Sentence example of “frequently”

How to use in-sentence of “frequently”:

– The text was frequently used in desktop publishing templates.

– He also worked on numerous side projects and frequently sat in with other groups.

– He tells poor jokes and stories and frequently acts like a child when he does not get his way.

– And don’tt forget: Masturbating frequently makes you blind.

– Although Zeus, Hercules’ father, is frequently cited by Hercules as a neglectful father, Zeus’ love for Hercules is well-documented in the show.

Sentence example of frequently
Sentence example of frequently

Example sentences of “frequently”:

– This article is frequently vandalized.

– Cold Harbor was a battle that Grant regretted more than any other and Northern newspapers thereafter frequently referred to him as a “butcher”.

– The kinglets, also called crests, are a small group of birds often included in the Old World warblers, but frequently given family status because they also resemble the titmice.

– In current fashions, the dupatta is frequently draped over one shoulder, and even over just the arms.

– The main symptom is the presence of serum albumin in the urine, and frequently accompanied by oedema and hypertension.

– Also, antivirus software is not perfect, and there are constantly new and emerging threats that frequently bypass a computer’s defenses.

– Jacqueline Scott was an American actress who appeared frequently in movies and television throughout the 1950s through 1980s.

– Additionally, nest abandonment is sometimes correlated with changing climates, and in the case of “Apoica pallens” has been observed more frequently during the dry season.

- This article is frequently vandalized.

- Cold Harbor was a battle that Grant regretted more than any other and Northern newspapers thereafter frequently referred to him as a "butcher".

– Krupa exhibited frequently and his works are part of a number of important collections worldwide.

– They also frequently used music which sounded like that from Eastern Asia.

– Blankets were traditionally made of wool because it is warm, naturally fire-retardant, and allows air to circulate well, while today synthetic fibers are frequently used.

– The arguments made in the Resolutions and the Report were later used frequently during the nullification crisis of 1832, when South Carolina declared federal tariffs to be unconstitutional and void within the state.

– Glitter recorded a very popular song called “Rock and Roll, Parts 1 and 2”, often known as “The Hey Song”, which was frequently played at sporting events.

– Mediterranean and Indochinese cuisines frequently use basil.

More in-sentence examples of “frequently”:

- Asgard appears frequently in Marvel Comics.

- Also, as individuals they frequently have significant influence on other notable family members.
- He received it for his actions in the battle now frequently referred to as the Wounded Knee Massacre.

– Asgard appears frequently in Marvel Comics.

– Also, as individuals they frequently have significant influence on other notable family members.

– He received it for his actions in the battle now frequently referred to as the Wounded Knee Massacre.

– In the United States, the term is commonly used broadly to describe people who move frequently to find work or, more narrowly, those who earn low wages performing manual labor in the agriculture field.

– In human relationships, “compromise” is frequently said to be an agreement that no party is happy with, this is because the parties involved often feel that they either gave away too much or that they received too little.

– At Louis XV’s instigation, Philip was given Parma as Louise Élisabeth had frequently asked him to bestow territory on her husband.

– He played frequently in the 1970s at blues and folk music festivals in the U.S.

– They frequently coordinate with other U.S.

– Vyvyan owns a Glaswegian hamster named Special Patrol Group whom he is very fond of, although SPG is also frequently subjected to Vyvyan’s extreme violence, although it is usually provoked, such as when SPG bit Vyvyan in “Flood” or plugging in the TV after Vyvyan swallowed it in “Bomb”.

– Religious imagery depicting the Sacred Heart is frequently featured in Catholic, and sometimes Anglican homes.

– The Pope frequently addresses pilgrims gathered in the square.

– They are also frequently used both chopped and raw in salads, or cooked in stir-fries or other mixed dishes.

– Other tornado-like phenomena that exist in nature include the gustnado, dust devil, fire whirls, and steam devil; downbursts are frequently confused with tornadoes, though their action is not similar.

– Escarpments are also frequently formed by faults.

– Hepatoblastoma is a rare form of Liver cancer occurring most frequently in children.

– I wish to nominate myself for Adminship as I am frequently dealing with vandals, and are sometimes the only person on, and have to wait for a SysOp, leaving the vandal to run free.

– The Tigers have frequently played in baseball’s post-season games.

– Sometimes the plate numbers appear in the stamps themselves, but the more common practice is to include the number in the margin of each sheet, frequently alongside the name of the printer.

– The cheetah frequently escaped into the orchestra pit, where it terrorized the musicians, adding another element of excitement to the show.

– A different interpretation contends that Hindus and Muslims constitute “two distinct and frequently antagonistic ways of life and that therefore they cannot coexist in one nation.” In this version, a transfer of populations i.e.

– ESSEC is frequently ranked first nationally.

– Borat’s film has frequently been accused of promoting antiziganism.

– Like natural vellum, the paper vellum is more stable than paper, which is frequently critical in the development of large drawings and plans such as blueprints.

– Urinary tract symptoms are frequently not seen in those who are Old ageold.

– Kings of Essex frequently found themselves under the control of other Anglo-Saxon overlords.

– Montgomery made a great effort to appear before troops as often as possible, frequently visiting various units and making himself known to the men, often arranging for cigarettes to be distributed.

– The Russian Army used the bayonet frequently during the Napoleonic wars.

– Many IP addresses are dynamically assigned and change frequently from one person to the next, and even static IP addresses are periodically re-assigned or have different users.

– Instead of having many teeth that are frequently replaced, mammals have one set of baby teeth and later one set of adult teeth which fit together precisely.

– People who use microscopes frequently in their jobs include Medical doctordoctors and scientists.

– As a minister she spoke frequently with Palestinian politicians to achieve this goal.

– Knowles frequently performed the song live — often as a prelude to “Crazy in Love Crazy in Love” or her live cover of the Jill Scott song “He Loves Me”.

– Patna has trains running frequently to Delhi and Kolkata.

– The male frequently arches his secondary wing feathers over his back in an aggressive display posture.

– In earlier times, they frequently lived on the outskirts of communities.

– For example, the many millions who speak Indian English frequently add American English words to go along with its British English base and many other words from the various Indian languages.

– The northern part of the island is called Lewis, the southern is Harris and both are frequently referred to as if they were separate islands.

– These people frequently continue to use American English in everyday life.

– Trusts are frequently created in will wills, defining how money and property will be handled for children or other beneficiaries.

– Impatience – Trying to interrupt what the other person is saying, opening one’s mouth frequently as if to speak.

– It frequently appears in American literature textbooks.

– As such, it is frequently used instead of the colón’s own sign in price markings and advertisements.

– A few of these subjects are frequently censored by educational, governmental, corporate, parental and other filtering schemes.

– A loving wife and frequently would give to charity.

– Accusations that Sharon was implicated are frequently made by other organisations and leading politicians including the official Israeli Kahan Commission investigation into the massacres in 1982.

– Birds frequently appear in their album cover, because birds are beautiful and colorful, and they can sing.

– He frequently attempted to present anti-slavery petitions, often in ways that provoked strong reactions from Southern representatives.

– Osman Yusuf, also credited under a variety of other names, was a Turkish actor who appeared frequently in Japanese films and television.

– Animals of the same sex frequently share home ranges.

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