How to use the word “thinner”

How to use in-sentence of “thinner”:

– Smaller and thinner labia are the labia minora.

– The air gets thinner the higher it is.

– It is round in section and somewhat thinner than spaghetti.

– Giant planets are commonly said to lack solid surfaces, but it is more accurate to say that they lack surfaces altogether since the gases that constitute them simply become thinner and thinner with increasing distance from the planets’ centers, eventually becoming indistinguishable from the interplanetary medium.

– Females have a larger abdomen than males but males have longer and thinner legs with a slim body.

– The treatment for this is breathing medicine to help add water to the lungs to keep the mucus thinner so it is easier to cough up.

– A badminton racquet has a longer, thinner neck than a tennis racquet with softer strings as the shuttlecock is hit up over a net.

– In the Byzantine Empire a technique with thinner wires were developed.

How to use the word thinner
How to use the word thinner

Example sentences of “thinner”:

- This is the thinner of the two main types.

- Thus, plates and volcanovolcanic activity were considerably more active than they are today; the Earth's crust was not only thinner than is today, but probably broken up into many more hot spots, rift valleys, and transform faults.
- Although Plasma TVs are much lighter and thinner than direct view and rear projection TVs, an LCD TV can be even more light and slim.

– This is the thinner of the two main types.

– Thus, plates and volcanovolcanic activity were considerably more active than they are today; the Earth’s crust was not only thinner than is today, but probably broken up into many more hot spots, rift valleys, and transform faults.

– Although Plasma TVs are much lighter and thinner than direct view and rear projection TVs, an LCD TV can be even more light and slim.

– As his part in the “Mario” series progressed, Luigi became taller and thinner than his brother.

– Pipe usually has thicker walls and may be threaded or welded, where tubes have thinner walls, and needs special joining techniques such as ‘brazing’, ‘compression fitting’, ‘crimping’, or for plastics, ‘solvent welding’.

– The advantage of a higher-voltage system is that thinner wire is used, which is less expensive and easier to pull through conduit.

– The thinner teeth and lighter skeleton of “Qianzhousaurus” suggest it hunted smaller creatures, such as lizards and feathered dinosaurs.

– AAAA are a newer, thinner type of battery, most commonly found in small electronics.

– While they look like emperor penguins, they are different in the fact that king penguins have longer beaks, orange coloration on their chest, and are thinner than the emperor penguin.

– The maritime pine is a large tree tree, that grows up to The bark is orange-red and thick, but thinner in the upper parts of the tree.

– It is smaller, seedier, has a higher acidity, a stronger aroma, and a thinner rind than that of the more common Persian lime.

– Laxoox bread is very similar to “injera”, made in Ethiopian and Eritrea, but is much thinner and smaller in size.

– The longer, thinner baguette helped solve this problem because it could be prepared and baked much faster.

– The national flagnational flag of the Gambia has three horizontal red, blue and green stripes separated by two thinner white stripes.

– The ancestor of modern humans who appeared around 50,000 years ago was more developed and could fabricate thinner flake tools and blade-like tools using a variety of stones.

– Dental floss can do most things that a toothpick can do but dental floss is much thinner than a toothpick and can thus get to places that most toothpicks cannot reach.

– Gothic buildings had thinner walls, larger windows, pointed arches and large buttresses.

– They were thinner than Renaissance recorders.

More in-sentence examples of “thinner”:

- The hot "tsuyu" in this instance is thinner than that used as a dipping sauce for chilled soba.

- This means that the titanium parts can be thinner and lighter, but still withstand the same forces.
- The snout becomes progressively thinner the older the gharial gets.

– The hot “tsuyu” in this instance is thinner than that used as a dipping sauce for chilled soba.

– This means that the titanium parts can be thinner and lighter, but still withstand the same forces.

– The snout becomes progressively thinner the older the gharial gets.

– Cold air becomes thicker and falls, and warm air becomes thinner and goes up.

– Again, the thinner the board, the faster you will go.

