Some in-sentence examples of “constantly”

How to use in-sentence of “constantly”:

+ Since interwiki redirects do not work, I went through all the broken redirects caused by userpages trying to link directly to other wikis and replaced the redirects with links instead to clean out the pages being constantly listed as broken.

+ Unlike other special operations teams, MB Officers are battle hardened and are constantly operating and are active in the war on the PKK in the south eastern Iraqi border region of Turkey and even cross border action into Northern Iraq.

+ A millipede species” Pneumodesmus newmani” was the first animal species to live constantly on land that lived 428 million years ago.

+ I now nearly constantly patrol recent changes, reverting vandalism and QDing articles, of which I now have over 130.

+ As a rolling release system, Arch Linux’s repositories are being constantly updated.

+ At least part of this was due to overwork; Japanese carriers had been constantly operating since 7 December 1941, including raids on Darwin and Colombo.

Some in-sentence examples of constantly
Some in-sentence examples of constantly

Example sentences of “constantly”:

+ He was first made a cabinet minister in 1979 and served constantly through 18 years of Conservative government.

+ The Model model is holding a crystal apple, and reads “True love never runs smooth” symbolizing the relationship between Riko and Teppei, which constantly faces struggles from when they meet for the very first time to the love triangle.

+ Huckert was constantly proposing to Ivers, yet for a while she did not agree.

+ This protects them from being constantly eaten because of their slow movement.

+ Chemists are constantly working to find new and useful substances.

+ Plants take up atmospheric carbon dioxide by photosynthesis, and are eaten by animals, so every living thing is constantly exchanging carbon-14 with its environment as long as it lives.

+ In the following centuries, Vilnius became a constantly growing and developing city.

+ People like Mordecai Kaplan believed that Judaism is like a civilization that constantly develops.

+ The border between the two countries has constantly altered, and many of the small towns have been, at various times, on one side or the other.

+ If the student constantly makes contact during free fight, his mind will become wild.

+ McGregor, and compared to his great uncle and great aunt, he develops a dislike for Peter Rabbit for constantly stealing from his garden.

+ He was first made a cabinet minister in 1979 and served constantly through 18 years of Conservative government.

+ The Model model is holding a crystal apple, and reads "True love never runs smooth" symbolizing the relationship between Riko and Teppei, which constantly faces struggles from when they meet for the very first time to the love triangle.
+ Huckert was constantly proposing to Ivers, yet for a while she did not agree.

+ From 1939 to 1945, the Nazis were constantly making the camp bigger to hold more and more prisoners.

+ One problem with the matchlock was that the match had to be constantly lit.

+ Their eyes are mounted on mobile stalks and constantly move about independently of each other.

+ They constantly interact with it and adapt themselves to conditions in their environment.

+ Its main function is to constantly supply fresh air, usually from the outside, while sending stale air back out. Fans and pumps, vent grates and air flow tunnels are common in these structures.

+ He was constantly in money difficulties and was prisonimprisoned for debt at Seville at the end of 1602.

+ He constantly torments this bird, but finally, after enduring a lot of hardship and oppression, Phoenix rises like a nation under oppression and tyranny, burns all those who caused his suffering in his fire, and is born again free.

+ Walsall has been majorly redeveloped and modernised since the 1970s and is still being constantly developed.

More in-sentence examples of “constantly”:

+ He also understood the importance of constantly reevaluating the market for changing tastes and mores, stating in 1907 that “tastes change, fashions change, and the advertiser has to change with them.

+ Climate change has happened constantly over the history of the Earth, including the coming and going of ice ages.

+ I am constantly looking at the new pages and changes, and I want to continue to help stamp out vandalism, and check off the good pages that fit in with the simple english pages criteria.

+ DNA in cells is constantly being damaged.

+ Meanwhile, Almayer’s ventures constantly fail, most notably an expensive trading house, the “Almayer’s Folly” that no one trades in.

+ These fins help the shark from constantly rolling around.

+ Using dispute resolution can be treated as hounding if it involves constantly making petty and trivial complaints about another editor.

+ Major was constantly showing up at the Okeh offices, offering to run errands for Carl Davis, telling him about the record he’d once made and how he and Curtis Mayfield were friends from their childhood.

+ Whoever repeatedly avoids work, despite previous warning stays away from roll calls for work assignments or head counts, constantly reports to the doctor or dentist without reason, feigns physical suffering or disability doesn’t march, constantly acts lazy and sluggish, was unclean, writes obnoxious letters, steals from fellow prisoners, hits, bullies for their attitude, derides or ridicules, will be punished for incorrigibility with continuous punitive labor, detention, with punitive exercise or be flogged.

