“anatomy” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “anatomy”:

+ Integrating gross anatomy into a clinical oncology curriculum: The oncoanatomy course at Duke University School of Medicine.

+ His “Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of Vertebrates” 3 vols.

+ Some entirely fossil groups are still placed where they are on anatomy and commonsense rather than hard molecular evidence.

+ The purpose of comparative anatomy is to see their working structure, and to decide upon the phylogenetic relationships between different groups of animals.

+ For long periods the dissection of deceased people was forbidden, and correct ideas about human anatomy was a long time coming.

+ These two terms, used in anatomy and embryology, describe something at the back of an organism.

+ Later he based them on the anatomy of the human skull.

+ At heart, their anatomy is similar, despite many superficial differences.

anatomy example in sentences
anatomy example in sentences

Example sentences of “anatomy”:

+ When human anatomy textbooks use the term superior colliculus they are referring to the tectum.

+ Paleognath is a word derived from the ancient Greek for “old jaws” in reference to the skeletal anatomy of the palate, which is described as more primitive and reptilian than that in other birds.

+ This infobox is one in a series of anatomy infoboxes, all of which share common parameters.

+ Ed read books on human anatomy and NazismNazi concentration camp experiments.

+ Their anatomy may resemble the texture and color of the surrounding plants, giving them camouflage.

+ Human corneal anatomy redefined: a novel pre-Descemet’s layer.

+ In the anatomy of developing animals, the brain forms from the neural tube, which turns into three vesicles.

+ David Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco, California; and a professor of anatomy at University of California, San Francisco.

+ Due to the anatomy of the eye, dogs can see better in dim light than humans.

+ The anatomy of “Neopilina” shows “serially repeated structures” such as gills.

+ The comparative anatomy of animals, revealed by dissections, gives clues as to their evolutionary relationships.

+ This book is about the anatomy of the human body.

+ Before the Anatomy Act of 1832 widened the supply, the only legal supply of corpses for anatomical purposes in the UK were those condemned to death and dissection by the courts.

+ When human anatomy textbooks use the term superior colliculus they are referring to the tectum.

+ Paleognath is a word derived from the ancient Greek for "old jaws" in reference to the skeletal anatomy of the palate, which is described as more primitive and reptilian than that in other birds.

More in-sentence examples of “anatomy”:

+ OCR GCSE: Medicine Through Time Parragon, World History Encyclopedia By studying anatomy they learnt the positions of bones, muscles, and Organ organs.

+ Galloanserae is the clade fowl the form they Together relatives ary evolution close are groups two these suggest similarities molecular biology Molecular and anatomical Anatomy of Studies eat we which and farm or hunt we birds of mostly is group The bird game a for used be may 'fowl' word the So gun by hunted often and eat to good are groups these in birds that happens.
+ Pages are added to this category by Template:Infobox anatomy and the following: Template:Infobox artery, Template:Infobox bone, Template:Infobox brain, Template:Infobox embryology, Template:Infobox ligament, Template:Infobox lymph, Template:Infobox muscle, Template:Infobox nerve, Template:Infobox neuron, Template:Infobox vein.

+ OCR GCSE: Medicine Through Time Parragon, World History Encyclopedia By studying anatomy they learnt the positions of bones, muscles, and Organ organs.

+ Galloanserae is the clade fowl the form they Together relatives ary evolution close are groups two these suggest similarities molecular biology Molecular and anatomical Anatomy of Studies eat we which and farm or hunt we birds of mostly is group The bird game a for used be may ‘fowl’ word the So gun by hunted often and eat to good are groups these in birds that happens.

+ Pages are added to this category by Template:Infobox anatomy and the following: Template:Infobox artery, Template:Infobox bone, Template:Infobox brain, Template:Infobox embryology, Template:Infobox ligament, Template:Infobox lymph, Template:Infobox muscle, Template:Infobox nerve, Template:Infobox neuron, Template:Infobox vein.

+ The oldest known mosquito with a basically modern anatomy was found in 79-million-year-old Canadian amber from the Upper Cretaceous.

+ He was director of the Institute of Anatomy at the University of Bern.

+ Charles Darwin himself used comparative anatomy as the main tool in his work on barnacles.

+ He sat on a Committee on the Negro, which studied the anatomy of Black people to try and prove that they were an inferior subgroup.

+ Galen was a Roman physician whose surgical descriptions of neurology helped describe the anatomy of the brain and neurological disorders.