– As more and more of the sea ice is thinner first-year ice the greater effect storms have on its stability with turbulence resulting from major extratropical cyclones resulting in extensive fractures of sea ice.

– Televisions with plasma display panel are much thinner than cathode ray tubes and are usually higher definition.

– The iPad Air is 7.5 millimeters thick, which is thinner than both the iPad 2 and the iPad Mini.

– Other types of lava, like “pahoehoe”, “aa”, and “pillow lava”, are thinner and flow faster.

– Flamethrowers use a thinner version of the same fuel to destroy gun emplacements, bunkers and cave hideouts.

– It is thinner than the continental crust and denser.

– In the UK “chips” are seen as different to “fries” with chips being thicker cut than the thinner fries.

– Mantle dentin is a separate, harder but thinner layer that separates primary dentin from the tooth crown.

– The iPad Air 2 has a thinner design than the iPad Air and has new features, such as a better camera and a Touch ID fingerprint reader.

– When there is thinner and less mucus it is easier to breathe.

– It is possible to write in thicker or thinner lines by varying the angle, at which the reed pen is held.

– Obi worn for practicing martial arts are a lot thinner and shorter than other kinds of obi.

– To enable this amount of storage capacity on a removable microSD card, SanDisk developed a proprietary technique that allows for 16 memory die to be vertically stacked, each shaved to be thinner than a strand of hair.

– The unguis grows outward faster than the subunguis to make a curve and the thinner sides of the claw wear away faster than their thicker middle, making a more or less sharp point.

– Scientists found that mice who had more leptin in their bodies were thinner and didn’t need to eat as much.

– It was also a lot thinner and had curved edges because people were complaining that the first gen iPad made their hands sore.

– Also, pistols are often thinner and can be worn concealed better than revolvers.

– Gruel is a similar but thinner concoction to porridge.

– In the latter case the region column uses a thinner form.

– Females also have horns, but they are thinner and shorter.

– For thinner rectangles, this total area value “approaches” the area underneath the graph.

– Gas is present in large amounts so it will be divided in gas bubbles separated by liquid regions which may form films, thinner and thinner when the liquid phase is drained out of the system.

– They are available plain, or as a fruit pancake with raisins baked in, and larger thinner crumpets are made from the same recipe by watering down the mix.

– Audiences noticed that in the last number “Get Happy” she appears thinner than in the rest of the movie.

– This caused his taller, thinner look, combined with his Mario-design outfit and green color.

– It comes in many different types such as the very thick “cioccolata densa” in Italy, and the thinner hot cocoa that is usually drunk in the United States.

– In between the ribs were sloping surfaces of stone or brick that could be much thinner and lighter than the ribs.

– The information needed to establish relatedness becomes thinner the farther back.

– Body hair may also have been thinner to hasten cooling.

– Some notable changes that are featured, includes, a larger display and thinner bezels found on the device with the repositioning of the fingerprint scanner from the front to the rear panel.

– The higher above the Earth, the thinner the atmosphere.

– Like the iPhone 5, it is a thinner and lighter that introduces a 4-inch screen.

– Magpie-larks are also smaller, are thinner than butcherbirds, and have a different pattern of black and white markings.

– These new types of transparent ceramic armours make thinner armour with equal stopping power to traditional laminated glass.

– These didgeridoos also often vary widely in size and shape, many being thinner and straighter.

– It has a thinner design and also has Touch ID compared to the iPad Air.

– The myometrium grows at first but becomes thinner at the end of the pregnancy.

– Arms and legs both have a thicker bone at the top and two thinner bones at the bottom.

– As the rectangles become thinner and thinner, the rectangles cover the area underneath the graph better and better.

– Lenses made from clear polycarbonate can be thinner than lenses made from regular glass.

– The data revealed no atmosphere to a surface pressure of 0.03 microbars; if it exists, it would have to be far thinner than that of Triton Triton or Pluto.

– Thin ropes are made by hand forming thinner ropes.

– The cords can be thinner or thicker cords.

– The 80 and 160GB iPods were replaced with a thinner 120GB iPod for $249.

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