“clotting” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “clotting”:

+ Blood serum is blood plasma without fibrinogen or the other clotting factors.

+ By adding anti-coagulant to keep the blood from clotting and refrigerating the blood, it is possible to store it for a few days.

+ These proteins are albumin, antibodyantibodies, clotting factors, and protein hormones.

+ The donor’s blood has the clotting proteins and can temporarily make a normal scab.

+ It is also used, in very low doses, to prevent thrombosis, the local coagulation or clotting of the blood in the circulatory system.

+ This atypical clotting and bleeding at the same time manifests externally in the form of rashes.

clotting in-sentences
clotting in-sentences

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