How to use in-sentence of “quarantine”

How to use in-sentence of “quarantine”:

+ The equestrian events were not held in Australia because of quarantine regulations.

+ The affected seven persons were under quarantine for two weeks.

+ Blythe House also houses facilities including a conservation laboratory, a photographyphotographic studio, and a quarantine area where newly-arrived items are looked at.

+ On 8 March 2020, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte expanded the quarantine to all of Lombardy and 14 other northern provinces, and on the following day to all of Italy were placed on quarantine.

+ For those who are sick then it is important for them to quarantine to make sure they don’t spread the disease.

+ According to the Syrian Ministry of Health, There are 32 quarantine centers for suspected COVID-19 cases located in 13 governorates.

How to use in-sentence of quarantine
How to use in-sentence of quarantine

Example sentences of “quarantine”:

+ On January 1, 2000, the Quarantine Pier of Odessa trade sea port was made a free port and free economic zone for 25 years.

+ He asked for permission to let his sick sailors go ashore to Guam, where the ship was docked at the time, and go into quarantine there instead of on board the ship.

+ The match between KÍ and Slovan Bratislava was cancelled due to Slovan Bratislava players being put into quarantine after one player had tested positive for coronavirus, and KÍ were awarded a technical 3–0 win.

+ The National Crisis-management Staff later increased the recovery house quarantine by a week to 28 days.

+ The first case of the COVID-19 pandemic in Israel was confirmed on 21 February 2020, after a female citizen tested positive for coronavirus disease 2019 after return from quarantine on the “Diamond Princess” ship in Japan.

+ Since the player becomes infected by Kharaa, they cannot deactivate the quarantine protocols.

+ Two days later, Dubai started an 11-day quarantine campaign as an effort to contain the coronavirus.

+ On February 21, 2020, she arrived in the village of Novi Sanzhary, where she spent 14 days in quarantine with evacuees from China.

+ As the player finds crewman logs and alien archives, they discover the Aurora was shot down by an ancient alien quarantine facility to contain a virulent fatal bacteria known as “Kharaa”.

+ The story focuses on Joel and Ellie, two survivors that have escaped the soldier patrolled quarantine zones, in hopes to find the cure to the disease that Ellie may be the beginning of.

+ I-Arch-i-/4800-03/08 On 27 December 1943, Pivnik was admitted to the prisoner infirmary in the Quarantine area KL Auschwitz II-Birkenau, B IIa, Block 9, with suspected typhus.

+ As of 23 March, forty-five quarantine centers have been built in the country by the Sri Lanka Army.

+ The sick were taken to a quickly built quarantine camp.

+ As of 15 March, 33 cases were confirmed, 637 were held under quarantine and 54 were under hospital supervision.

+ On January 1, 2000, the Quarantine Pier of Odessa trade sea port was made a free port and free economic zone for 25 years.

+ He asked for permission to let his sick sailors go ashore to Guam, where the ship was docked at the time, and go into quarantine there instead of on board the ship.

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