Make sentence of “put”

How to use in-sentence of “put”:

+ At which point a request for de-adminship gets put up.

+ Most often, the customer would take a shopping basket or shopping cart and put the items he or she wants to buy into the basket or cart.

+ The government also put restrictions on border crossings.

+ So in this example, we could put in 5 for “x” and get.

+ Many things can be put on them to make them taste better, such as salt and vinegar, gravy, curry, cheese, ketchup or mayonnaise.

+ The British government of India put him under house arrest, but he escaped in 1941.

Make sentence of put
Make sentence of put

Example sentences of “put”:

+ A few years after World War II ended, the government of Poland decided to rebuild Auschwitz and put a museum there.

+ To help prepare astronauts experience zero gravity, NASA trainers put the astronauts in water.

+ But I can’t seem to put it to a specific point on the page.

+ They put a high priority on family life.

+ It is usually put between two sheets of paper.

+ The protest is mostly found in a group of tents that have been put up in the grounds of St Paul’s Cathedral in London, United Kingdom.

+ Usually, handlers trained the elephant to put its large foot gently on the person’s head.

+ These are put in areas that often have very low visibility.

+ Transistors have been made very small so that billions of them can be put into a small computer chip.

+ Dictators normally need to do a number of things to put in place their dictatorships: they need to get rid of their opponents or killed.

+ He put out the 385 Dream Songs in two books: “77 Dream Songs” and “His Toy, His Dream, His Rest.” Later he put them into one book: “The Dream Songs”.

+ As an aside, when the “close call” stuff has taken place on, typically a ‘crat will put the RFx on hold and, as NonvocalScream says, initiate a ‘crat chat.

+ It was taken away from the alphabet by Appius Claudius Caecus, and a new letter, “G”, was put in.

+ The great souled Sramana, who has put an end to his delusive vision, who is expert in scriptures and who has established himself in conduct free from attachment, is qualified as Dharma.

+ A few animals had been taken illegally to Europen countries to be put on show.

+ There was also a Ruhleben Drama Society which put on productions of Shakespeare’s “Othello” and “Twelfth Night” and Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest”.

+ It is the only version Lincoln put his signature on.

+ Marie Thérèse lived a quiet life with her Spanish attendants and had to put up with her husbands various affairs, notably with Louise de La Vallière and Madame de Montespan.

+ A few years after World War II ended, the government of Poland decided to rebuild Auschwitz and put a museum there.

+ To help prepare astronauts experience zero gravity, NASA trainers put the astronauts in water.

More in-sentence examples of “put”:

+ Some time after Mozart’s death a man called Köchel studied all Mozart’s music, tried to put them in chronological order, and gave them a number.

+ The discovery of Uranus put his career on the way: he got a salary of £200 a year as "King's Astronomer".
+ The purpose of the portals is to make shortcuts to different areas, for example, if the player needs to get to a high ledge but is unable to jump to it, they can put a blue portal at their level and fire an orange portal above the ledge.

+ Some time after Mozart’s death a man called Köchel studied all Mozart’s music, tried to put them in chronological order, and gave them a number.

+ The discovery of Uranus put his career on the way: he got a salary of £200 a year as “King’s Astronomer”.

+ The purpose of the portals is to make shortcuts to different areas, for example, if the player needs to get to a high ledge but is unable to jump to it, they can put a blue portal at their level and fire an orange portal above the ledge.

+ However, they were put together as one in the earliest Hebrew manuscripts.

+ Carbon potentiometers are the most common potentiometers that we use today because they are inexpensive to make and are easy to put together.

+ In the categories, the ‘individual notable people’ are put in the same long lists as the ‘ethnicities’ or whatever you want to call them.

+ Recording most of his final Motown release, “In Our Lifetime”, in London, the album was rush-released by Motown in early 1981 much to Marvin’s chagrin: he complained that the label had edited certain songs, including one that seemed unfinished, and had taken off a question mark that he put at the end of the title to ask a question about life.

+ The issue with GA being counter-productive comes from those that do not do this – they write articles that are, to put it bluntly, crap, and then expect, nay, demand that the reviewers are the ones to fix them.

+ Simple English is not the right place to put the same articles again.

+ He put on a concert of music by German composers but nobody came.

+ The Milankovich cycle is an important factor in these changes, and there are also changes in the heat put out by the Sun.

+ They need to put on a tripod because it is difficult to hold them steady steady by hand.

+ I propose that it is used soley for showing GAs, and two or three facts from eachGA are put into a fixed queue.

+ They began to put their own interests ahead of those of the English royalty.

+ The thought he put into his poems is not deep, but his faith to Spain attracted people to read them.

+ But, they realize that they are trapped in the bags of water that the dentist put them into when cleaning the tank.

+ In some places, however, important trials can take as long as a few years while the two sides gather information and put together their arguments.

+ He put her body in his pickup truck and took her back to his shed.

+ One of them helped to put out the fire that almost completely burned the residential wing of the house.

+ An object is put into a disk on one side that hangs from one end of a bar. It is balanced with weights at the other end.

+ For every silver token they put in the box, they lose a point.

+ The magazine is put into the gun in a similar way to the AK group.

+ A thin film of lubricant put between the surfaces reduces friction and wear on the surfaces, and keeps temperatures from rising too far.

+ He put this material into his books.

+ These blocks were lifted and put back together on a new site 65 meters higher, and 200 meters further back from the river.

+ A toxin is put through the joints of the exoskeleton, deterring feeding.

+ The computer knows, when working in ASCII, to put the glyph for ‘A’ on the screen when it sees the number 65.

+ In early 1997, Sajida was put under house arrest, along with her daughters Raghad and Rana, because they were suspected of being involved in an attempted assassination on Uday on 12 December 1996.

+ Later, the man who attacked him was caught and put to death.

+ This has led to other origins being put forth as possibilities.

+ He put lots of money into the club, and he made good choices about the club.

+ In 1954 the lighthouse was coverted to electricity and a 2,830 kilocandela lamp was put in.

+ At the end of June, a mob demonstrated against Cleander during a horse race in the Circus Maximus: he sent the praetorian guard to put down the disturbances, but Pertinax, who was now City Prefect of Rome, dispatched the “Vigiles Urbani” to oppose them.

+ The shark started controversy when it was first put on the house.

+ Editors often put on a page, mistakenly confusing that with creating a page with the text.

+ Leonhard Euler and Daniel Bernoulli were the first to put together the theory in 1750.

+ When the Hockey Hall of Fame was created in 1945, Stuart was one of the first twelve players put in the Hall; his brother Bruce would also be elected into the Hall of Fame in 1961.

+ He met Millar in an intervention put together by the journalist Paul Nelson.

+ Because years are bigger than months, and months are bigger than days, they are put in the order of YEAR-MONTH-DAY.

+ He became the first Australian politician to be put in prison for bribery.

+ But he broke every chain they tried to put on him.

+ Suggestion – unblock Kennedy, put him on probation for three months, one single wrong move, yep, the block is reinstated.

+ Circuit breakers were put up for stopping another 1987-like crash.

+ Please consider it, as I have put a lot of time into improving it and getting it to this wiki’s standards.

+ One treatment is to put back the lost dopamine.

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