+ Bella also finds herself constantly hungry and sick.

+ The user named Chaipau is constantly removing sourced information from the “Rebellion” section of the page, calling it irrelevant.

+ He was constantly in dispute with the church, and with the coastal duchies of Naples, Gaeta and Amalfi.

+ The German defenders fought aggressively but constantly pushed back by overwhelming force.

+ The DNA repair process must be constantly active so it can respond rapidly to any damage in the DNA structure.

+ This affects her memory in which she constantly wakes up not knowing anything of the day.

+ The principles of evolution are constantly moving mankind toward god-consciousness, where man and reality connect in unified enlightenment.

+ Besides, I would have to constantly look for an administrator to help out in doing administrative actions.

+ He constantly stressed the importance of a strong and exclusive brand image for Pears and of emphasizing the product’s availability through saturation campaigns.

+ Being a busy port, there were numerous lodging houses and a constantly changing population.

+ Huh? I thought you constantly said that there’s already enough; I think once you also firmly said you’d never run for that reason.

+ Since the end of the Civil War, historians have constantly reviewed Abraham Lincoln’s suspension of the writ of habeas corpus.

+ After five years of going nowhere, Richard and Karen Carpenter wanted to sign with a record label, but were constantly rejected.

+ The colours change constantly depending on the quantity of minerals or organisms in the water and the angle of sunlight.

+ Honeybee queens constantly release pheromones that regulate the activity of the hive.

+ For example, consider two Companycompanies which want to share multiple gigabytes of information that constantly changes.

+ During this time it rains constantly in some regions.

+ Butterflies, parrots, toucans, and hundreds of other colourful birds constantly fly through the tops of the trees.

+ Despite being kayfabe married to Kane, Lita harried him during his matches, constantly aiding his opponents.

+ The G-Man is the mysterious character that constantly appears and interferes in the Valve Software games Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode 1 and Half-Life 2: Episode 2.

+ But constantly changing positions does not work for satellite TV and other types of satellites that send and receive a lot of information.

+ Some say it first came from constantly reciting the Qur’an, meditating, and through experience.

+ I also feel it somewhat reflects poorly on a Wiki community to repeat articles at their Main Page, so this system allows us to constantly renew our contents.

+ Marxist thinking claims that capitalists and workers are constantly struggling.

+ Even though Jethalal constantly refuses to give Nattu Kaka and Baagha a hike in their salary despite their constant requests, they are still loyal to Jethalal and are dedicated to their work.

+ Also, there is the idea of constantly changing world, as the explanation of 11th hexagram tells, “Everything flat will be inclined, and everything gone will be come back.” Similarly, the idea of endlessness can also be found.

+ He was constantly at war.

+ The body’s cells constantly display short fragments of their proteins on the cell’s surface, and, if a T cell recognises a suspicious viral fragment there, the host cell is destroyed by “killer T” cells and the virus-specific T-cells proliferate.

+ Fuel cells work like a battery being constantly fed with fuel so it never runs out.

+ The volcano has erupted many times and is constantly active with minor eruptions, often visible from many points on the island and from the surrounding sea.

+ Every episcopal see is seen as holy and the Eastern Orthodox Church constantly applies the adjective “holy” or “sacred” to all its sees, but “the Holy See” normally means the see of Rome, which is also called “the Apostolic See”.

+ The “répertoire national des certifications professionnelles” has for purpose to make available to individuals and businesses constantly update information on educational degrees and certificates on the lists established by the “commissions paritaires nationales de l’emploi des branches professionnelles”.

+ Or, there are times where I know I would block someone who is constantly vandalizing, and Majorly does it before I can file a report.

+ This makes one hemisphere constantly face the partner body.

+ Because the Maldives has the lowest elevation of any country in the world, the temperature is constantly hot and often humid.

+ Little to no encyclopedic work – the need to constantly try to comfort him whenever he throws a tantrum = a lot of time wasted and no little gain at all.

+ The key to this process is gaining information about their customers and constantly coming up with new services for them.

+ With the disposable you must constantly buy new ones.

+ He also understood the importance of constantly reevaluating the market for changing tastes and mores, stating in 1907 that "tastes change, fashions change, and the advertiser has to change with them.

+ Climate change has happened constantly over the history of the Earth, including the coming and going of ice ages.
+ I am constantly looking at the new pages and changes, and I want to continue to help stamp out vandalism, and check off the good pages that fit in with the simple english pages criteria.

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