“behaviour” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “behaviour”:

+ Hamilton’s equation describes whether or not a gene for helping behaviour will spread in a population.

+ As he grew older, Turner’s behaviour became a bit odd, and he became depressed quite often.

+ The behaviour of is completely inacceptable.

+ The respective behaviour is only classified as “paraphilia” if it is the only means for the person involved to get sexually aroused, for a considerable time.

+ In many cases, risky behaviour can provoke seizures.

+ They already agree with the values the behaviour stands for and maybe even find it practical.

+ Bonner recommends against nudity in the home where children are showing sexual behaviour considered problematic.

+ Don’t think his behaviour will be any different that it was prior to the ban.

behaviour - some sentence examples
behaviour – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “behaviour”:

+ Their behaviour can even be dangerous.

+ They also were able to observe the behaviour of animals they painted.

+ This behaviour is clearly advantageous to the female, whose genes have a better chance of contributing to the next generation if her partner is biologically fit.

+ Virtue is a kind of behaviour which is thought to be good.

+ It shows that homosexual behaviour has been observed in close to 1500 species, from primates to gut worms, and is well documented for 500 of them.

+ It seeks to turn the id’s drive to behaviour which brings benefits in the long term rather than grief.

+ One reason why some mammalian predators evolved group behaviour is that their prey lives in massive herds on grassland.

+ One well known kind of behaviour therapy is exposure therapy: People with fears are “exposed” to them, and learn how to cope.

+ We might differ on how long to ban someone, or to protect a page, but generally, we agree that a certain behaviour is vandalism, and needs acting upon.

+ Such behaviour is the subject of research.

+ For instance, levels of oxytocin decrease as a result of prolonged stress, which has been shown to reduce pair bonding behaviour and increase withdrawal behaviour.

+ They are highly diverse, not just in size and in anatomyanatomical structure, but also in behaviour and in habitat.

+ Their behaviour can even be dangerous.

+ They also were able to observe the behaviour of animals they painted.
+ This behaviour is clearly advantageous to the female, whose genes have a better chance of contributing to the next generation if her partner is biologically fit.

More in-sentence examples of “behaviour”:

+ This behaviour did not need to be taught.

+ Jullien’s behaviour might seem strange to us today, but he lived at a time when the role of the conductor was becoming very important as orchestras had become much larger than they had been in the 18th century.
+ Similar behaviour could be switched to pollen collection.

+ This behaviour did not need to be taught.

+ Jullien’s behaviour might seem strange to us today, but he lived at a time when the role of the conductor was becoming very important as orchestras had become much larger than they had been in the 18th century.

+ Similar behaviour could be switched to pollen collection.

+ This was done to prevent slow loading of pages due to ULS webfonts, a behaviour that had been observed by the Wikimedia Technical Operations team on some wikis.

+ This type of weather has affected the Moroccan culture and behaviour and played a part in the social interaction of the population, like many other countries that fall into this type of climate zone.presented in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 geographical encoding standard by the symbol “MA”. This code was used as the basis for Morocco’s internet domain, ma.

+ A role or a social role can be described as an expected behaviour of an individual.

+ By definition, all behaviour can be observed.

+ For instance, stressed male and female rats express inhibited mating behaviour which is evident through the clear increase in the inhibitory hormone RF-amide.

+ Hamiltonians can also be used to study the orbits of planets and in the behaviour of atoms using the principles of quantum mechanics.

+ Also, intelligent behaviour is possibly learned when an organism reacts enough to a stimulus.

+ The other way is to inherit the behaviour pattern by heredity.

+ Behaviorism says that man’s behaviour is affected by its results.

+ Heinroth showed that the behaviour of birds was characteristic of a species, as much as its anatomy.

+ His bad behaviour was more important to the band than playing his instrument well.

+ Some clays are thixotropic, and their behaviour is of great importance in structural engineeringstructural and geotechnical engineering.

+ Under Lloyd’s canon, animal behaviour should be explained in the simplest possible way.

+ When she saw the bad behaviour of some of the girls, she asked the Governor of Madras to help her set up a school.

+ Sheldon is known for his intellect, and his childish behaviour and manners.

+ The relationship between brain-to-body mass ratio and complexity of behaviour is not perfect, because other factors also influence intelligence.

+ Prominent Android developer Francisco Franco publicly criticized Xiaomi’s behaviour after repeated delays in the release of kernel source code.

+ In so-called ‘lower’ animals, most or all of the brain structure is Geneticsinherited, and therefore their behaviour is mostly instinctive.

+ Analogy behaviour is similar to synapses in the brain.

+ It began learn the behaviour of the individual nucleons.

+ Nearly 200 were released in mid 2004., Between Collaboration and Disobedience: the behaviour of Guantanamo detainees and its consequences.

+ Mobbing is developed or pushed by a leader who persuades others into a systematic pattern of “mob-like” behaviour toward the target.Shallcross, Linda “et al.”.

+ The behaviour of ipairs is undefined if nil values are present, so we need to make sure they are all removed.

+ A drive or desire is “a deficiency or need that activates behaviour aimed at a goal or an incentive”.

+ This is the type of behaviour that got him banned in the first place.

+ An advanced example is the way a human may improve understanding and behaviour after a teacher explains what was wrong with the previous effort.

+ Aggressive behaviour is associated with sex hormones, such as testosterone, and specific brain regions and systems such as the medial preoptic nucleus, prefrontal cortex-dependent response inhibition, and anterior hypothalamus.

+ Note! The helper templates may only be used in sections surrounded by or they may cause weird behaviour of your page.

+ When an offspring observes the expression of behaviour such as fear in response to a stress stimulus, the same response would be elicited in the offspring when the stimulus is presented.

+ Its behaviour is somewhat unusual for lemurs: it is active during the day, and spends much time on the ground.

+ This behaviour is almost always instinctive.

+ They say that the members develop a strong drive to gain influence, and that the behaviour resembles that of a sect.

+ Natural environment and thermal behaviour of Dimetrodon limbatus.

+ That of Commodus was comparatively peaceful in the military sense but was marked by political strife, and the arbitrary and capricious behaviour of the emperor himself.

+ Feeding behaviour has been reported for this shark and includes biting into schools of bony fish.

+ She has become well known for the bad behaviour she sometimes shows in public.

+ It is still used to compare their behaviour with that of other primates.

+ Freshwater crabs show different behaviour than other crabs.

+ Where behaviour seems to imply higher mental processes, it might be explained by trial and error learning.

+ I do believe his behaviour isn’t acceptable, and a block is the right thing.

+ They are given their own names in taxonomy, based on their appearance and the implied behaviour of their makers.

+ These frequent online gamblers are already vulnerable to addiction, and their behaviour in 2020 has been seriously impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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