How to use in sentence of “bodyguard”

How to use in-sentence of “bodyguard”:

– It includes the Royal Bodyguard and the Royal Bhutan Police.

– D-Generation X was formed in 1997 by members of the Clique and Triple H’s bodyguard Chyna.

– A bodyguard siding with the nationalist factions assassinated General Se’are Mekonnen – the Chief of General Staff Chief of the General Staff of the Ethiopian National Defense Force – as well as his aide, Major General Gizae Aberra.

– Evans sometimes served as a bodyguard to the Beatles, protecting them from fans who got out of control, or might want to hurt members of the band.

– He studied Kuk Sool Won from 1974, and worked as a trainer and bodyguard during the 1970s and 1980s.

– There is a story that Lincoln turned to his bodyguard Ward Hill Lamon and said that his speech “won’t scour “.

How to use in sentence of bodyguard
How to use in sentence of bodyguard

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