Some in-sentence examples of “violently”

How to use in-sentence of “violently”:

– It reacts more violently than the other alkali metals with water.

– Iodine reacts violently with some metals like aluminium to make large amounts of heat and toxic vapors.

– Arsine reacts violently with oxidizing agents, such as the halogens.

– It also reacts violently with indium at high temperatures.

– Peaceful at first, the demonstrations turned to a sit-in that was violently broken up by the Madison police and riot squad, causing many injuries and arrests.

– In a television interview in the 1990s for the popular magazine “Veja”, he also made controversial declarations about the Augusto PinochetPinochet’s military dictatorship in Chile, praising the Chilean dictator and stating that “the regime should have acted more violently to restore the country.”.

– Angry, Scarlett jerks her arm away violently and falls down the stairs, killing their unborn child.

– He tried to overthrow Ryan, but the revolt was violently crushed and Fontaine was said to be dead.

Some in-sentence examples of violently
Some in-sentence examples of violently

Example sentences of “violently”:

– In the mid-1870s, there was a rise in new insurgent groups, such as the Red Shirts Red Shirts and White League, who acted on behalf of the Democratic Party to violently suppress black voting.

– He is sometimes a violently psychopath who always freaks out and smash things when he is angry and he has a disorder.

– When Madame Flora, or “Baba” as they call her, arrives home drunk, she violently chastises them for not preparing for that night’s seance.

– Bentley most commonly places his hands on an individual’s head or area of infirmity but sometimes has more violently kicked out or hit the volunteer while calling out for the power of God to descend.

– Rubidium reacts very violently with water to make hydrogen and rubidium hydroxide, a strong corrosive base.

– Unconscious, he fell violently backwards onto the balcony.

– In a completely different genre, there are the “grotesques”, which contrast violently with the canons of “Greek beauty”: the “koroplathos” fashions deformed bodies in tortuous poses — hunchbacks, epileptics, hydrocephalics, obese women, etc.

– As the war hurt production and supply, every ADAM user in the city went violently insane.

– After the April 1903 ChișinăuKishinev pogrom, in which many Jews were violently attacked in Russia, Herzl suggested to the Sixth Zionist Congress to look at the offer as a temporary way to keep Russian Jews safe.

– Ward soon became violently ill and had a seizure and an ambulance had to be called.

– In the first phase of this period, almost every city between Troy and Gaza was violently destroyed, and often left unoccupied: examples include Hattusa, Mycenae, Ugarit.

– The Nazis were violently antisemitic.

– The system erupted violently over a eight months between June 1783 and February 1784.

– With the painting Les Demoiselles d’Avignon 1907, Picasso dramatically created a new and radical picture depicting a raw and primitive brothel scene with five prostitutes, violently painted women, reminiscent of African tribal masks and his own new Cubist inventions.

– It can react violently with reducing agents.

- In the mid-1870s, there was a rise in new insurgent groups, such as the Red Shirts Red Shirts and White League, who acted on behalf of the Democratic Party to violently suppress black voting.

- He is sometimes a violently psychopath who always freaks out and smash things when he is angry and he has a disorder.
- When Madame Flora, or "Baba" as they call her, arrives home drunk, she violently chastises them for not preparing for that night's seance.

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