Some example sentences of “investigating”

How to use in-sentence of “investigating”:

+ At 19:00 local time, the police held a press conference where they reported that they were not investigating the incident as a terrorist attack, but the possibility that it was a terrorist attack had not been ruled out.

+ The committee was investigating a peace activist organization, the World Peace Congress, which it considered a communist front.

+ Introduction to Investigating an Outbreak, May 18, 2012.

+ In August 2015, ten years after his death, it was claimed that five police forces were investigating Heath about allegations of child sexual abuse.

+ The Central Midlands Council of Governments is in the process of investigating the potential for rail transit in the region.

+ Spending most of his spare time studying, writing or investigating natural and geographic phenomena in the field, he wrote an encyclopedic work, “Natural History which became a model for many subsequent encyclopedic texts.

Some example sentences of investigating
Some example sentences of investigating

Example sentences of “investigating”:

+ The Federal Trade Commission was investigating Goldfine when he gave the coat and rug to Adams.

+ The New York City Police Department is investigating a package found in Tribeca at an office owned by actor Robert De Niro.
+ Looking at reconnaissance info gotten from an NOAA plane investigating the depression, it was upgraded to Tropical Storm Erin on August 15.

+ The Federal Trade Commission was investigating Goldfine when he gave the coat and rug to Adams.

+ The New York City Police Department is investigating a package found in Tribeca at an office owned by actor Robert De Niro.

+ Looking at reconnaissance info gotten from an NOAA plane investigating the depression, it was upgraded to Tropical Storm Erin on August 15.

+ In August 2010 he was appointed Vice-chairman of the UN panel investigating the Gaza flotilla raid.

+ The team travel around the UK, and also Ireland, the Netherlands and the United States, investigating possible paranormal ‘hotspots’ for 24 hours.

+ Detective chief inspector John Turner, the senior investigating officer, said “The nature of this incident is distressing and we’re working around the clock to fully understand what has happened.

+ However, some information can be picked up from investigating cases when humans accidentally make contact with the substance.

+ In the 1890s, Pavlov was investigating the gastric function of dogs by externalizing a salivary gland so he could collect, measure, and analyze the saliva and what response it had to food under different conditions.

+ Some mathematicians devote their career to investigating differential equations that are difficult to solve.

+ These are used for investigating qualities of citations.

+ Mainstream churches and some scientists consider science and religion to be separate categories of thought, which ask fundamentally different questions about reality and propose different ways of investigating it.

+ It is also in charge of having meetings and investigating people the President chooses to be judges on the Supreme Court, the U.S.

+ Shimada, an undercover ISP agent who was investigating the assassination plan on the Prime Minister of Buddhabar, was killed in Hong Kong.

+ They say that the US Army has not been investigating Vanessa’s disappearance seriously.

More in-sentence examples of “investigating”:

+ In the early 1980s, the Naval Investigative Service was investigating homosexuality in the Chicago area.

+ Meanwhile, Dewey is stabbed in the back while investigating in the house, and Sidney takes his gun.

+ In the early 1980s, the Naval Investigative Service was investigating homosexuality in the Chicago area.

+ Meanwhile, Dewey is stabbed in the back while investigating in the house, and Sidney takes his gun.

+ They told the women in the stereotype threat group that they were investigating why men were better drivers than women.

+ The Commission’s work was continued by the Congressional Committees Investigating The Iran-Contra Affair, which were formed in January 1987 and published a report in November 1987; and by Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh, appointed 1 December 1986 and publishing a final report in 1993.

+ It features state police officer Lou Solverson, who has just returned from Vietnam, investigating a crime involving a local gang, Mob syndicate and being assign to protect then-Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan during his campaign stop in Fargo.

+ This would involve investigating abuse from IPs and compiling this into a report, then contacting ISPs and requesting their assistance.

+ In October 2003, BBC One aired a “Kenyon Confronts” documentary by “Panorama Panorama” reporter Paul Kenyon, investigating hospitals run by the Private Finance Initiative.

+ Why does this same news portal mentioned about the complaints but never followed up with the closure reports of Ministry of Defence and Ministry of home affairs and never mentioned about the clean chit? Why so? Who is this news portal to present several evidence is the portal investigating or legal authority? There are approx 50 criminal cases against the same News portal and one must belive the same news portal against Master Shifuji who has been serving the nation as a responsible civilian.

