Some sentences in use of “definitely”

How to use in-sentence of “definitely”:

– When QuikSCAT analysed it early on September 23, they said that it was definitely a high-end Category 1 hurricane with 90 mph winds.

– I would definitely like to see if someone can find any discussions about this in the archives, so we can see what consensus was.

– This will be our 6th music video we have collaborated on and definitely the best one yet visually, as well as musically.

– However, It was stated in a 2003 article by The Baltimore Sun that Maggard was only a stand-in actor for one commercial shoot in the mid 90s and stated that “he is definitely not Ronald McDonald”, as Jack Doepke and David Hussey were the real current portrayers as Ronald throughout the time period Joe claimed he did.

– Rollback rights are definitely an admin feature,.

Some sentences in use of definitely
Some sentences in use of definitely

Example sentences of “definitely”:

- It is definitely not failing on general guidelines of notability related to companies.

- No one knows definitely about the fate of Huns after the end of the sixth century.

– It is definitely not failing on general guidelines of notability related to companies.

– No one knows definitely about the fate of Huns after the end of the sixth century.

– The use of the dupatta has definitely undergone a metamorphosis over time.

– I would definitely let him come over here.

– It is definitely safest to use the named parameters, because otherwise any “=” character will break the template.

– I started by going on a diet a year and a half ago and I got a personal trainer, but I definitely have a healthier lifestyle now.

– For now, though, I think we should definitely keep the iw links in the order they are now.

– During microevolution changes in allele frequencies definitely do occur.

– If I am banned, then you will definitely be sued.

– Fr33kman’s close was definitely justified, with it being one vote away from the “recommended” percentage.

– He is the only living person who is known to have definitely fought in that war.

– Though not free, villeins were definitely not slaves: they enjoyed legal rights, subject to local custom, and had recourse to the law, subject to court charges which were an additional source of manorial income.

– Keep and expand Definitely is worthy of an article and can be expanded.

More in-sentence examples of “definitely”:

– This is definitely not analogous to reviewing a deleted page.

– I would definitely request a Delete here, please.

– In the south, Samudragupta’s empire definitely included Eran in present-day Madhya Pradesh.

– I can make one image show up that definitely comes from the media commons.

– Kennedy is generally viewed as a face of wisdom around here, and definitely has the experience to make a great crat.

– I definitely think it is a good article now.

– I say technically because it’s definitely not powering anything, and it almost seems as if the user did it on purpose so that it wouldn’t get flagged.

– With a few changes, I think we can most definitely make this look minimalistic, but nice.

– Hopefully we’ll be able to stop this quickly; we definitely don’t want the kind of activity we’re seeing on enwiki.

– Controversy around deletion/undeletion of couple of articles is definitely within local community’s scope, and there’s no real reason to take this affair to Meta because no foundation principle is violated.

– The only works of art that are known to be definitely by Cimabue are the mosaic of Christ in Majesty in Pisa Cathedral and two very large ruined frescos in the Church of St Francis in Assisi.

– Cometstyles also stated that Da Punk lied about sockpuppetry, stating it as if he was definitely certain that Da Punk was actually sockpuppeteering.

– Therefore, it must have a function, but what is that function? It is definitely not immediate survival.

– I hold no grudge against you and I definitely think that you are a good editor here on this site :.

– I’d support a discussion regarding updating of the revision deletion policy, but I am definitely opposed to continuing this as a heated debate.

– However, few of the Cambrian fossils have features that definitely unite them with the Onychophora.

– Another good thing about your editing on here is that you have been very vocal in discussions on this site and you have definitely shared your opinions on quite a number of things about this site.

– However, in a 2003 article by The Baltimore Sun, McDonald’s stated that Maggard was a only lighting stand-in for one commercial shoot in the mid 90s and stated that “he is definitely not Ronald McDonald”, as Jack Doepke and David Hussey actually portrayed the character throughout the time period in which Maggard claimed to have held the role.

– They definitely have pennaceous feathers, and therefore probably temperature regulation.

– This is my seventh editor review, and I definitely feel like I could use another one since my last editor review was back in January of this year.

– The ice sheet that covers Greenland may hide three separate islands, which have been joined by glaciers since the last geologygeologic ice age.”Ellensburg Daily Record” “Los Angeles Times” From the map of the bedrock: if, as the ice melted, the sea rose 50 metres, then Greenland would definitely be three islands.

– The articles will get expanded eventually, and I definitely think that they had enough information at the time to guarantee the notability of them.

– Molecular evidence shows they are definitely archosauromorphs, the group of diapsid reptiles which also includes the dinosaurs.

– When you return, try to stay away from areas that have been quite heated for you, not necessarily permanantly, but definitely for a few weeks/months.

– Barras is definitely trusted in my mind, and I believe that him gaining oversight will be a positive for Simple.

– I definitely think that this user can be trusted with the tool and not violate the privacy policy or things like that.

- This is definitely not analogous to reviewing a deleted page.

- I would definitely request a Delete here, please.
- In the south, Samudragupta's empire definitely included Eran in present-day Madhya Pradesh.

– Octopods are the only invertebrate which have been definitely shown to use tools.

– The movie’s consensus in Rotten Tomatoes is: “Alpha and Omega 3: The Great Wolf Games” does have improved animation, lovable characters and it’ll definitely entertain kids and die hard fans of the franchise, but it seems to suffer from a lazy story and a thinly-written script”.

– When talking about Bell, Graham said “She looked at me and our eyes met and I felt that she was definitely the woman I wanted to marry.” Ruth said that he wanted to please God more than any man she had ever met.

– Possible leaks are definitely a huge threat for the entire IT apparatus, transport of liquid may cause condensation and since the chilled liquid must be contained somewhere it requires more technological equipment and a suitable framework inside the data center; so in this case we need more resources.

– It’ll definitely be ready by tomorrow.

– I’m not sure how we take it from here, but there definitely seems to be support for the uploader rights.

– Contrary to what some may say there are definitely persuasive arguments both for and against Griffin and they all need to be looked at.

– There is no question that these books have always been part of the Bible in Oriental Orthodox Churches, so they were definitely not added in the 1500s.

– It is worth noting that while MAP has not been definitely proven to be harmful in humans, all other mycobacteria are pathogenic, and it has been definitively shown to cause disease in cattle and other ruminants.

– If you want “clear” notability guideline, here are three ways to tell if a film is definitely notable.

– It has long been recognised that there are circumstances where it is definitely not a good thing to have wings.

– A4 should definitely not be extended in scope.

– Marxism rejects the idea that a state is there to protect business interest, and is definitely not a neutral place for settling arguments.

– This user is definitely one of the better editors here on this site, and given the administration tools, I think he will not abuse them or use them for his own personal gain.

– Also, he American beer is most definitely the primary topic.

– I would highly recommend that we allow the bot to archive the page to see if this amount of time between archives is definitely better than its’ previous setting.

– I will definitely work on simplifying the templates tomorrow.

– It is definitely a great voice to heal up the wounded psyche of several Oriyas condemned to a bonded earth under ‘British Raj’.6 She was a rebel no doubt and simultaneously a visionary.

– But “Hi-5” has definitely been their most successful venture.

– Synergy is a longtime trusted admin here at Simple, and although he has been on a break for a little bit, he would definitely be trustworthy to have as an oversighter.

– Also, if this has been sparked by the amount of IP vandalism which has need oversighting, this is definitely not the solution.

– This wiki is not configured to grant rights for viewing private abuse filter, and even if it was configured, I am definitely not going to grant it to you.

– It definitely needs to be simplified, I think.

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