“Human rights” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “Human rights”:

+ Her early writings supported human rights and fought against violence.

+ The main principle is that “all human rights are universal, indivisible and interdependent and interrelated.” This means that the international community must treat all matters about human rights both economic, social and cultural rights and civil rights equallly and with the same importance without exceptions.

+ This Declaration aims at full realization of all human rights and freedoms without any discrimination such as racism, xenophobia, being in immigration, migrant workers, indigenous, ethnic groupethnic or disabilities.

+ However, ever since Cyprus sought membership in the European Union it has had to change its human rights legislation, including its laws regarding sexual orientation and gender identity.

+ Among more than 1500 speaker at the meeting, there was Louise Arbour, who was a president of United Nation working for human rights of all over the world.

+ European Union also has signed it but many people in Europe is against the Agreement because it can violate human rights especially the freedom of expression and privacy.

+ One of its first successes was the European Convention on Human Rights in 1950, which serves as the basis for the European Court of Human Rights.

Human rights example in sentences
Human rights example in sentences

Example sentences of “Human rights”:

+ PIN organizes the One World Film Festival each year to show human rights documentaries.

+ Today, Pak’s critics deplore the widespread human rights abuses in South Korea during his rule.

+ However, many countries in the world do not protect the human rights of their people.

+ This Convention is made as a series of the international human rights law and at the “Preamble” of the Convention, they recall the conventions of the International Labour Organization about migrant workers and unfree labour.

+ The women receive job training, childcare, help with education, and human rights training.

+ Matlyuba Kamilova or Matluba Kamilova is an UzbekistanUzbeck human rights activist and school principal.

+ In the late 1970s, he started to look for Human Rights in the Eastern Blok, where some friends of his lived, too.

+ He said she had courage because she defended the human rights of others.

+ In line with its views on sovereignty, the organisation appeals for the protection of cultural diversity, and the tolerance of the religious, socio-cultural, and historical particularities that define human rights in a specific region.

+ PIN organizes the One World Film Festival each year to show human rights documentaries.

+ Today, Pak's critics deplore the widespread human rights abuses in South Korea during his rule.

+ The rights afforded by the ius gentium were considered to be held by all persons; it is thus a concept of human rights rather than rights attached to citizenship.

+ He was the founder of Initiative Group for the Defense of Human Rights in the USSR.

+ Because people believe that human rights are important, countries make laws to protect them.

+ Solange Pierre or Sonia Pierre, was a human rights activist in the Dominican Republic.

+ People in Need also gives the Homo Homini award to a person protected human rights and developed democracy without using violence.

+ After his studies he went back to Cape Town, and in the following years committed himself against apartheid working in various human rights groups and organising non-violent actions.

+ The “Utopia Guide to Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar Vietnam” references “Transgender shaman channelling spirits at Myanmar sacred festivals.” Yet, within Burma itself, no formal gay bars or LGBT human rights organisations exist as of yet.

More in-sentence examples of “Human rights”:

+ He was a member of the United Nations Human Rights Committee.

+ In 2016, Ros received a Human Rights Campaign#AwardsVisibility Award from the Human Rights Campaign.

+ Aziza Siddiqui is a human rights activist from Afghanistan.

+ In 2000 he became a member of the government’s Human Rights Council.

+ She has participated in many humanitarian activities, including fighting for AIDs awareness and fighting against human rights violations.

+ There are a few led organised LGBT Human rights movement such as the movement named “Shams”.

+ She was awarded the Public Service Award in Tribute and in Recognition of efforts for the advancement of human rights and Muslim Women’s empowerment by International Association for Women and Children in 2000.

+ UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson have not liked that the council acts for politics instead of human rights.

+ However, his supporters argue that the human rights abuse accusation is mostly fabricated or exaggerated.

+ Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms a right to an adequate standard of livinggood standard of living as a human right with enough social security and aid when having difficult situation, such as joblessness, illness, disability, losing one’s partner, and being old.

+ During the 2014 Venezuelan protests, Stefanía participated in the “Your Voice is Your Power” campaign, fighting against violence, human rights violations and the censorship of media in Venezuela.

