Some sentences in use of “settle”

How to use in-sentence of “settle”:

– He was the only one of these to settle in Brazil for the rest of his life.

– Later the Eels arrive and are initially hostile before they settle down for a friendly war.

– After the American Revolutionary War, the Articles of Confederation allowed states to appeal to Congress to settle disputes between the states over boundaries or “any cause whatever”.

– The first Europeans to try and settle in the British Virgin Islands were the Dutch, but the English came soon after and the English and the Dutch settlers used to fight.

– There are other versions, and the taxonomy will probably not settle until more molecular evidence is collected.

– Although Europeans began to settle this area in the 1830s, Wisconsin Rapids has been known by this name only since 1920.

– If the soil is very light so that it might easily be wind-blown, a roller can be used at the end to settle it.

Some sentences in use of settle
Some sentences in use of settle

Example sentences of “settle”:

– It recalls the legend that inspired the Aztecs to settle on what was originally a lake-island.

– Malcolm told him to take it and settle down.

– They can’t help people settle arguments here or help if you are can answer.

– He was one the first people to settle in Hartford and the state of Connecticut.

– In 1606 the Smith was hired by the Virginia Company to settle in Virginia Colony for profit.

– In the treaty, the British promised not to settle further beyond the ridge of the Alleghenies.

– After that Smil of Lichtenburg invited German miners to settle the area.

– In response, Aboriginal families moved to settle around these camps.

– In the 1620s, British Catholics were allowed to settle on Newfoundland.

– By the time families were ready to settle the area, Johnny’s tracts of land were ready for market.

– It was often used to settle tribal disagreements.

– Deen spent his early life among Satmar Hasidim in Borough Park, Brooklyn, and joined the Skver Skverer sect when he was a teenager, moving to the town of New Square, to settle after marriage.

– The family then moved to settle and work at the station, then called Everard Park.

– In its early years, the railroad helped people settle in Kansas.

– To counter it, the government, in 1979, started issuing permits to landless Bengalis to settle there, with title to tribal land.

– Patrick Barron helped settle him into Boston life and organized his coopering job on Noddle’s Island.

– Mills settle the question by heading a commission.

– Because of the sheltered harbour, many people decided to settle in the immediate area.

– Many pioneers traveled down the river to settle in the fertile Willamette Valley in Oregon.

- It recalls the legend that inspired the Aztecs to settle on what was originally a lake-island.

- Malcolm told him to take it and settle down.
- They can't help people settle arguments here or help if you are can answer.

More in-sentence examples of “settle”:

– The Chinese government has encouraged large numbers of Han Chinese people to settle in Tibet.

– The Caribs did not allowed Europeans to settle in Saint Vincent until 1719 when some French people came from Martinique and began to grow coffee, tobacco, indigo, cotton and sugar cane with the help of African slaves.

– The mediator can be a religious leader, a local notable, or someone who is known for helping to settle disputes.

– After the mutiny, Christian wanted to settle on the island of Tubuai.

– One blood test usually performed is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate which measures how fast the patient’s red blood cells settle in a test tube.

– At age 17, he moved to Wildwood, Florida and worked on laying the tracks for the Seaboard extension of the Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad, but he did not settle there until later.

– The Proclamation stated that Americans could not settle or buy land west of a line along the Appalachian Mountains.

– Thomas Christians and minority Knanaya traces the divide to the figure of Thomas of Cana, a Syrian merchant who led a group of 72 Jewish ChristiansJewish-Christian immigrant families, a bishop named Uraha Mar Yausef, and clergymen from Mesopotamia to settle in Cranganore, India in the 4th century.

– Some suspended material will be large enough and heavy enough to settle rapidly to the bottom if a liquid sample is left to stand.

– As early as June 10, 1854, the Missourians held a meeting at Salt Creek Valley, a trading post In another paper they warned: “The abolitionists will probably not be interrupted if they settle north of the fortieth parallel of north latitude, but south of that line, and within Kansas Territory they need not set foot.

– The presence of the Railway line called for people to come and settle around the train station.

