“ideology” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “ideology”:

– Eleanor was an active First Lady with her own ideology on many issues.

– They argued that sociobiology does not necessarily lead to any particular political ideology as many critics implied.

– America and Israel” as the four principal “enemies of Islam” at the ideology classes of bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda organization.Wright, Lawrence 2006.

– People began to lose faith in their Soviet system and ideology of Communism.

– This ideology strongly discouraged women from obtaining an education.

– An ideology is a collection of ideas.

– However nationalism can be a part of bigger political ideology or agenda that can be leftist or rightist or something outside that classification.

– Poetry is important for Iranian Kurds, because their position is made difficult by the ideology and oppression of Iran.

ideology how to use?
ideology how to use?

Example sentences of “ideology”:

– It embraced a radical nationalist ideology that differed only marginally from Ustaše ideology.

– He does not like the BNP because he thinks its ideology is not extreme enough.

– Anderson has written several books, the latest being “The Indian Ideology a polemic against the Indian nation-building project.

– The country’s leader Kim Il-sung said that the government was following his own ideology of “Juche”, which means “self-reliance”.

– Records show he had planned the attacks for years, as an act of anti-immigration ideology and against multiculturalism.

– The name Cool Silly comes from the band’s ideology that “a person can’t be cool unless they’re silly as well”.

– North Korea’s official state ideology is Juche.

– Naga nationalism is an ideology that supports self-determination by the Naga people, and the furtherance of Naga culture.

– While in Deuli prison, he was introduced to the communist ideology by the Marxist poet and veteran revolutionary Rebati Varman.

– The main ideology is green politics that aims to create an ecologically sustainable society.

– The “motte” of Mount Bures is most commonly recognised as Boudicca’s Mount; due to the ideology that the queen’s warriors were buried here.

– Gillibrand has moved her political positions and ideology toward a liberal, progressive position since her appointment to the Senate.

- It embraced a radical nationalist ideology that differed only marginally from Ustaše ideology.

- He does not like the BNP because he thinks its ideology is not extreme enough.

More in-sentence examples of “ideology”:

– The ideology is that the social classes should work together and have a common goal that aims for the good of everyone.

– The Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda was a ministry in enforced ideology in Germany.

– The Korean War occurred when the Korean government was made into Republic of Korea and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea because of political ideology after Pacific War and World War 2.

– The roots of the Ustaše ideology were in the Croatian nationalism of the nineteenth century.

– The Hindutva ideology according to Savarkar, states Ram-Prasad, is based on “geography, Race race, and culture”.

– The party is a member of the European Green Party and its ideology is Center-Left.

– His policies were very different from previous Peronists, The ideology of the Kirchners is known as Kirchnerism.

– The ideology of Nazism was based upon the idea of the Aryan race or Germanic peoples being a master race.

– Naresuan University’s ideology is to make pupils have educations, goodnesses and ethical behaviors to live with other people in society happily.

– This ideology was thought to elevate the moral status of women and benefit them in ways such as living lives of higher material comfort.

– Much of the ideology of the Reconquista was common to most CrusadesCrusading: soldiers from all Christendom travelled to Iberia to fight the Muslims as an act of Christian repentance.

– Those saying the party was moving to the right began early in Battern’s leadership when he began to focus the party around rejecting Islamic ideology and when a quote arose of Battern calling Islam a “death cult”.

– Like most uses of the verb to be, there is an ideology in these simple words.

– It was led by the Bharatiya Janata PartyBJP, and included several regional parties, including the AIADMK, as well as Shiv Sena, the only member which shared the Hindutva ideology of the BJP.

– Blood And Homeland”: Eugenics And Racial Nationalism in Central And Southeast Europe, 1900-1940 edited by Marius Turda, Paul Weindling Published 2006 Central European University Press Rory Yeomans article: Of “Yugoslav Barbarians” and Croatian Gentlemen Scholars: Nationalist Ideology and Racial Anthropology in Interwar Yugoslavia The NDH had a program, formulated by Mile Budak, to purge Croatia of Serbs, by “killing one third, expelling the other third and assimilating the remaining third”.

