Example uses in sentence of “agree”

How to use in-sentence of “agree”:

+ In this it directly allowed for the flow of human emotions, something that the moralist philosophy of Song Confucianism did not agree with.

+ During the time of the Spanish Inquisition this was a ceremony in which anyone who did not agree with the Roman Catholic church was burnt to death.

+ In earlier times when the king was very powerful, he would usually only call the parliament together in order to get it to agree to new taxes.

+ People do not agree whether meringue was invented in the SwitzerlandSwiss town of Meiringen The “Oxford English Dictionary” states that the French word is of unknown origin.

+ In 2002 Brandenburg did not agree how to vote about the Immigration bill.

+ Tarun and Nithya’s agree to get married, but Deepika doesn’t want Nithya to marry Tarun, so she tries to separate them.

Example uses in sentence of agree
Example uses in sentence of agree

Example sentences of “agree”:

+ However, Josh Homme still didn't agree with a reunion, so guitar player Bruno Fevery replaced him, playing with singer John Garcia, bass player Nick Oliveri, and drummer Brank Bjork as "Kyuss Lives!".

+ Both of them seem to hate Ponyo, edit at similar times of day, always agree with each other.
+ She was to die for being a Protestant and for refusing to agree with the Catholic Church.

+ However, Josh Homme still didn’t agree with a reunion, so guitar player Bruno Fevery replaced him, playing with singer John Garcia, bass player Nick Oliveri, and drummer Brank Bjork as “Kyuss Lives!”.

+ Both of them seem to hate Ponyo, edit at similar times of day, always agree with each other.

+ She was to die for being a Protestant and for refusing to agree with the Catholic Church.

+ The Declaration of Indulgence was a statement that gave religious freedom to those who did not agree with the Church of England.

+ This is because, even though seeing visions can be through different diseases, other facts of Joan’s life do not agree with these ideas.

+ Along the way, they agree to let former Confederate States of AmericaConfederate Chris Mannix travel with them, but they do not believe his story that he is the new sheriff.

+ I agree with Kansan that often I’d rather work on getting a greater number of articles up to a usable standard than trying to carry each of them through the vetting process.

+ During the following four days of negotiations, authorities agreed to most of the prisoners’ 28 demands, but would not agree to demands for complete amnesty from criminal prosecution for the prison takeover.

+ An armistice is not the same as a peace treaty, which may take months or even years to agree on.

+ Every four years the party holds a National Convention where they agree on their candidate for President.

+ Mathematicians do not agree on what makes a polyhedron.

More in-sentence examples of “agree”:

+ Many scientists agree together that young Earth creationism is wrong and know about experiments and observations in their theory.

+ Two: To make minor changes all parties agree on, or restoring to an uncontested version of the article.

+ The people were asked, if they could agree with the statement: “If a woman does not want children, she should be allowed to have an abortion”.

+ Ibāḍīs agree with Sunnis in approving of Abu BakrAbū Bakr and Umar ibn al-Khattab, whom they regard as the two rightly-guided Caliphs.

+ Because of its style, scholars agree that this is an early Christian poem that was written by someone before Paul’s writings, as early as the 40s AD.

+ While many astronomers agree that Triton was not an original moon of Neptune, some think that Triton was captured in a “three-body-encounter”.

+ They could participate, but they had to change their name, and they also had to agree not to wear the typical uniforms on stage.

+ Some of these groups could not agree on certain points about Christian teaching or practice.

+ In 1997, the band broke up because they could no longer agree on how their music sounded.

+ Some fictional cavemen knuckle-walk or drag the knuckles of their long arms on the ground, but scientists do not agree on whether human beings evolved from ancestors who really knuckle-walked on the ground the way gorillas do.

+ I haven’t given up on doing the french communes though I agree they should meet some kind of standard.

+ PalaeontologyPalaeontologists now agree that birds evolved from Maniraptora group of dinosaurs.

+ Hague thinks Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should be removed from power, and the Cameron government wanted to help the opposition with air strikes in 2013, but Parliament did not agree and the plans did not go forward.

+ The allies could have attacked Sevastopol, but the British General officergeneral and the French commander could not agree on a plan of attack.

+ However, currently both sides temporarily agree that both countries belong to One China.

+ Thus, I more or less agree with speedy deleting such articles, as Tygrrr said on his talk page.

+ We still have a couple of weeks before the block expires, but I agree with Chenzw that we should reach a consensus here soon.

+ Most Christian groups agree about the New Testament canon.

+ They agree to take the same position on many Issue issues, and agree to support the same changes to law and the same leaders.

+ Becket was officially asked to agree to the King’s rights.

+ A spokesperson’s job is to faithfully represent and promote for how the organization will run, even if he/she doesn’t agree with the organization’s opinions.

+ I also agree that it appears to be one person, or at the very least interrelated people, given that every single ip geolocates to similar locations within the UK.

+ Almost all countries agree that torture is a violation of human rights.

+ We’d still have to agree on a way of selecting who should be allowed to upload non-free images and not have them immediately deleted.

+ Many scientists agree together that young Earth creationism is wrong and know about experiments and observations in their theory.

+ Two: To make minor changes all parties agree on, or restoring to an uncontested version of the article.
+ The people were asked, if they could agree with the statement: "If a woman does not want children, she should be allowed to have an abortion".

+ He was also impressed when he heard the young Pablo Casals, although he did not agree with his technique.

+ Victoria Victoria and New South Wales did not agree about the need to protect local industry, as opposed to allowing everyone to trade freely.

+ The Beatles could not agree on where to perform the show, and for how large an audience.

+ An edit war, or change war, happens when people do not agree on an article’s content.

+ They agree to never again discuss what had happened.

+ If the Senate does not agree with the president’s choice, then the president must nominate someone else.

+ These teachers want to improve their students’ writing and may not agree with the ideas of General Semantics or E Prime.

+ Not all people agree that the condition sexual addicion exists.

+ Calderón’s administration sought to maintain moderate positions on social policy and supported Mexican legislation guaranteeing abortion for rape victims, when pregnancy endangers a woman’s life or in cases of severe fetal deformity; has publicly advocated the legalization of small quantities of cocaine and other drugs for addicts who agree to undergo treatment; and has approved a right-to-die initiative for ill patients to refuse invasive treatment or extraordinary efforts to prolong their lives.

+ The United States government did not agree that the states could leave and start a new government.

+ Hughes and these friends did not always agree with the ideas of some of the other African-American writers who were also part of the “Harlem Renaissance” because they thought their ideas were Middle class and that they treated others who had darker skin, less education and less money with discrimination.

+ I hope you agree with me and comment positive on this.

+ Many members did not agree with Rutherford’s harsh changes, and some started their own groups.

+ In the end, they agree they cannot meet again and so they stop talking.

+ These countries agree to follow common laws so that their citizens can move and trade in EU countries almost the same as they do in their own.

+ People do not agree what a fairy tale exactly is.

+ TPLF and the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front were formidable allies during the civil war, but then Ethiopia and Eritrea could not agree on where the border was after Eritrea’s independence.

+ Generally, experts agree that many things caused the extinction.

+ I agree that making it an opt-in gadget is probably the only way to go if you’re really wanting to get this enabled.

+ Conjugations are forms of verbs that are changed to agree with the subject that is doing the action described by the verb.

+ To avoid bloodshed, the members of parliament had to agree with the demand and the ADR officially ended on April 28, 1920, giving way to the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic as its successor state.

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