+ Cats have anatomy similar to the other members of the genus “Felis”.

+ In medical astrology and anatomy Gemini is said to rule the shoulders, arms and hands.

+ In amniotes the inner anatomy of the egg has evolved further and new structures have developed to take care of the gas exchanges between the embryo and the atmosphere, as well as dealing with the waste problems.

+ Because mollusks have so many different shapes, many textbooks start the subject of molluscan anatomy by describing what is called an “archi-mollusc”, “hypothetical generalized mollusc”, or “hypothetical ancestral mollusc” to illustrate the most common features in the phylum.

+ His head was cut off and sent to the professor of anatomy at the University of Melbourne.

+ Implications of the post-cranial anatomy of “Homotherium latidens” for comparative palaeoecology.

+ Adduction is a form of movement in animal biology which brings a part of the anatomy closer to the sagittal plane of the body.

+ Santiago Ramón y Cajal 1 May 1852 He shared the 1906 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Camillo Golgi for their work on the anatomy of the nervous system.

+ He studied at the University of Queensland, the University of Sydney and University College London, before taking a position as head of the newly established department of anatomy at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1922.

+ His most famous book is “The Anatomy of Criticism”.

+ He later studied geology and mineralogy in New Haven, and afterwards paleontology and anatomy in Berlin, Heidelberg and Breslau.

+ These differences lie in the anatomy of the brain, the activity in certain brain regions as well as in the connections between brain regions.

+ Raphael was able to learn a great deal from Perugino – drawing, the anatomy of the human figure, paint chemistry, and the technique of putting the paint onto the picture in smooth layers.

+ They help describe the anatomy of animals.

+ Vegetative anatomy of the New Caledonian endemic Amborella trichopoda: relationships with the Illiciales and implications for vessel origin.

+ Comparative anatomy is the scientific comparison of animal bodies.

+ The larval and adult stages differ very much in their anatomy and behavior.

+ In his school Knox ran up against the problem from the start, since – after 1815 – the Royal Colleges had increased the study of anatomy in the medical curriculum.

+ He teaches a course that combines Physical Education, as well as Health education, which includes information on drugs, alcohol and tobacco, as well as anatomy and physiology.

+ Their anatomy and DNA sequence analyses show they were are in the Columbidae.Shapiro, Beth “et al” 2002.

+ Early finds were incomplete, and showed strange anatomy with features typical of theropods, prosauropods and ornithischians.

+ Weber became a doctor, specializing in anatomy and physiology.

+ This section describes how to use Template:Infobox anatomy or one of its related templates effectively.

+ Michelangelo asked the prior at the Church of Santo Spirito to allow him to study the anatomy of the bodies of people who had died at the church’s hospital.

+ This template generates external link to Foundational Model of Anatomy entry using FMA identifier.

+ It was a seven-volume treatise on optics, physics, mathematics, anatomy and psychology, from 1011 to 1021.

+ He began work on the anatomy of plants in 1664, and in 1670 his essay, “The Anatomy of Vegetables begun”, was communicated to the Royal Society.

+ In 1893, Robert Wiedersheim published a book on human anatomy and its relevance to man’s evolutionary history.

+ He was the most popular lecturer on anatomy in Scotland, but his class were always short of bodies to dissect.

+ He was a teacher of human anatomy to Edinburgh medical students, so needed bodies for his students to dissect.

+ It was already known from anatomy that the muscles and nerves of the face were the same or similar in all humans.

+ He used comparative anatomy to classify human races, of which he listed five.

+ They were not going to follow the rules of anatomy and perspective in the way that Leonardo and Raphael did.

+ In six separate research reports, palaeontologists reported on the anatomy of a juvenile male skeleton, MH1, a female skeleton, known as MH2, and an isolated adult tibia or shinbone, known as MH4.

+ I do not believe we should inaccurately promulgate the by claiming something as anatomy when it is yet to be proven to the satisfaction of medical science.

+ Many of the details of plant anatomy are related to their pollinators, and vice versa.

+ He is an author of many books, such as biographies of Mao Zedong, “Mao: A Life”, and of Pol Pot, “Pol Pot: Anatomy of a Nightmare”.

+ Sexuality are way down the most viewed list, whilst sexual anatomy was extremely high up.

+ Later it was reclassified as an anseriform when the duck-like anatomy of its skull and bill was found.

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