Example uses in sentence of “scared”

How to use in-sentence of “scared”:

+ The crest allows the owner to have an idea of what they are feeling; straight up if scared or excited, flat when they’re angry, and slightly curved is normal/happy.

+ Watson’s experiment was important because he was able to teach Albert to be scared of something.

+ Anne’s father, Otto Frank, was scared that the Nazis would find him and his family which he needed to protect, he then spoke to some of the people who worked in his business.

+ Watson started his experiment by testing if Albert was scared of anything.

+ Hacha became so scared of Hitler that he fainted.

+ He gets scared very easily and is too trusting, but he is loyal and can be brave at important times.

Example uses in sentence of scared
Example uses in sentence of scared

Example sentences of “scared”:

+ Watson wanted to test if he could make Albert scared using classical conditioning.

+ This scared many people, and lots of communists argued about whether this was right and whose ideas should be followed.

+ Watson wanted to test if he could make Albert scared using classical conditioning.

+ This scared many people, and lots of communists argued about whether this was right and whose ideas should be followed.

+ Watson discovered that Albert was scared of the sound of a hammer hitting a steel gong with a hammer.

+ The Three Little Pigs get scared and run away with Wolf who claims they are his ride.

+ People were often scared of them.

+ Constantine, scared of being killed abdicated.

+ People become scared that the strange thing will attack other ships, so the United States government sends an expedition to look for the thing and find out what it is.

+ The English, scared that they would lose, wanted a peace treaty.

+ The scared fish think that no predators are in the tank.

+ Bearded dragons do not make sounds usually, but when they are scared they might hiss like a cat.

+ Bart is still scared when the lights are turned off.

+ Meliboea was so scared by this that she turned permanently pale.

+ Leading on from this the CBCC state in there LDP that they are focusing on improving the landscape of areas that have been scared because of quarrying as mentioned earlier.

+ People were scared that vaccines might cause autism after an English doctor called Andrew Wakefield wrote a scientific article that said that they did.

+ The most important thing is to not be scared of making these changes.

More in-sentence examples of “scared”:

+ For example the West Memphis 3, 3 teens accused of murder, were prosecuted just because of people being scared of the occult.

+ The episode then cuts to the “Spinosaurus” habitat, where a drought is taking place and the “Spinosaurus”, scared away from the remaining water by a “Sarcosuchus”.

+ They are solitary fish that are not scared of anything, as they have no predators other than groupers.

+ Over time people became scared of Enma.

+ Perry brought steamships with guns, which scared the Japanese into making an agreement with him.

+ Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared is a British surrealismsurreal filmmakers Becky Sloan and Joseph Pelling.

+ He also voiced Shaw in “Open Season: Scared Silly”, filling in for Gary Sinise.

+ Amaterasu became so scared of his wrath that she went to hide into a cave, Ame-no-Iwato.

+ Cornelius is scared of being caught.

+ The gods were scared that he would eventually destroy them.

+ The prophecy the Oracle gave her appears to have scared her and she refuses to say the last line.

+ A person with ophidiophobia not only fears them when in live contact, but is scared to think about them or even see them in video or still pictures.

+ The crocodiles are scared away by a “Sarcosuchus”, which closes in on the trapped “Paralititan”.

+ The Stuka bombing scared the reserves at Rhenen.

+ The French Revolution only scared them more.

+ They may be scared that they will not be believed or feel too ashamed to talk about what happened.

+ They were met by angry and scared Christianites who feared that the police were going to demolish other houses too.

+ Phobia is different than just being scared of something.

+ Zeus scared the Titans away with his thunderbolts, but the Titans had already eaten everything but Dionysus’s heart.

+ Little Albert also became scared of other things, called generalization.

+ Also, the BDD stops the person from making these ‘bonds’ with people, as they always feel scared about the way they look, and therefore find it difficult to be themself with other people.

+ After Westley, Inigo and Fezzik get inside the castle, Humperdinck is scared and tries to finish the wedding quickly.

+ Amy Klobuchar’s abuse of staff scared off candidates to manage her presidential bid” “The Huffington Post” Feb.

+ Selena told him that she was scared for the first time, while Chris tells Selena that he loves her.

+ Farmers in the area were scared he would set their crops and haystacks on fire.

+ For example the West Memphis 3, 3 teens accused of murder, were prosecuted just because of people being scared of the occult.

+ The episode then cuts to the "Spinosaurus" habitat, where a drought is taking place and the "Spinosaurus", scared away from the remaining water by a "Sarcosuchus".
+ They are solitary fish that are not scared of anything, as they have no predators other than groupers.

+ She is so scared that she dies before she can speak.

+ But the king ran away anyways, because he was scared of the Jacobins, who didn’t like kings.

+ The people get very scared and build fences, land mines, and guns.

+ Watson wanted to see if Albert was scared of a white rat.

+ Many of Jesus’ apostles were scared of the Roman soldiers and ran away.

+ Japan’s leaders welcomed them at first, but because Europeans had conquered many places in the world, the Japanese were scared they would conquer Japan too.

+ The police protecting Aaron Sherritt were too scared to leave his hut and the murder was not reported until the next day.

+ The dodo was not scared of people which made it easy to hunt and kill.

+ Kikyo pins Inuyasha on a scared tree with an arrow.

+ If they get confused, angry, or scared they may sting, and inject venom, which hurts.

+ He is scared of piloting, and has left NERV a few times.

+ They were scared of bad effects that the game could have on their kids.

+ Now he had lost his best friend, and Joe is scared to go on alone.

+ Heather’s friends said that the videos scared Heather.

+ Additionally, not conforming to these expectations can make someone feel scared or guilty.

+ The pterosaur is scared away by a “Skorpiovenator”, which proceeds to kill and eat the hatchling.

+ In Hesiod’s “Theogony”, Zeus married Metis, but soon after, Zeus was scared of her giving birth to a child because the Oracle of Delphi had said that she will give birth to Athena, and a son that would overthrow Zeus, just like Zeus overthrew Kronos, who overthrew his father Uranus.

+ Like most babies Albert was not scared of the white rat.

+ Also, she has said grooved floors are best, because cows are scared of slippery floors.

+ Quokkas are not scared of people, so you are able to get quite close to them, particularly on Rottnest Island.

+ They had to change the title in stores to “Salt Sweat Sugar” because they were scared “Bleed American” would be taken the wrong way, possibly in an offensive way due to the September 11 attacks.

+ The costume made people very scared because it was a sign that they would die soon.

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