“statehood” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “statehood”:

– Guyana has also seen political movement favoring and advocating for it to become an American associated territory with eventual statehood as its goal.

– It was kept as the state flag upon statehood in 1959.

– The political process that led to statehood for Kansas was long and difficult.

– Translation: “Eugen Kvaternik, twin brother of Ante Starčević, when stressing the statehood rights of the Croatian kingdom, said that only the closest alliance of the hearts and the political alliance between Serbian and Croatian people – is the most reliable warranty of the better future of both people.

– In 1805, the Michigan Territory was created, and five men were territorial governors, until Michigan was granted statehood in 1837.

– An article in the Chicago Journal of International Law, the law review of the University of Chicago Law School, examined Liberland’s claim to statehood in light of the criteria laid out by the Montevideo Convention.

– Along the way, traders spread Indian culture – notably Hinduism and Buddhism, but also advances in the sciences and arts, the Sanskrit writing system and sophisticated models of statehood – across mainland Southeast Asia, as far east as the southern half of Vietnam, and down through the islands of Indonesia.

– The beginings of Czech statehood we can found in 895, when there was founded the first Czech country ruled by the Premyslid dynasty.

statehood - sentence examples
statehood – sentence examples

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