“process” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “process”:

– Also, jerk must be thought in the process of making any product.

– The Vinča culture was the first to develop the knowledge and skills to process copper, i, the late 6th millennium BC.

– The routing process can therefore become complex.

– The process of presidential primary elections and nominations were held during the last six months of 2019.

– The wheel may also be used during the process of trimming excess body from dried wares and for applying incised decoration or rings of colour.

– The planning and designing of phase 2 of the strategy process will start in November.

– Acetic acid is produced using metal carbonyl catalysts in the Monsanto process and Cativa process.

– In 1972, he negotiated Irish membership of the European Economic Community, a process that was completed in 1973.

process use in-sentences
process use in-sentences

Example sentences of “process”:

– If the stages are well-defined the process is called metamorphosis.

– For CPUs, the entire implementation process is often called CPU design; it can also be a family of related CPU designs, such as RISC and CISC.

– Demolition is a process in which buildings are torn down.

– This process is called a nuclear reaction.

– Visual stimuli may be quickly flashed before an individual can process them, or flashed and then masked, thereby interrupting the processing.

– Resolution must be sacrificed if the process is to be shorter in time.

– In 2000, he was beatified, which is a step in the process of naming a saint of the Catholic Church.Stanley, Alessandra.

– Back in the ring, Michaels tried to go for his Sweet Chin Music, but stopped in the process and Flair capitalized by trapping him in his figure four leglock.

– The engraving process with diamonds is state of the art since the 1960s.

– To protect our users, we can’t process your request right now.

– The process of making plastics is usually quite complicated.

– The Doom engine uses a technique called binary space partitioning to represent 3D levels in a way that a computer can process quickly.

– It takes a great deal of energy to push the nuclei close enough together for the strong force to have an effect, so the process of nuclear fusion can only take place at very high temperatures or high densities.

– The traditional process used in these operations is vacuum distillation — essentially the boiling of water at less than atmospheric pressure, and thus a much lower temperature than normal.

– This process is known as natural selection; it is the basic cause of evolutionary change.

– Though the process is a little complicated, it is possible to insert this infobox into most if not all other infoboxes.

– This process – of comparing two elements – is done over and over again, until the whole list is sorted.

– He was proclaimed a saint before the modern process of canonization.

– The encoding process here involves changing spaces to underscores, everything else is taken care of by the.

– Flotation is a process where gas bubbles are injected at the bottom of a tank containing a mixture of a liquid and solid particles to separate the solid particles from the liquid.

- If the stages are well-defined the process is called metamorphosis.

- For CPUs, the entire implementation process is often called CPU design; it can also be a family of related CPU designs, such as RISC and CISC.

More in-sentence examples of “process”:

- This carbonation process is so important that a significant fraction of leaf mass consists of this carbonating enzyme.

- The process of photosynthesis in the algae supplies oxygen to the fish and plants which live these waters.

– This carbonation process is so important that a significant fraction of leaf mass consists of this carbonating enzyme.

– The process of photosynthesis in the algae supplies oxygen to the fish and plants which live these waters.

– It was also an experiment in simplifying the production process as well as a break with conventional perfectionism and in doing so formed the basis for the Dogme 95 manifesto, which Trier prepared in collaboration with Thomas Vinterberg and presented in Paris at a conference on the film’s future, “Le cinéma vers son deuxième siècle”, on March 20, 1995, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the film media.

– The very same process led to the nickname “firewater”, this time given by Native Americans.

– In a context switch, the state of a process must be saved somehow before running another process, so that, the scheduler resume the execution of the process from the point it was suspended; after restoring its complete state before running it again.

– Several steps in the gene expression process may be modulated.

– Currently, Epic Records, her label, is in the process of launching a promotional campaign for her worldwide first single “Whine Up”.

– This book describes the indenturing process in detail for immigrants from foreign countries, not only Germany.

– The process called alternative splicing can produce many possible proteins from the gene parts because the proteins are put together in different ways.

– Simpson dispelled the myth that the evolution of the horse was a linear process culminating in the modern “Equus caballus”.

– Also, but it’s used when an article is in the process of being translated or simplified from another language into Simple English one.

– Manganese compounds are made in the process used to make permanganates.

– Requests for usurping can not be done on accounts where the SUL process has been started.

– Sublimation is the process by which a solid transforms into a gas without passing through the liquid stage.

– After the mummifying process was complete, a mask was placed over the head so it could be known in the afterlife.

– Making certain things are ready to go before hand will help simplify the process for everyone involved.

– This is because its photosynthesis process can, in theory, reach 8% efficiency.

– The whole process takes only ten to fifteen thousandths of a second.D’Amato, Peter.

– Sion is the third largest wine making region in Switzerland, however, the valuable agricultural land and vineyards are undergoing constant regression due to the process of urbanisation.

– She explained her experiences by saying, “I take great pride in being a member of our national university, as it affords me the opportunity to contribute to and become instrumental in the process of nation-building here in Belize.

– On the 50th anniversary of the death of Lojze Grozde, the Archdiocese of Ljubljana started a process to recognize his martyrdom and also his beatification and canonization.

– Criminal procedure refers to the rules that determine how the courts will process a criminal trial.

– Called bills, only a few few ever make it all the way through the process to become a law.

– On 13 May 2005, Pope Benedict XVI cut short the usual 5-year wait for the beatification process to begin.

– This process is called the contact process.

– Some types of experiments cannot be done on people because the process would be too long, expensive, dangerous, unfair, or otherwise unethical.

– If the process was more active, and we had at last 3 candidates we could promote I could see a new category; as things stand now, I don’t think we should support good lists.

– The process of eutrophication can occur naturally and by human impact on the environment.

– Users should not start the unification process before checking that they own the name on any wiki where they have contributions.

– The bread and wine are then eaten in a process called Communion.

– Fukui “habutae” silk is made in a process called “nureyoko”.

– A process relates to the change of state.

– Since we are in the process of getting enough “very good” articles to add a new section to the front page, I thought I would go ahead and propose a layout for our new front page.

– In the Court’s opinion, Justice Fortas wrote that without these due process rights, a person cannot get a fair trial, no matter what age they are.

– YouTuber Grant Duffrin led the process of making the film.

– The 2012 Democratic presidential primaries and caucuses was the process by which voters of the Democratic Party Democratic Party chose the candidate for the United States presidential election, 2012.

– This is a process called rectification.

– Tanning is the process of turning animal skin into leather.

– Flemming investigated the process of cell division and the distribution of chromosomes to the daughter nuclei, a process he called mitosis from the Greek word for thread.

– They process Sensessensory data much more deeply and thoroughly because their biologically different.

– Spallation is a process whereby material is released from a body because of impact or stress.

– The process of putting it all together began around 400B.C.

– I am taking this through the regular RFD process for community input.

– After repeating this process several times, they come out the exit port at a high speed.

– This process is known as kleptoplasty, and no other animal has been found to have this ability.

– Nuclear fusion is the process of making a single heavy Nucleus nucleus part of an nuclei.

– Basically, how can you be more involved in helping to create features on Wikimedia projects? We are inviting all interested users to voice their ideas on how communities can be more involved and informed in the product development process at the Wikimedia Foundation.

– When detoxification is the first step of a lengthy heroin addiction treatment process which includes counseling and behavioral therapy, the process often leads to long-term success in recovery from heroin addiction.

– This process is called gene regulation.

– The process of telomere shortening leads to apoptosis, the technical name given to programmed cell death.

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