Use in sentence of “look for”

How to use in-sentence of “look for”:

– Governments began to look for ways to care for patients outside of hospitals.

– Once this is done, it will look for a good place to pupate.

– Pygmy shrews dig through soil to look for food.

– In 1937, Nabokov started to look for another job.

– People who look for mushrooms to eat are called “mycophagists”, meaning “mushroom eater”, while The act of looking for mushrooms is simply called “mushrooming”.

– Adult frogs look for food at night and spend most of their time in trees.

Use in sentence of look for
Use in sentence of look for

Example sentences of “look for”:

– Is there anybody who may have some pointers as to what to look for here? I don’t want to start swinging blindly and delete the main page or something.

– The Zimbabwe High Court told the Zimbabwe Republic Police to look for Mukoko.

– Sisler taught Robinson to look for a fastball.

– Blood films are usually examined to investigate disorders of the blood and, occasionally, to look for Apicomplexaparasites within the blood such as malaria and filaria.

– Martin goes to Chicago to look for a wife.

– They will sometimes look for better shelter during the storm.

– Heiter after their car breaks down and they go to his house to look for help.

- Is there anybody who may have some pointers as to what to look for here? I don't want to start swinging blindly and delete the main page or something.

- The Zimbabwe High Court told the Zimbabwe Republic Police to look for Mukoko.

– Mexico was the southernmost area from which he had received a butterfly, so he started traveling there to look for the Monarchs.

– Krillin learns of other Dragon Balls on planet Namek and joins Bulma and Gohan to look for them to revive their friends and bring back Earth’s Dragon Balls.

– They usually look for underground place to aestivate.

– He went straight to the Blue Mountains to look for gold.

More in-sentence examples of “look for”:

– The company sent him to Southeast Asia to look for another port as the trade between Britain and China was increasing.

– When the meerkat group is eating, a guard will stand up and look for any animals that might eat its family.

– In this book, while Jason and his friends look for the Golden Fleece, Orpheus tells them a lot of other stories about places they go and people they meet.

– Of course, when they have seen this done once, they will know to look for this same ‘acronym’ thing again.

– John Gould Veitch was an expert on plants and growing plants, he was also a traveller and one of the first Victorian British plant experts to visit Japan to look for and collect new plants.

– The colleges look for the students with the best school results in the subjects for which they are applying, typically A marks on A-levels.

– Scientists are continuing to find out more about Eris and its moon, and to look for any more moons and possible rings.

– Rather than work with a political party to change law, they may start to look for direct revenge for things.

– These frogs look for food at night and like to sit in the sun during the day.

– He escapes with Percy, Annabeth, and Rachel Elizabeth Dare, who have to go back into the Labyrinth to find Grover and Tyson, who had stayed behind to look for Pan, god of the Wild.

– Hylas set off to look for fresh water.

– Its broad, fluffy paws let it walk on ice and snow to look for food.

– As the ores silver and tin were not found any more in the mines, former miners had to look for new ways to feed their families.

– Also, customers began to look for lighter food menus.

– They also do not look for their mate for a long time, and do not have a lot of young.

– He hired teams to look for fossils for him.

– After a nasal vaccine, the body’s immune cells look for the virus in the nose and mouth.

– At night they look for food like larger insects, snails, eggs, baby birds, small mousemice, and spiders.

– So, practically speaking, knowing the wave for one of these photons would not give a clue about where to look for it.

– Some people have long used magic and science to look for a way to live forever.

– The publicly stated reason for the invasion was that Saddam Hussein refused to let United Nations inspectors look for suspected nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.

– They look for them on branches and the underside of leaves in milkweed bushes.

– The second day, the students begin to explore the woods in north Burkittsville to look for evidence of the Blair Witch.

– Willie Nelson was born in Abbott, Texas on April 29, 1933, His parents moved from Arkansas in 1929, to look for work.

– Doctors can use an electrocardiogram to look for patterns among these heartbeats and rhythms to diagnose various heart conditions.

– Many pro-lifers think women who are pregnant and do not want to raise a child should look for alternatives to abortion such as adoption.

– It was easier to look for Kyoko, and get the law’s help to look, if they stayed in America.

– It can also look for food on land that humans use to graze animals.

– It is recommended that this template be placed at the bottom of the page, where readers will look for the categories, although it is a somewhat common practice among some editors to put it at the top.

– What he told the police and rescue workers who came to look for her did not always make sense.

– Afterward the two walk together and look for their cars.

– Although Heinrich d’Arrest was still a student at the Berlin Observatory, he suggested that a newly drawn map of the sky, in the region of Le Verrier’s predicted area, could be compared with the current sky to look for the change of position of a planet, as compared to a fixed star.

– If the “datatype” parameter is “ISO 3166-2”, the template will look for a specific country.

– AWB can be used to look for other values, which will likely be errors.

– The group sees that Randal is gone and starts to look for him.

– Many people have gone there to look for this hidden treasures but they didn’t find any.

– As a teenager, Roach ran away from home to look for his biological parents.

– For example, if someone come across a cup of spilled milk, that person could look for evidence as to how the milk was spilled.

– Alger went West to look for material.

– Many women choose to shave or remove this hair because it gives a neater and cleaner look when wearing some types of clothes, however some women do not shave and choose to have a natural look for cultural or symbolic reasons.

– Adult frogs hide in the stream or near waterfalls during the day and look for food at night.

– Many people have tried to look for Franklin and what has happened to his crew, but they were not found until later on.

– They are called army ants due to their aggressive predatory groups looking for food, known as “raids”, in which many ants look for food at the same time in one place, attacking other animals “en masse”.

– With his artillery overpowered Pendleton panicked and left his post as commander of the Confederate forces to look for reinforcements.

– After they landed, Turner was part of the group who went out on exploratory trips to look for permanent places to live.

– It was founded in the early 1880s to look for iron.

- The company sent him to Southeast Asia to look for another port as the trade between Britain and China was increasing.

- When the meerkat group is eating, a guard will stand up and look for any animals that might eat its family.

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