– Anne was called back to England to marry a distant cousin James Butler, in the hope to settle an inheritance dispute over the Earldom of Ormond.

– In 1763, to settle the Seven Years’ War, Spain gave Florida to the British Empire in return for the British giving back Cuba.

– So they left to settle at Mikantji.

– Classical Greece: Ancient histories and modern archaeologies, Ian Morris, Routledge, p184 Alexander planned to settle the eastern shores of the Persian Gulf with Greek colonists.

– There are two matters we need to settle about such an account.

– The decision to settle Jamestown again came from a group called the Virginia Company of London.

– Although the forex market is decentralised and has no central exchange or clearing facility, firms that chose to use CLS to settle their FX transactions can mitigate the settlement risk associated with their trades.

– King made new rules, which made things better for people who wanted to settle on the island, many of whom had been marines or convicts.

– He thinks they will say that white people can settle in Kansas soon.

– The English tried to settle at Roanoke Island in 1585.

– He wasn’t interested in expanding his territory instead wanted to settle problems in his present empire.

– After the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed, pro-slavery and anti-slavery supporters rushed in to settle Kansas to affect the outcome of the first election held there after the law went into effect.

– Even though there were plans made to settle Native Americans in Kansas, by 1850 white Americans were illegally squatting on their land.

– When John Batman came to settle in Victoria 30 years later, he found Buckley living with an Indigenous Australianaboriginal tribe.

- The Chinese government has encouraged large numbers of Han Chinese people to settle in Tibet.

- The Caribs did not allowed Europeans to settle in Saint Vincent until 1719 when some French people came from Martinique and began to grow coffee, tobacco, indigo, cotton and sugar cane with the help of African slaves.
- The mediator can be a religious leader, a local notable, or someone who is known for helping to settle disputes.

– In 1989, UCC paid $470 million to settle litigation stemming from the disaster.

– Other moths fly slowly and settle on the flower.

– The city was first mentioned in written sources in 1323, in Letters of Gediminasletters of Grand Duke Gediminas that were sent to German cities and invited Germans and members of the Jewish community to settle in the capital city.

– But nothing short of outright war would settle the issue.

– But statehood did not settle the hard feelings in Kansas — or the violence.

– Adam Thoroughgood of Norfolk, England is one of the first Englishmen to settle in the area which became Virginia Beach.

– To solve the problem, the British Government made the decision to settle what is now Australia in order to transport convicts and soldiers to a new penal settlement in Botany Bay.

– Great Britain was not the only country to settle what would become the United States.

– He was also worried that the French might settle in the area and then would control Bass Strait.

– The club was also about to start a downward spiral; after a relegation to the third level in 2001 the team returned the following year but, in the following campaign, played to a backdrop of off-field distractions, with the players and staff going unpaid for months – a final ninth place was not enough to prevent another relegation, as the club failed to meet the 31 July deadline to settle all wage debts.

– Taking time to refuel would also give the lake, which had been disturbed by the first run, time to settle down again.

– When land was in sight, he threw his high seat pillars overboard and promised to settle where the gods decided to bring them ashore.

– He settle down with nightclub dancer and stripper, Kitty Kelly.

– They have come in large numbers since the early 1950s from the northwestern provinces of China, and as part of their migration to the Middle East, many chose to settle down in urban centres of Turkey.

– It tried to find land where Jews could settle in different parts of America.

– Stingrays settle on the bottom while feeding, often leaving only their eyes and tail visible.

– He thought the Native Americans should be taught agriculture, but it would prove almost impossible to teach nomadic hunters to settle on one piece of land and farm it.

– Like most other Ngaanyatjarra groups, Pulpurru and her family were moved out of the desert to settle at Warburton.

– When night falls, small groups settle down in familiar trees for the night.

– He was forced afterwards to settle for partial autonomy within the new Spanish Republic.

– The peasants could use the lord’s legal system to settle their disputes – for a fee.

– George was cross with Edward’s failure to settle down in life and was angered and appalled by his many affairs with married women.

– The earliest known humans to settle at Goat Rock Beach were the Native American Coast Miwok and Pomo tribes.

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