– What a majority of followers of an ideology or any kind of organization believe in can also be a dogma.

– In social studies, a political ideology is a certain Ethicsethical set of values, principles, myths, or social movement, class which explains how society should work.

– The party follows a political ideology that is similar to what the Liberal Party of Canada follows.

– As an academic pursuit, realism is not tied to ideology; it does not favor any particular moral philosophy, nor does it consider ideology to be a major factor in the behavior of nations.

– In World War II, Italy would join Germany in the Axis countriesAxis Powers because its leader, Benito Mussolini, had a similar ideology to Nazism.

– Neo-Nazism means the ideology of some politicspolitical groups who want to return to the beliefs and practices of Nazism after the end of World War II.

– He warns everyone to resist any ideology that would take away their personal freedoms, and he warns everyone to turn away from any belief that ignores the sanctity of human life.

– Marxism is an ideology advocating for the rights of workers and labourers of society.

– For instance, “socialism” may refer to an economic system, or it may refer to an ideology which supports that economic system.

– Conservative liberalism is a political ideology that can be best described as representing the right-wing of the liberal ideology.

- The ideology is that the social classes should work together and have a common goal that aims for the good of everyone.

- The Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda was a ministry in enforced ideology in Germany.

– These included both the influence of empiricism on Marxist theory, and humanist and reformist socialist orientations which could be seen as divisions in the European Communist Parties, as well as the problem of the ‘cult of personality’ and of ideology itself.

– In the 1960s and 70s, an ideology called Islamic socialism became popular in the Arab world.

– Its ideology depends on its members’ ideology.

– Ustaše ideology thus created a theory about a pseudo-Gothic origin of the Croats in order to raise their standing on the Aryan ladder.

– Odpor embraced a radical nationalist ideology that differed only marginally from Ustaše ideology.

– Several groups which adhere to the same ideology have possibly used the name independently of each other.

– And it can go on and on, bringing out the best styles, tactics and ideology to love better in diversified ways making us more sane with love rather than being insane.

– The All Jammu and Kashmir National Conference, led by Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah, espoused a secular ideology and wished to create a secular, democratic but independent Kashmir with close ties to British India.

– Today, the only remaining countries who are adherents of Marxism-Leninism are: China, Cuba, Vietnam, and Laos, with North Korea moving to its own political philosophy, Juche, though the ideology was also influenced by Marxism-Leninism.

– However, the ideology was not recognized and truly followed until the 1840s and 1850.

– The basic ideology is based on the idea of a sound mind in a sound body in a sound society in a sound environment.

– The ideology that religion is the determining factor in defining the nationality of Indian Muslims and Hindus was postulated by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who termed it as the awakening of Muslims for the creation of Pakistan.

– Ecclesia militants at war with the ideology of Tyrš”, and “XV.

– National Socialism is an extreme right-wing, economically opportunistic ideology that is heavily inspired from the works of Oswald Spengler.

– He sees these virtues as a way of avoiding ideology or “absolute-sounding ethic”.

– Mussolini’s form of Fascism, “Italian Fascism”- unlike Nazism, the racist ideology that Adolf Hitler followed- was different and less destructive than Hitler’s.

– A political ideology largely concerns itself with how to allocate power and to what ends it should be used.

– He has published many works on historiography and political ideology in modern China, as well as issues in modernity, globalization, and post-colonial criticism.

– Sometimes the same word is used to identify both an ideology and one of its main ideas.

– Some parties follow a certain ideology very closely, while others may take broad inspiration from a group of related ideologies without specifically embracing any one of them.

– The scene had an ideology that some people say was like a cult.

– A major proponent of the ideology was the secret “Broederbond” organization and the National Party that ruled the country from 1948 to 1994.

– In the USA the ideology may be found in some part of the Democratic Party.

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