Some sentences in use of “rana”

How to use in-sentence of “rana”:

– A branch of Kunwars led by “Kaji” Jang Bahadur Kunwar, renamed themselves as Rana after 1848.

– In Varanasi, Bhimsen helped the former King Rana Bahadur to prepare for his return to power in 1804.

– She is the daughter of late Honorary General Hari Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana and his wife, Megha Kumari Rajya Lakshmi.

– He married his girlfriend Prapti Rajyalaxmi Rana on 26 February 2015.

– Don’t remove this page, I think this artist is famous and also he’s work is great! I notice that Suraj Rana is also verfied by Google.

– She is mainly known for her roles as Alia Khan in Citzen Khan and Rana Habeeb in Coronation Street.

Some sentences in use of rana
Some sentences in use of rana

Example sentences of “rana”:

- In states like Rajasthan, Rajput community chiefs are known by the titles that include Maharawal, Rana and Maharana.

- The Mewar ruler Rana Sangram Singh extended his empire right up to western Uttar Pradesh and threatened to attack Agra.
- Queen Ratna belongs to the aristocratic Rana family.

– In states like Rajasthan, Rajput community chiefs are known by the titles that include Maharawal, Rana and Maharana.

– The Mewar ruler Rana Sangram Singh extended his empire right up to western Uttar Pradesh and threatened to attack Agra.

– Queen Ratna belongs to the aristocratic Rana family.

– It is located on European route E12 between Storuman in Sweden and Mo i Rana in Norway.

– The Australian bullfrog, Australian wood frog, water frog, Arhem Rana or wood frog is a frog from New Guinea and Australia.

– Bhimsen was appointed as Hajuriya of King Rana Bahadur Shah in 1797.

– Rulers of other nations in Asia and the Middle East, including the Emir of Kuwait, the Maharajas of the Rana dynasty, the Khedive of Egypt, the King of Bhutan and the rulers of Zanzibar, Bahrain and Oman were also appointed to the Order.

– It was in November 1950 King Tribhuvan restored democracy overthrowing the Rana regime with large number of Nepalese people support.

– This page is very important for which person who search about Suraj Rana on the web.

– Later, Rana Bahadur dismissed and ordered death penalty to the existing Nepalese mimisters on 1804.

– Schooling for the general people began only after 1951 when a popular movement ended the autocratic Rana family regime and started a democratic system.

– Dalip Singh Rana is an IndiaIndian professional wrestler, powerlifter.

– The Rana took absolute power but continued to maintain the Shah family in the palace.

– Jang Bahadur Rana the then Prime Minister of Nepal revolted against the royalty in 1844.

– Like some rulers of princely states, some rulers of particular prestige, for example the Maharajas of the Rana dynasty or the Sultans of Oman, were usually appointed Knights Grand Commanders.

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