+ The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, better known as the Istanbul Convention, is a International human rights instrumentshuman rights treaty of the Council of Europe against violence against women and domestic violence which was opened for signature on 11 May 2011, in Istanbul, Turkey.

+ During the 2000s, Bulgaria and Romania made changes, such as improving their democracydemocratic system, human rights acts, freedom of speech acts, economy and laws.

+ It is the world’s oldest human rights organization.

+ The modern Western idea of human rights started in the European Enlightenment.

+ Historian Michael Charleston Chua published a study entitled, “TORTYUR: Human Rights Violations During The Marcos Regime” that detailed the different kinds of torture used by authorities during this dark chapter in Philippine history, as recounted by victims and published in different reports.

+ Spain, the European Court of Human Rights and the European Union see Batasuna as the political wing of ETA.

+ Rommel Roberts was married to Celeste Santos, also a human rights activist, and they had a son and a daughter.

+ Agence France-Presse said that UN Watch is a friend of Israel and it fights for human rights worldwide.

+ Suzanne Nossel of the human rights group PEN America blamed President Trump, who has said bad things about journalists since before he was elected.

+ This was done because human rights abuses came to the attention of the United Nations.

+ However, this did not include any resolutions regarding LGBT human rights issues.

+ On 16 September 2014, Samar went to a meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland.

+ According to the Human Rights Watch the Greek population in Turkey is estimated at 2,500 in 2006.

+ In 2017, she was a listed as one of the finalist of the Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders.

+ Discrimination against the Dalit minority has become an important human rights and political issue.

+ Above all else, she is well known for her fighting against human rights violations and women and child abuse.

+ In support of gay rights, Michele performed at the Human Rights Campaign Dinner in November 2009.

+ As well, the Organization of American States has adopted the American Convention on Human Rights in 1969 and the African Union has adopted the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights in 1981.

+ According to the Spanish state, there were no violations of human rights after the fall of the Franco regime, and the use of violence for political reasons is inacceptable.

+ The European Court of Human Rights is made by this Convention to realize human rights in the member countries of Council of Europe with legal force.

+ To encourage the respect, enjoyment and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, on the basis of the principles of universality, objectivity, impartiality and non-selectivity, avoiding politicization of human rights issues, thus ensuring that all human rights of individuals and peoples, including the right to development, are promoted and protected in a balanced manner.

+ International human rights law including International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Article 23, section 3 also prohibit unfree marriage without consent of each person.

+ Carter campaigned for more government programs and mentioned the importance of human rights and preventing nuclear war.

+ She is the founder of Defenders of Human Rights Center in Iran.

+ Bouterse is held responsible for the numerous human rights violations committed under his dictatorship, such as the murder of 15 people known as the December murders, and the massacre in the village Moiwana.

+ The second reason is because this is against human rights that the international agreement keeps safe.

+ The European Court of Human Rights refused to acknowledge that the European Convention on Human Rights provided a right to die, and her appeal to that court also failed.

+ The International Society for Human Rights is an international Non-governmental organizationnon-governmental, non-profit human rights organization with Participative Status with the Council of Europe.

+ The Convention also has the optional protocol that enables national or international organization for human rights investigators to research the prisons in a country that ratifies the protocol for knowing if any torture or inhuman treatments or punishments prohibited by the Convention are done.

+ In June, George Floyd’s brother, Philonese Floyd, asked the United Nations Human Rights Commission to make a team to study the killing of black people by the American police.

+ She represented the organizations Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain, and Human Rights Watch in Saudi Arabia.

+ The March on Washington was one of the largest non-violent protests for human rights in United States history.

+ Demonstration is permitted by international human rights law as the freedom of assembly if done peacefully.

+ Héctor Marcos Timerman was an Argentine journalist, politician, human rights activist and diplomat.

+ The so-called Minister for Human Rights Samir Dilou stated that “Freedom of Speech has its limits”, Homosexuality is a “perversion”, and gay people needed to be “treated medically” for this.

+ Gosteli’s work was recognized by many honors and awards, including the 2011 Swiss Human Rights Award.

+ He was a member of the United Nations Human Rights Committee.

+ In 2016, Ros received a Human Rights Campaign#AwardsVisibility Award from the Human Rights Campaign.
+ Aziza Siddiqui is a human rights activist from Afghanistan.

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