+ He published two volumes “Observations and Experiments Investigating the Physiology of Senses” and “New Subjective Reports about Vision” which contributed to experimental psychology.

+ He was also arrested in 2012 by police investigating complaints against Jimmy Savile and questioned and has been monitored by Police in an investigation code named Operation Yewtree and is one of the most hated people.

+ Jodrell Bank is mainly used for investigating radio waves from the planets and stars.

+ The Smithwick Tribunal is also investigating allegations of collusion following the deaths of two Royal Ulster Constabulary officers killed by the Provisional Irish Republican ArmyProvisional IRA as they returned from a meeting with the Gardaí in the Republic of Ireland following a recommendation from the Cory Collusion Inquiry.

+ A more important question is about disrespecting the integrity of Mumbai police and relevant crime branches and investigating agencies, It is to bring to your notice gentleman, aforementioned is the same Mumbai police who have brought the underworld, dons, Mafia, criminals, gang wars to an end than who is Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj for them.

+ The Polish Institute of National Remembrance has been investigating the massacre since the early 2000s.

+ Authorities in the Dominican Republic are investigating allegations of child abuse against him.

+ The police are investigating whether someone had lit this fire.

+ The movie revolves around two Los Angeles homicide detectives investigating a murder in Nightmute, Alaska.

+ In the lagoon town, he is investigating organized crime and abduction.

+ Kwon is attacked by corrupt cops who were ordered by a man named Robert Morel to prevent Kwon from further investigating about Greely.

+ Anthropologists are still investigating the exact line of descent.

+ While investigating how a culture of “E.

+ The FBI is investigating two packages found at a postal facilities in Delaware, addressed to former Vice President Joe Biden.

+ Following a visit from two Gotham City Police Department detectives investigating Arthur’s involvement in the train murders, Penny suffers a stroke and is hospitalized.

+ The team has begun investigating the needs of editors who use mobile devices.

+ Dick Gumshoe is a detective who is usually in charge of investigating the cases that Phoenix takes on.

+ Balal Yousaf, Guijian Liu, Ruwei Wang, Qumber Abbas, Muhammad Imtiaz, Ruijia Liu: Investigating the biochar effects on C-mineralization and sequestration of carbon in soil compared with conventional amendments using stable isotope approach.

+ After investigating the contributions of this range, I have concluded that the only thing that has come from this range is vandalism.

+ As per the official standard procedure, All Complanists were Investigated by the concern investigating offices, authorities in detail at the central level, and according to a 13 pages closure reports Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bhardwaj is a completely clean man.

+ In October 2014, the New York City Police Department began investigating Collins after the media got an audio recording.

+ The Federal Bureau of Investigation were also investigating Epstein and his home.

+ The movie centres around Bond investigating an attack on MI6; the attack is part of a plot by former MI6 operative Raoul Silva to humiliate, discredit and kill M as revenge against her for betraying him.

+ The Indonesian Vice Presidency was created during the creation of the 1945 constitution by the Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Independence.

+ If a national court is investigating or prosecuting a case, the ICC is not allowed to.

+ On March 8, 2019, Manning was held in contempt of court by a United States District Court judge for refusing to testify to a federal grand jury investigating WikiLeaks and except for a brief period of release between May 9 and May 16 has been jailed continuously.

+ A flight recorder is a recorder placed in an aircraft to help with investigating an aircraft accident or incident.

+ It follows a stoner hippie investigating the case related to his ex-girlfriend and her wealthy boyfriend.

+ Blinded and unable to talk due to burned vocal chords, it was hard for her to communicate with the French police, who were investigating the incident.

+ Police spent 11 months investigating Epstein and his home.

+ Such information is very valuable for investigating the genetics of common diseases.

+ Subsequent to the Senior Police Inspector of Goregaon police station and finally to 3 Investigating officers of the rank of Assistant Police Inspector, and police Sub Inspectors of Mumbai police/crime branch.

+ The characters in film noir movies are often private detectives or police officers who are investigating crimes committed by bad criminals and gang members such as murder, gambling or prostitution.

+ The FBI is investigating the shooting as an act of Domestic terrorism in the United Statesdomestic terrorism and a possible hate crime.

+ Scientific method refers to techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.

+ She regrets declining the Doctor’s offer and has been investigating unusual phenomena in the hopes of finding the Doctor for some time.

+ He was sent to the South to monitor local law enforcement for any civil rights abuses, a role that included investigating the 1963 16th Street Baptist Church bombing which killed four girls.

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