nebula.

– The titan arum, “Amorphophallus titanum”, from Ancient Greek “amorphos”, “without form, misshapen” + “phallos”, “phallus”, and “Titan titan“, “giant” is a flowering plant with the largest unbranched inflorescence in the world.

- According to Moses Khorenatsi, after Hayk the son of Torgom became father to Armeneak while living in Babylon, because the arrogant Titan has made himself king of the world, Hayk moves with his family and 300 others to the land of Ararat, and starts a village called "Haykashen".

- The Nissan Titan is in its second generation.

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