Make sentence of “equally”

How to use in-sentence of “equally”:

– If we are equally divided, we should not go forward with this, in my opinion.

– It is now probably equally well known as the home of the “Eden Project “trip hop” music, Cornwall’s seafood restaurants, and surfing beaches.

– The area of the Great Victoria Desert is shared roughly equally by the states of South and Western Australia.

– The role was given to the equally good Tamara Karsavina, who became their regular “prima ballerina”.

– Getting the number from the numeral is equally simple, by adding the values of the symbols.

– Thus can equally be applied to that of Simon-Nathanael, except the second.

Make sentence of equally
Make sentence of equally

Example sentences of “equally”:

– The genetic material is replicated, then equally split.

– I’d probably go for just semi-protection, although I’d equally support full protection, as it is used on such a vital pages, and it’s only a small part of it, which probably would need relatively few changes.

– The figurines were equally fashionable.

– OI occurs equally in both male and females and can affect all ethnic groups.

– This federal-Land split means that the Federation can make sure laws are enforced equally throughout the country, because it says what courts must be set up.

– The next three kings were also equally aggressive.

– Wills’ letter said, “It is the desire Also, Wills’s letter “made it equally clear to the president that he would have only a small part in the ceremonies”.

- The genetic material is replicated, then equally split.

- I'd probably go for just semi-protection, although I'd equally support full protection, as it is used on such a vital pages, and it's only a small part of it, which probably would need relatively few changes.
- The figurines were equally fashionable.

– Some researchers say women experience feeling like an impostor more often than men, but others say they experience it equally frequently.

– Italy then led for a short time on the back of their own equally successful World Cup qualifying campaign, after which the top place was re-claimed by Germany.

– Any sincere expression of thanks is equally acceptable to the Guru.

– When the atoms bond together, the electrons are traded between the two equally and create a very strong bond.

More in-sentence examples of “equally”:

– Thanks to Japanese’s policy that equally distributed resources for economic development, southern Taiwanese could find a job near their home in that time and even in the early time of the governance by KMT who succeeded Japanese to rule Taiwan since 1945.

– Males and females are affected the same equally and there is no racial, geographical or occupational predilection.

– In 2006 a study showing that the malaria mosquito is attracted equally to the smell of Limburger and to the smell of human feet earned the Ig Nobel Prize in the area of biology.

– Each column will be the same width, equally dividing the available horizontal space.

– Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women says that scholarship must be equally given for girls without discrimination.

– Monitoring our service in real-life situations can be proved most of the times also equally important.

– These people may spread power equally or not equally.

– Observing Islamic religious values, upholding tribal traditions and customs is their trait of life but they are equally mild-natured, enterprising, open-minded, outward looking, accommodative and peace-loving.

– I feel equally comfortable in both.

– As a result, the electrons in the bond are not shared equally by the two atoms.

– A man’s property is divided equally among his children.

– The main goal of the civil rights movements is that all people’s rights are equally protected by the law, including the rights of minorities.

– It is equally common in males and females, and doctors must be careful not to wrongly identify a child as Haltlose since many of the symptoms are actually normal for children,such as selfishness, lack of planning and feigning emotions they see others having, and they only suggest a mental illness if they continue at later ages.

– His record in matches was equally impressive: at Berlin in 1890 he drew a short play-off match against his brother Berthold; and won all his other matches from 1889 to 1893, mostly against top-class opponents: Curt von Bardeleben 1889; Jacques Mieses 1889; Henry Edward Bird 1890; Berthold Englisch 1890; Joseph Henry Blackburne 1892, without losing a game; Jackson Showalter 1892–1893; and Celso Golmayo Zúpide 1893.

– These fairy tales are a facet of the Medúmbà culture, the richness of which he depicts in his autobiography “My Childhood and Youth”, that was equally published in 2010.

– Usually they are about equally good.

– Raidas refuted the prevalent Caste System of the time and stated that all people were equally cared upon by god.

– If we divided the children up into equally sized classes, then each of the 20 teachers’ classes would have 25 pupils.

– They are all equally likely.

– The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment says that the government has to give every person “the equal protection of its laws.” People who supported the addition to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, like Ted Kennedy, said that by not allowing 18- to 20-year-olds to vote, the government not treating them equally by not letting them vote.

– I don’t feel we can have a blackout as there are 9 in opposition, but equally cannot “not” have a blackout as there is 8 in support.

– Another kind of socialism is “collectivization.” In this system, money and goods are shared more equally among the people, with the government in control.

– The land in Romania is equally divided among mountainous, hilly and lowland areas.

– Usually, this means that letters look equally spaced, and two letters are never too close together or too far apart.

- Thanks to Japanese's policy that equally distributed resources for economic development, southern Taiwanese could find a job near their home in that time and even in the early time of the governance by KMT who succeeded Japanese to rule Taiwan since 1945.

- Males and females are affected the same equally and there is no racial, geographical or occupational predilection.

– Maurer bases this conclusion on a judicious study of Margaret’s pattern of presenting gifts; this revealed that Margaret took a great deal of care to demonstrate that she favoured both York and Edmund Beaufort equally in the early 1450s.

– With her public duties, she was equally devoted, becoming Patron of a number of charities.

– Seats in the Senate are equally divided among four regions: Maritimes, Quebec, Ontario, and the West, with special status for Newfoundland and Labrador, and Northern Canada.

– For an individual, it is equally “beneficial” to reproduce itself, or to help relatives with similar genes to reproduce, “as long as similar number of copies of individual’s genes get passed on to the next generation”.

– He also was equally shocked about halting of the movement.

– Upon the other handkerchief would be placed an equally impressive row of cigarettes.

– They believed that the world belonged equally to everyone, and that suffering was caused by false judgments of what was valuable and by the worthless Traditioncustoms and conventions which surrounded society.

– When Mary is sent to Special Education, she makes a new best friend, the tomboyish and equally socially-awkward Helen Lewengrub.

– Instead, things like food and housing are shared equally among all members of the community.

– In the book Darwin made some famous predictions, including his proposal that the long nectary of “Angraecum sesquipedale” meant there must be a moth with an equally long proboscis.

– Some Christian groups prefer to favor the New Testament, while others believe the entire Bible is equally important.

– The Act says that all of these groups must be treated equally at work, when applying for jobs, and in private and public services.

– Hale said that he understands why, but also says that the show equally treats male characters the same.

– Fervent support of a sports team, or kissing the ring of an organised crime lord, or a militarymilitary enrollment is equally a ritualrite, because it has consequences for the behaviour of the person, and for their beliefs.

– It helps other templates check if a string is “longer or equally long” vs.

– The other half share was split equally between Makoto Kobayashi.

– Players are divided equally into teams.

– Regarding Template:Darkwing Duck, it’s made by a different user but is equally pointless.

– Thus a string of 500 length or more are always considered to be “longer than or equally long”, no matter what length value it is compared with.

– By generating additional resources for social services, unequal income distribution will be limited as such social services are distributed equally across each community; benefiting each individual.

– They believed everyone deserved to be treated equally and with respect no matter their race or gender.

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