Example uses in sentence of “computer programs”

How to use in-sentence of “computer programs”:

– The “Aphelion Imaging Software Suite” is a software suiteset of computer programs for image processing and image analysis.

– Some computer programs used to make other computer programs are also called toolboxes or toolkits.

– These free computer programs can be used to calculate ballistic coefficient if other information is known.

– These used shell scripts, which can run computer programs within a computer program, the shell.

– Of course, this will not work for computer programs and other such data where every piece is important; throwing away pieces of a computer program is generally unhealthy for the program.

Example uses in sentence of computer programs
Example uses in sentence of computer programs

Example sentences of “computer programs”:

– Smartphones, Tablet computertablets and similar complicated mobile devices can run computer programs including computer games, and have many of the functions of a desktop PC.

– Objective-C is an object-oriented programming language used to make computer programs for OS XmacOS and iOS devices.

– Today, computer programs read the data and identify the compounds in a sample.

– Many computer programs have been written to check whether or not an IBAN is valid.

– They can be used to explain, predict, and test, or to develop computer programs or mathematical equations.

– New features include a Windows Store where users can buy computer programs or download them for free.

– Boolean expressions are often used by conditionals in computer programs to decide which code to run.

- Smartphones, Tablet computertablets and similar complicated mobile devices can run computer programs including computer games, and have many of the functions of a desktop PC.

- Objective-C is an object-oriented programming language used to make computer programs for OS XmacOS and iOS devices.

– Computers use the rules of logic to run algorithms, which let computer programs make decisions based on data.

– These are computer programs designed to look and work like a synth.

– To make sure that people cannot always do this, there are computer programs that try to stop people from copying other people’s work.

– It had a graphical user interface and it let people write computer programs using object-oriented programming.

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